Wild Sweet Orange

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Blackberry Leaves, Citric Acid, Ginger Root, Hibiscus Flowers, Lemongrass, Licorice Root, Natural Flavours, Natural Orange Flavor, Orange Peel, Rose Hips, Rose Petals, Spearmint, Turmeric
Chalky, Orange, Acidic, Artificial, Citrus, Sour, Tart, Citrus Fruits, Citrus Zest, Hibiscus, Mandarin, Orange Zest, Tangerine, Tangy, Bitter, Citrusy, Astringent, Burnt, Ginger, Spices, Tannin, Sweet, Lemongrass, Apple, Fruity, Lemon, Sugar, Mint, Licorice, Lemon Zest, Medicinal
Sold in
Tea Bag
Caffeine Free
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 45 sec 5 g 17 oz / 514 ml

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From Tazo

A juicy herbal infusion of orange peel, lemongrass, citrus herbs & licorice root.

The juiciest of oranges are wrangled into your cup by tangy hibiscus flowers twirling lassos of lemongrass. Proving that wild oranges don’t need to be tamed, just understood.

Steep and begin a journey that spans continents and centuries of speed-of-sound steam trains. Sip the sun, rain, and fog of the morning where these delicate botanicals were picked.Read more

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160 Tasting Notes

260 tasting notes

Jillian Lena sent me this tea.

Here is my review.


Seriously. Look at the picture.

ETA: If you want an actual review, please read the plethora of other reviews on this tea. They paint its portrait quite nicely.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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Jillian 15 years ago

Uh….I’m pretty sure it wasn’t me who sent you that tea. I don’t even drink Tazo except the odd time I’m at Starbucks. 0_o

takgoti 15 years ago

My bad! It got mixed up in my box o’ tea swap samples. I want to say I’m sure it was Lena, but now my world’s mixed up.

Jillian 15 years ago

LOL, I was just about ready to wail “NOOOOO, IT WASN’T MEEEEE!!!” XD

BTW I agree 100% – that tea is nasty!

fcmonroe 15 years ago

Reading the ingredients, I’m wonder who thought mixing citrus with licorice would be a good idea.

JacquelineM 15 years ago


Erin 15 years ago

oh my goodness. that sounds terrible!

Auggy 15 years ago

Reading through all the reviews of this cracks me up. I know it is wrong but I’m so tempted to find a bag of this now just to taste the horror. Hahaha!

Cloudwalker Teas 15 years ago

Love it. Once again, an awesome Takgoti review. Sometimes a picture really does say it all.

~lauren. 15 years ago

Love the photo & had to read all the reviews on it — it was so intriguing. Even if I do what the Olympics are doing (throwing out the lowest score and the highest score) it still made for fun reading. I am convinced – not going to try this one.

takgoti 15 years ago

I’m happy y’all enjoyed my masterful photoshopping. [That’s about the extent of my drawing skillz.]

This tea is horrible. It explodes with bad. It is like orange rind and hibiscus decided to load up on performance-enhancing drugs, and then one night they were both drinking a fair amount of wine and they let the night take them to a place where they never should have gone. And the result of all of those awful, terrible decisions was this tea.

That is only slightly hyperbolic.

Auggy 15 years ago

Hahahahaha! ♥

teaplz 15 years ago

HAHAHAHAH. This is awesome and amazing and I’ve had this tea. Wow. I just remembered that. And it was BAD.

LENA 15 years ago

lol…it WAS me. I’m just now seeing this post. The HAHAHA’s on the teabag packaging should have given it away.

takgoti 15 years ago

Hee, I should have figured. I’ve gotten sent a number of bagged teas in bright orange packaging [one of which I believe was from Jillian] so that was my bad. I thought about heeding the HAHAHAHA! but then I figured what the hell, and at least it’d probably make for a funny log. The bad ones are more fun to write photograph.

Jillian 15 years ago

Yeah, I think I sent you a bag of my Stash Peach Oolong which also is in a bright orange package. Veeeeery sneaky Lena, trying to foist the blame off on me. ;P

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161 tasting notes

Smells like a cleaner
Did I eat a vitamin?
Tart, sour, orange-y.

Yep, that about sums it up.

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wombatgirl 15 years ago

I liked how it smelled – in package….

Janefan 15 years ago

nice haiku!

LENA 15 years ago

I agree, it just smelled super orange-y in the packet.

teaplz 15 years ago

Do you know what’s awesome about this review? I know you have a different accent than me, and that’s tickled me pink. Because no matter how I read that last line – 6 syllables. SO COOL. I love different accents.

Also, ew, cleaner! So many lemon teas smell like Lemon Pledge. This seems like the orange equivalent.

LENA 15 years ago

@ teaplz – well sh*t…it is 6 isn’t it? I don’t have THAT much southern drawl! lol! I guess this isn’t so much an accent thing as a terrible haiku. :(

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15620 tasting notes

I can get behind this one in summer as a cold brew tea. I like adding a bit of sugar too…though I’m also a fan of mixing this with lemonade. Had a bag of this left over that I wanted to finish off. Wheee!

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Indigobloom 12 years ago

I don’t mind this one either. Kinda refreshing! thanks for the lemonade idea :P

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

I was just digging through my tea cabinet, looking for bagged teas to bring to the Harp Society Salon event tomorrow, & the pickin’s are slim, but I did come across a box of Wild sweet orange! It’s a little intense of a tea for me, but every once in awhile I have a cup, usually over ice.

Sil 12 years ago

I know a LOT of people don’t like this tea but it’s one of those teas for me that in the right setting, is good. Just not something i’d ever drink every day heh.

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525 tasting notes

After reading the…um…opinionated reviews on this tea, and seeing that Tazo has, once again, added citric acid to the ingredients, I steeped this for only 45 seconds. It was 45 seconds too long. This tea is not worth drinking on its own. There’s probably a way to doctor it up so that it tastes palatable, but as it is…blegh.
I do enjoy the bright orange color. It makes me feel like a kid. Reminds me of those colored drinks in those little plastic things that look like barrels. 25 cents from the corner store! I think those things taste better than this. Though to be fair, my short steep probably didn’t allow any flavors to develop. The tartness would have been unbearable if I let it go any longer though.

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42 tasting notes

Ummmm…yeah. I am on business travel and his tea happened to be in my hotel room. I was working late in the evening and decided to give it a shot. OUCH. If I steeped my jock strap from 9th grade 2-a-day football practice in creek water, I am not sure it would have been much worse.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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LiberTEAS 15 years ago

wow… ok… Um… yeah… that’s pretty bad.

Erin 15 years ago

Hahaha! Nasty!

B HILL 15 years ago

Looking back, that review is a little graphic…

Erin 15 years ago

But very funny!

LiberTEAS 15 years ago

very vivid… evoking some images I didn’t really need… yeah.

mpierce87 15 years ago

LOL this is great, don’t think I will ever be going out of my way to try this tea though.

Will P 15 years ago

Glad they all finally get to meet the real you.

Ski Bum Tea Drinker 10 years ago

I spit my tea out laughing at this! I tried it a couple weeks ago on a company trip and only got a couple sips before pouring it out. Your description is much better than anything I could write.

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1737 tasting notes

I brewed up a cup of this Tazo Wild Sweet Orange tonight and attempted yet again to understand why it gets no love—and indeed a lot of hate!

Okay, so it’s not orange juice, and it’s not tea. Okay, so it’s a tart hot liquid perhaps comparable in some ways to Theraflu—except that it is orange, not lemon or cherry.

Truth be told: I actually like Theraflu!

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__Morgana__ 11 years ago

I think this was the one Tazo I was too afraid to try after reading the reviews here. ;-)

sherapop 11 years ago

Morgana: the reviews are excessively negative, and I have to wonder whether there’s some group behavior going on there. lol. Seriously I have been questioning my own taste on this one. How can so many people find it to be so horrible????

Starfevre 11 years ago

In my defense, I’ve only had it on airplanes.

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48 tasting notes

True Story: I had such horrible morning sickness and my friend did too. She told me to “get that orange tea at Starbucks” because it was the only thing that made her feel a bit less nauseated. So, I did. I thought it tasted weirdly like, wait for it, warm Tang. Gross, right? But not really? I just loved it. But my taste buds were all weird from the morning (noon and night) sickness, so I’d soon grow to hate it, right? No. I still love this tisane, a decade later. The end.

Boiling 2 min, 15 sec
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Nik 12 years ago

The orange Airborne I like to take reminds me of hot Tang, too, and I love it. I’m going to have to try this tea!

Serenity 12 years ago

Yes, kind of sweet/tart orangey?

fermataleaf 12 years ago

Really? I think I have a bag of this somewhere, but I was always too scared to try it…

Serenity 12 years ago

fermataleaf, I understand. When you are ready.

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133 tasting notes

Last night I developed a wet cough – yeah gross, right? It could be symptoms of the horrific allergies I have as a Midwesterner. Or it could be because my husband has been out of town for the last couple days and I haven’t been taking the best care of myself while he’s away. (Staying up late, eating crap because it’s easier, you get the idea.) Thankfully he’s coming home this evening.

My throat is a little scratchy and sore, just enough to be annoying. Times like these I turn to orange juice, however there is none in the house (and I’m too lazy to go to the store). So I reach for this because it’s the closest thing that my lazy butt is going to get to OJ. Sadly, I have a ton of this from my early days as a tea drinker. 3 bags in 8oz of boiling water and iced with sweetener. Its a little better than drinking some disgusting powdered Theraflu-type stuff, but ACK! Must…. choke…. down….

Boiling 8 min or more

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1719 tasting notes

This has been in my drawer forever. I have been afraid to try it. A bagged herbal infusion. Starbucks what were you thinking when you bought Tazo? Hibiscus, blackberry, orange, and spearmint. How could this be anyone’s idea of good? I at least waited until the cup cooled before dumping it out. Gross.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
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Wonks 13 years ago

Yeah I personally use Tazo as a reference for cheap murky garbage. If you ever see me compare a tea to Tazo… it’s because I can’t think of a worse insult.

Dinosara 13 years ago

LOL I have seen this one in the piles of tea bags at the hotel… glad to know not to waist my time on in it!

Devilish 13 years ago

Hibiscus + blackberry is enough to kill! This tea really sounds horrible!

K S 13 years ago

Happy to take one for the team…. I guess :)

cteresa 13 years ago

it sounds like a catastrophe.

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652 tasting notes

(Should my dear friends who gave me this tea today be reading this, please know that I loved the gift. That it came so thoughtfully from you makes my disappointment harder to bear.)

AUGH! Hibiscus! GROSS! Man oh man … this might be tolerable without the everlasting hibiscus. Tart to being sour, almost bitter. This tisane could strip paint. It smells lovely in the bag, and once the hot water hits it. Smells so refreshing — yet tastes like an axe made of leaden hibiscus. Seriously, that one ingredient ruins sooo many tisanes. So damn tart! And to think there’s lemon grass and citiric acid here, too …

A cup of Lemon Cream Rooios from David’sTea seems like milk in comparison.

Let’s look at the ingredients for Tazo Wild Sweet Orange here:

Ingredients: Lemongrass, blackberry leaves, citric acid, rose hips, spearmint, natural flavors, orange peel, safflower, hibiscus flowers, rose petals, natural orange essence, ginger and licorice.

At least ten tart/citric ingredients. Ye gods. Wild Sweet Overkill.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
heatherwassing 14 years ago

Yeah, Wild Sweet Orange isn’t for the faint of heart. But it is leaps and bounds better than the current orange-sucker manifestation they replaced it with at Starbucks! GROSS

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