615 Tasting Notes
Other than the Almond Milk, I’ve really enjoyed all the SBT’s I’ve tried and this one isn’t an exception.
I ended up cold steeping this for around 8-10 hours in my 2 quart pitcher. No sweetener or anything added, as usual. This ended up tasting sweet and feels just a little creamy. It’s heaviest on the strawberry, then the vanilla, and not quite as much as the chocolate. I definitely get a milk chocolate tastiness at the tail of a big sip though. This is definitely Neapolitan through and through.
So, I totally thought I’d be safe drinking tea with my seafood allergy, so I usually don’t make a huge point to mention it in swaps. I know there are fishy pu-er out there, but it’s not actually because there is fish in it (duh). Because seriously, who puts fish in tea?
Bigelow, that’s who.
I did a tea swap (off of Steepster) and received 3 bags of Pomegranate Blueberry Herb Plus tea, which has added Omega 3. The Omega 3 is from a natural blend of oils, including tuna oil.
So, after very nearly brewing myself up a cup of potentially dangerous tea, I decided to have this. I know better than to not mention that allergy now, though.
In any case, this tea is definitely very minty, and the spearmint/peppermint blend is a satisfying cooling menthol sensation. The fennel adds a bit of licorice-like sweetness, that I thought really complimented the blend.
This is definitely not as offensive (read: toothpaste-like) as a lot of other bagged mint blends I’ve had.
The chai/spiced element of this is the strongest, with cinnamon and ginger at the forefront of that.
I don’t really get much in the way of chocolate, and the berry flavor is kind of a subtle and more in the tail of the sip. I’m really finding the spiced-element overwhelming and I wanted more berry!
I need to try this again made with milk and sugar, I think.
Thanks Shadowfall!
I do quite this tea late in the afternoon or after dinner. Peppermint makes my tummy happy.
The flavor is dominantly peppermint, with the roundness of the darjeeling kind of comes out at the end. It feels a bit more substantial than a normal peppermint, but there isn’t much flavor past that.
Lots of burnt sugar and caramel flavors here, with a lot of depth to the cup. The caramel just gets deeper and richer as the cup cools. There’s a touch of a creaminess of the mouthfeel.
The rooibos adds a bit of woodsiness that, while I don’t care for it, it doesn’t seem to be present in each sip. It almost seems to disappear completely as the cup cools.
This is a really decadent and desserty cup.
This is a little like drinking a cup of warm cinnamon water. It’s not really the sweet, candy-like cinnamon flavor I like, either. More of like a cinnamon challenge dissolved in water kind of flavor.
A pinch of sweetener coaxes our some apple and it becomes more like drinking watery apple cider.
Overall, not terribly good, but not bad enough to not finish the cup.
Ugh, cinnamon water. Makes you wonder what people who tested it out thought of it, or if they even tested the tea before packaging and selling it.
Hmmm. This is good, but not great. And it’s far better than the last kiwi tea I tried.
The base is inoffensive, and unremarkable. It doesn’t overwhelm the flavors, or really compliment it either.
There’s a sweet-tart fruit here, but it doesn’t immediately strike me as kiwi. Sugar coaxes out a definite kiwiness, though. And cooling does so even more. I would imagine this is at it’s best iced.
This smells delightful. A bit like strawberries or another sweet berry with cream or covered in sweet yogurt.
It brews up tasting sweet and smooth from the vanilla, and the hazelnut flavor adds a warming nutty element. The hibiscus in the Wild Strawberry offers a sharp counterpoint to the richness of the initial flavors.
I wasn’t initially sure about this blend, but I really think this captures the dynamic of the character’s relationship as it comes out in the course of the FFXIII games and tastes pretty good to boot!
The dry and steeping leaf smell so amazing! Just like a freshly unwrapped Terry’s orange, or maybe like the dark chocolate covered candied orange rind a local chocolate company does (Seriously, though. They’re so amazing. Kind of turned me into a chocolate/ornage candy snob though).
I’m finding the liquor itself has a quite strong base. Almost too much so while hot. The orange only really comes out in the aftertaste and the chocolate isn’t really present. I could believe this was unflavored if it weren’t for that sweet ornage-y aftertaste.
As the tea cools the flavors come together in the sip a lot better. The chocolate still isn’t incredibly forward, but what’s there tastes like a more natural chocolate than a lot of others I’ve tried. It also doesn’t leave an oily film or anything of that sort, so those are definitely points in its favor.
Thanks for the large sample Dustin. I look forward to trying this one as a latte.
My weekend was far more exciting than it had any right to be.
I learned I’m still extremely allergic to Wild Cherry Pepsi. We’re talking angioedema, anaphylaxis, the whole thing. But I can drink Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi. I think I took five years off Fiance’s life in the process of accidentally rediscovering this, though.
So! This tea is my current iced tea obsession. When it’s cold steeped, it tastes just like dried apricots (which I love, but get tummy aches from). There’s a very small amount of black tea flavor, but really it’s all apricots all the time and better for it. It also tastes really good half-and-half with lemonade.
Fiance has dictated we need a large bag of this for summer (yay!)
I figure go bog or go home :p But really, I’m usually very good about it. I just had a (huge) lapse in judgment.
Thanks for the concern, guys :)
I know how scary it is. My son is allergic to almost everything. I think it’s easier to say what he can eat than what’s no-no. Plus environmental allergies on a top. When in doubt don’t. Take care of yourself!