412 Tasting Notes
Warming, soothing, rich aroma, full of spices (mainly cinnamon and nutmeg), the base green tea in the background.
But in taste the base tea is in the front, nicely complimented by background spices. The overall impression is very balanced, like almost all the Gemi teas.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Freshly Cut Grass, Nutmeg, Spices
Very strong, spicy aroma. There’s really a lot of ginger here. The licorice is fortunately far in the background.
Very spicy taste, I didn’t expect that from the bag tea. The slight note of licorice nicely compliments the overall ginger experience.
Good one, extremely warming.
Flavors: Ginger, Licorice, Spicy
Coconut and vanilla prove to be a great combo. They are quite balanced in aroma and they don’t dominate the base green tea completely.
The taste is rather dry, with green tea in the front and coconut and vanilla in the background.
Good one, not overdone, very balanced and showcasing the tea, not the adjuncts.
Flavors: Coconut, Freshly Cut Grass, Vanilla
A lot is going on in this brew. And the ingredients are easily recognizable, they do not blend with each other. I can smell apple, licorice, anise, mint. The overall aroma is both refreshing and warming.
So is the taste. There is a minty coolness, licorice-y sweetness, and solid contributions from the rest.
Nice brew in itself, but I need to steep it along with some clean black tea.
Flavors: Anise, Apple, Herbs, Licorice, Mint, Peppermint, Red Apple
Very balanced aroma, the peppermint is quite strong but not dominant, the base green tea is sufficiently evident.
And it’s also evident in taste, which is very rich. The peppermint is not too strong, but certainly not pushed to background either.
Nice, refreshing combinations using high quality base tea.
Flavors: Peppermint, Straw
Straw, slightly herbal and a bit toasty aroma.
Solid bitterness, toasty, herbal and flowery flavours.
Not exactly my cup of tea (pun intended), but I really appreciate the richness and uniqueness.
Flavors: Flowers, Herbs, Straw, Toasty
Strong, sweet apple aroma, a bit of cardamom and traces of base green tea.
In taste the base tea is fortunately dominant, the cardamom is quite evident, the apple subtle and in the background. There is no sweetness at all.
Well ballanced, warming, solid tea.
Flavors: Apple, Cardamom, Grass, Sweet