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drank Thé du Hammam by Palais des Thés
3470 tasting notes


This is a tea that a friend brought to our tea time one day and it was purchased locally at The Fresh Market. It is light and smooth and works well to steep twice and combine the two steeps for a nice big pot of tea that is a little more economical, still showing its berry and floral flavors.When steeping once, those flavors are still at a nice level and are not cloying.

This is one I would repurchase if I needed something in this profile for the cupboard in future as Sipdown progress.


Fresh Market has Palais des Thes? We haven’t been to the one in Rogers AR for ages.


There are only a few but they do indeed carry the brand! There is a bit of Harney, some Paromi, Clipper…

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drank Thé du Hammam by Palais des Thés
3470 tasting notes

September Sipdown Prompt – tea from a friend

This is a lovely green tea and I am glad I made a whole pot because I paired it badly this morning.

I bought the dark, hearty flavor maple syrup for my waffles last time, but I think even the delicate would have been a poor choice with this tea. I could hardly taste it at breakfast and I knew it just wasn’t a good pairing – my fault.

Fortunately, there was a lot left to sip on after breakfast, and I am really enjoying it. The company doesn’t mention vanilla, but in addition to the red fruits and floral notes that they say are in here, I get a hint of vanilla. Maybe more than a hint.

It is a tad drying, which means it will pair beautifully with some foods, just not with what I had for breakfast. This would be much better with angel food cake topped with strawberries and whipped cream, or even some little vanilla cake nibbles or fresh fruit. But it is also wonderful on its own.

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drank Thé du Hammam by Palais des Thés
3470 tasting notes

I am trying to get through some samples that are not even listed in my cupboard. Even though my cupboard number doesn’t go down, I feel a little triumphant with each one.

This was a really nice surprise. All too often I am put off by the base of flavored green teas. I was surprised to see this one calling for only 170F instead of 175F since it is Chinese green base and not Japanese, which would go even lower. I followed their suggestion.

I was blessed with a really delightful cup of tea with my breakfast. The base is sweet and smooth and I am guessing that is where the graham cracker aroma comes from? I saw that notes in a review and sniffed the tea and went, “Ah yes! They nailed it because there it is.” But I don’t know if I would have pegged it on my own. I might have struggled and come up with biscuit which we so often find in Dammann’s teas.

The red fruits are strawberry et al, and I think they list orange blossom which I love as well. I am not familiar with green date so I can’t comment on that. But the flavorings are light enough to not seem artificial to me. The aroma is fruity/floral and I would gladly scent a room with this lively and light aroma.

What a nice surprise! Would definitely buy a tin if I saw it in Homegoods.

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200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 295 ML

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Another vacation cuppa.

This one hit the spot more than I expected it to. Medium bodied with a brightness to the cup, but also a mix of wonderfully sweet and rich flavours. Candied almonds, nougat, and a hint of cinnamon. definitely had a slight wintery feel to it from those flavours, but not so much that I felt out of place enjoying my mug of it in the middle of the sweltering hot Saskatchewan heat wave.

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Finishing off this mug currently, it’s what I’ve been sipping tonight as I work on tasting notes. I steeped it for a long ass fucking time because i got distracted, but it actually seems to have taken the time exceptionally well. Too tired to check what the flavour of the blend is actually supposed to be, but I’m definitely getting sweet nutty pastry type vibes. Like a flaky almond or pistachio financier or croissant. Maybe not a croissant, it’s not especially buttery. It’s good, though!

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I was concerned with this one due to the Turmeric. Nothing against Turmeric personally as I do eat it and sprinkle in oatmeal, unable to taste it there, but with tea it’s been pretty miss when it’s added into the blends. My experience with Palais de Thes has also been mixed – some teas are great, some meh, some awful.

Surprisingly this one was very good actually, and is something I’d reorder for more supply. Not sure how detoxing really is, but the taste is good.

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Another back-log

I drank tea in December - I just didn’t really log it apparently.

I am not sure from the bag sampler if this was supposed to be a black blend or an herbal blend. It got confusing

It’s not bad, though. Light colored, citrusy. Grapefruit with a small smudge of lemon. Bright but nothing memorable for me.

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More back-logging, oh dear, Christmas cheer has come and gone but I was slow to get these copied over.

For once I get strong apple and spices in the background of a tea that proudly declares itself as containing “apples”. Or the company does, whatever, you know what I mean.

It’s not bad. Also not memorable really. Heavy on the spice. Sugar and spice do not always make everything nice, but this is drinkable for the holidays.

Sadly, it doesn’t make me think of romantic anything.

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200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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I feel like I’ve been in a real citrus tea kind of mood lately, especially this past weekend! And, well, when you want citrus it’s tough to top a blend with seven different types of citrus flavours in it. Definitely very zesty tasting with a super complex citrus flavour, but also very brisk and bold with lots of malty black tea notes. Aside from the bergamot (which really sticks out because it’s so aromatic) it’s hard to pin point all the different flavours happening here, but I enjoyed it. Definitely what I was craving. Maybe the lime stood out? But that could also just be placebo because I’ve been drinking a lot of limeade lately…

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I had a coworker who was in France not too long ago, and she brought back some different blends from PDT as a gift – this being one of them.

It’s hard to describe the flavour of this blend as anything other than citrus. I mean, there is a whole seven different types of citrus flavouring and oils used within the blend so it makes sense this it just evokes this strong and aromatic generally citrus kind of vibe. I will say that the bergamot comes through the most though; it’s just so potent and has a distinct floral undertone that the rest of the medley don’t. The black base is really brisk and full bodied, and it works as a solid canvas for the different flavourings.

I’m not totally sure how I feel about the blend overall; it’s such a highly European blending style and the different flavourings are quite potent in aroma that they come close to veering more on the perfume-y chemical side than being as “fresh” as I’d expect/like to be tasting. Like, this isn’t a light blend of zesty bright citrus. It feels heavy. Not in a bad way, but just in a way that is less typical for citrus teas in general.

Ilse Wouters

PDT ´s citrusy blends are indeed not for the faint-hearted, but I kind of like them. And although I haven´t tried this exact blend, I´m quite certain the aroma´s will still be natural.
To be honest, that´s the reason why I rarely buy citrusy blends, as they easily seem artifical to me. I need to add that I´m fond of citrus fruits, but that I prefer to eat the fruit, not to have them “processed” in something else (I have a similir thing with chocolate : I love a chocolate tablet, but am not too keen on a chocolate cake or icecream, for instance).
I´m fascinated by your remark about this “highly European blending style” however…could you tell me what you mean by that? Is American blending more subtly done, or how should I imagine this difference?

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200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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Oh, dear. My husband bought this as part of a set for me back in… 2021. I think. I’ve decided I can’t buy anything else till I really go through things. When I first had this I thought it was meh. Still think it is meh. The marine attributes have tapered off quite a bit. The grassiness is a bit more buttery and creamy. It’s not a bad sencha. Just nothing worth a second buy in my opinion. Would be good for a genmaicha blend. Ooo… I’m going to try to make my own hojicha!


Do you have one of those little Japanese roasting pots?


I don’t. I’m going to wing it in a regular pan. <.<


Would love to know how it goes!

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I had this tea at the end of 2021, yes, more than a year ago, at my father-in-law´s place, and I still hadn´t checked this one in. This is another of the Palais des Thés teabags I had picked up at one of the Accor group hotels where we stayed on our way from Spain to Belgium or back, and another illustration of the difference that a well selected tea provider can make, when you´re away from home.
The combination of verbena leaves, orange peel and mint is truly nice and refreshing. As none of these three main ingredients overwhelms the other two, it makes an elegant cup of tea and even if the blend is herbal, I believe also the most fervent black tea drinkers (like myself) can enjoy it…a lot!

Flavors: Citrusy, Green, Mint, Orange Zest

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 250 ML

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This is another tea bag I must have picked up during a stay at one of the hotels of the Accor group. A nice enough herbal tea with tropical fruit presence up front. I had it hot, but I can imagine this blend making a wonderful iced tea over summer. In the past I have tried quite a few Palais des Thés infusions of their Jardin-themed series, my favourite being the jardin andalou, but this jardin tropical will no doubt please a larger public. I like that the sweetness of the tropical fruits is contrasted by a subtle lemongrass citrusy touch.

Flavors: Lemongrass, Mango, Pineapple, Rosehips

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 30 sec 8 OZ / 250 ML

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drank Long Jing by Palais des Thés
1312 tasting notes

Oh dear. I realized I should have consumed this a while ago. I did not. It is now over a year old. I can tell by the pale green color that it is past it’s prime. But even when I first tried it, cough last year cough it wasn’t remarkable. But based on what I have been learning about Long Jing / Dragonwell, I can tell based on the leaves that this is a lowe grade. Not as many large leaves. Not as consistent. The first aroma I am receiving is decent. Stone fruits and bright veggies. The flavor is a bit dull though. As is the wet leaf aroma, though also with a bit of nutty and bready notes. I am only giving it 60 because I liked the first aroma. The flavor is metallic. Green wood. Like the green wood you try to burn at a campfire and can’t. The rest will be fed to a plant. >.<

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2022 Palais des Thés Advent Calendar

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Long Jing by Palais des Thés
87 tasting notes

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drank Long Jing by Palais des Thés
87 tasting notes

2022 Palais des Thés Advent Calendar

170 °F / 76 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Big Ben by Palais des Thés
87 tasting notes

2022 Palais des Thés Advent Calendar

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Genmaicha Yama by Palais des Thés
87 tasting notes

2022 Palais des Thés Advent Calendar

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Day 21 of the Advent Calendar (did this one on time, haha)

Described on the bag as a “mellow and honeyed black tea” – thought, perfect!

This is actually not really mild. Would be a great brisk breakfast tea. I Steeped at five and can see that it could be over-steeped if you didn’t watch it. Not getting much honey or nuances other than a relatively strong black tea. Have allowed to cool and the taste does not alter. A good basic tea that would work well sweetened or even with a touch of milk if you like your black breakfast type tea this way.

1 tsp 5 OZ / 147 ML

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