Thé des Alizés

Tea type
Fruit Green Herbal Blend
Flowers, Green Tea, Peach, Peach Flavour
Orange Blossom, Peach, Acidic, Grass, Sweet, Fruity, Marine, Candy, Dry Grass, Seaweed, Smooth, Toasted, Umami
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Average preparation
170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 45 sec 5 g 7 oz / 213 ml

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From Palais des Thés

A green tea enlivened by flower petals and delicately flavored with pieces of white peach. This tea also evokes kiwi and watermelon.

The green tea and the juicy freshness of the fruit are wonderfully balanced.

Delicious hot or iced.

To prepare hot tea:
Steep 6g in 30 cl of water at 75° during 3 minutes.

To prepare iced tea:
Steep 15g per 1L water and infuse Thé des Alizés at room temperature for 30 minutes. When the infusion is ready, place theRead more

About Palais des Thés View company

Company description not available.

36 Tasting Notes

1764 tasting notes

Thanks for the sample Azzrian!
What an interesting green tea. It’s light, and very smooth. Fruity and just mmm! I can’t pick out any particular flavour. Something spicy? or is it roasted? but above all I get fruitiness. Maybe banana or kiwi. definitely not watermelon.
anyhow, thanks Azzrian this is a winner!

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Azzrian 13 years ago

Yay! I love this stuff!

TeaBrat 13 years ago

Oh no… i sent you one of their teas but CAN’T remember if this was the one. I hope not- so you get to try something different!

Azzrian 13 years ago

Orrrr it won’t be bad for her to have more of this one its so good :)

Indigobloom 13 years ago

Aha! this is one of those teas where my review got eaten in the changeover! I knew it!!! I had a suspicion but had no way to be sure as my memory is terrible and I thought maybe I’d forgotten to log it… I feel better now LOL
and no worries, I’m glad to have more of this one! :P
thanks to both Amy and Azzrian for sharing!

Azzrian 13 years ago

You are very welcome. :)

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1220 tasting notes

For how long I waited to even get this tea from sneekpeeq, I took even longer to try it. It reminds me of the mug I ordered nearly 3 weeks ago and I don’t know what they’re doing, making it just for me? I need it now because it has my favorite car on it.

Anyway. I think I used too much leaf and too hot of water. My water was probably 185-190 and the tin says nothing about temperature, so seeing 167 is like oh wow thanks for printing that elsewhere.

It’s not bad though, it just makes the green tea flavor a bit sharp. It’s a nice fruity flavor, but I imagine it’s better cold…or made with cooler water. Greens with some mix of fruits are always good when you can taste the base tea, and this is no exception.

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Azzrian 13 years ago

I did 180 for 3 minutes and it turned out great! Maybe try that – it was hard to figure out though.

momo 13 years ago

how much leaf did you use? i think that might be adding to the problem

Azzrian 13 years ago

If memory serves I did a heaping teaspoon.

momo 13 years ago

hmm that’s what I used. there’s more than enough to get everything right eventually, lol.

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4843 tasting notes

I’ve wanted to try teas from Le Palais des Thes for a while now, and their offer on SneekPeeq was the perfect opportunity for me to try some of their offerings. My only complaint is that it takes a LONG time for the order to finally ship after it’s been placed (like almost 2 weeks!) but once I received shipping confirmation the package arrived quickly. And I guess with the savings that I received using sneekpeeq it was worth the wait.

This is a really tasty green tea. The flavor is so refreshing! I like that the green tea is prominent and stands out amongst the flavors of peach, kiwi and watermelon. I can taste each of these flavors but, they do not dominate and overwhelm the flavor of the delicate green tea. It’s really soft and soothing to sip. Very nice.

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Bonnie 13 years ago

Watermelon! I’ve been looking for a good (great) watermellon tea. Some of the ones I’ve looked at are not available anymore.

momo 13 years ago

I got this today too, I really did not like how they shipped it. I had to go to the leasing office to get it. I’ve had t-shirts shipped in smaller bags, what a waste.

Azzrian 13 years ago

I think this is the one I got! I can’t wait for it to get here! I got shipping confirmation two days ago so hopefully it will make it by sat!

Azzrian 13 years ago

Amanda are you saying there was not much TEA in the package?

momo 13 years ago

No, they put the tin in bubble wrap and then put it in this massive plastic envelope that more resembles a large bag.

Azzrian 13 years ago

I wonder if the company ALWAYS ships like this or if it was because it was off sneakpeeq

Dinosara 13 years ago

Ooh, I can’t wait to try the teas from the Le Palais des Thes SneekPeeq box I ordered!

And Azzrian – in these situations it is usually not the company that ships the tea, but SneakPeeq itself… SneakPeeq gets the product from the company, sells it for cheap, and then ships it out in their own shipping containers.

LiberTEAS 13 years ago

@Bonnie: this is not a tea I’d recommend to someone looking for a watermelon tea … the combination of flavors makes it so that it is less a watermelon tea and more a green tea with delicious fruit notes … if that makes sense.

Azzrian 13 years ago

Yeah that is what I suspected Dinosara – thanks for the confirmation! I often wonder how these sites really work. These “flash sites” are getting pretty popular! The shipping on them is usually the downfall for me! Oh and getting people to sign up!

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807 tasting notes

Fruity, Green – LOVE how the flavors do NOT wipe out the wonderful green tea base! Very impressed. Oh dear I fear this is one I will go through fast :(

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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Kittenna 13 years ago

Ooh! I’m still trying to find a really fabulous fruity green. Nothing I’ve tried yet has really caught me.

Azzrian 13 years ago

This is pretty darn good! It has cooled because I made so much – I have not iced it – just drinking it room temp cool (its chilly here today) and is very good hot or cold!

Indigobloom 13 years ago

My fave fruity green so far is from Spice and Tea Exchange. I wonder how it would compare to this one!

Azzrian 13 years ago

Would be happy to send you a sample!

Indigobloom 13 years ago

Azzrian, sounds like we need to do a swap! :)

Azzrian 13 years ago

Pmming you :)

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6119 tasting notes

So the last 1.5 tsp of this one from Azzrian got the cold-brewing treatment today, since I happened to encounter it while poking around for teas to brew up and wasn’t the biggest fan of it hot. This one got the same treatment as Strawberry Pancake; 30 seconds in 82C water followed by dilution with cold water and being stuck in the fridge for about 7 hours. Half the water, though.

This one’s actually better than I expected! A nice refreshing, fruity green. I’m primarily picking up on mango flavours and maybe a bit of citrus (apparently neither flavour is in this blend… I could be convinced that I’m tasting peach, but have difficulty believing there’s watermelon or kiwi here). One plus is that the flavouring doesn’t taste so artificial as it does in some blends. Similar to Strawberry Pancake, there’s a bit of astringency here, but it’s not quite as bothersome. I wonder if the fact that it got 30s at 180F instead of the recommended 167F influenced that. The green tea here is coming off slightly seaweedy as well, but it’s pretty mild.

Anyhow, not too sad to see this one go, and I think cold-brewing it made it a bit tastier than I remember it being hot.

180 °F / 82 °C 0 min, 30 sec

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615 tasting notes


The fruit flavors brewed up lighter than I remembered. So much so that I could almost write off the gentle jammy peach notes to the base itself, if I didn’t know better. The delicate floral quality is still present. As it cools the fruit becomes more prominent and I can pick out the watermelon again. There’s still no kiwi anywhere in this cup.

165 °F / 73 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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73 tasting notes

I picked this up in town on the day I smashed my elbow, and only tried it in a rather half-hearted way while at my daughter’s. I’d no infuser, her rubbish teapot, no bags… unsurprisingly, it didn’t turn out amazingly well, but it seemed as if it might make a nice iced tea. A few days ago I made a big pot, added some lemon honey (ridiculously, we have no plain honey in the house – lemon, ginger, cinnamon and manuka, but no plain) and stuck it in the fridge. (Oh, right, no ice cubes, either.) It is a very nice iced tea indeed. Peach is the predominant fruit flavour, and it’s a good one – don’t know if the other fruits are that easily discernible or not, but I didn’t get them. Nice green base, if nothing amazing – but you don’t necessarily want amazing in this kind of flavoured tea. [Yikes, just these notes, and my right hand has started ballooning up again. Off to elevate it I go – no teacup in hand, either, alas!)

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Dexter 12 years ago

I love flavored honey. Cinnamon honey on toast is one of my favorite thing…….

cteresa 12 years ago

oh dear, your poor hand/elbow/arm.

the tea sounds nice!

Hallieod 12 years ago

Dexter, we have a newish shop where I live which sells these wonderful flavoured honeys, and we’ve tried (and loved) all the above, and cherry – mango is next up, as soon as I finish one of the jars here. Exciting! :)

cteresa, I was planning on sending you some of the tea – it’s not at Yumchaa flavoured summery greens level, but not bad all the same, and a lot cheaper for me. Nice to have, not as a substitute, but an add-on, for big pitchers of iced. I’m a bit stingy with Yumchaa teas for that kind of use!

cteresa 12 years ago

Aww, seriously you don´t have to – it´s getting hot finally and I am drinking little tea and really I should finish the teas I got at home (even if pricier, though I think palais des thes is as pricey to me here as yumchaa and theodor so no competition)

Hallieod 12 years ago

I’ll hold off if you really would rather not get samples, but was planning on just sending a few things – also got PdT Lychee, which I saw you expressed at least vague interest in trying. I can see PdT being as expensive for you as Theodor, but as much as Yumchaa? Wow. Most of their teas are roughly the same in Euro as Yumchaa is in Pounds, and Yumchaa doesn’t have ridiculous shipping, but it’s not cheap for here either. So odd that you can get the other French teas so reasonably, and PdT’s prices are inflated. COnfusing!

cteresa 12 years ago

If I buy PdT or Theodor locally, the shop which has it (actually in another city) charges about the same for it, which is around 6 to 8 euros per 100 grams which is more or less the same as in their website but with no shipping or cheap national shipping. And if the price is around the same there is no competition between Theodor and Palais des Thes! Mariage Freres i can get locally and at 50 grams batches, sadly more expensive now around 8-9 euros 100 grams for most mixes. It was cheaper but raised this winter, in fact I think ALL teas got more expensive this winter.

Yumchaa, maybe – a friend used to buy in the market and bring them to me and then it was quite affordable because they did that 3 packs for £12 thing, and now it´s £5,20 plus reasonable shipping but I will have no option. But I guess it will end up close to the price of mariage freres locally (and probably still cheaper than ordering Theodor or palais des thes from Porto. dunno. will test).

And with rooibos it seems I have little choice! I have been buying cheaper ( up to 100 grams for 3 euros) nice smelling blends locally but it just is not the same, they are OK but they taste funny underneath, woody or the famous “medicinal”. Some teas like Carpe Diem or Berry Berry Nice or Nil Rouge, I just can not find anything comparable cheaper.

Hallieod 12 years ago

Pity about the price rise, though it’s still great you can get so many good teas locally! We’ll just have to convince Yumchaa they need to open a shop in Lisboa and one in Dublin and we’ll be all set. :)
You have absolutely no choice about the rooibos! Cara and I had the Carpe Diem last night and it is so good! There’s a tea shop in town that I’ve been meaning to get to for ages, after friends said they’d a lot of great rooibos blends. I probably shouldn’t get my hopes up too much though – don’t know that those friends have ever tasted these amazing rooibos teas, so not sure how high their standards are. I still want to get there though, as it would be so wonderful if they did have some good teas.

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892 tasting notes

Sipdown tea #4! Thanks goes to momo.
Aaahh today has been so relaxing and nice :] I have done absolutely nothing but drink tea, do yoga, and make raw tomato bread. Lovely :]
I still love the aroma of this tea. And apparently so does my cat. The flavor is light, fruity, and doesn’t hide the green base.

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2201 tasting notes

Sipdown, 163. Cold brewed, took two sips, and then dumped. Don’t know what happened with this one… when I tasted it this morning it was just nasty. I was trying to come up with what it tasted like but all I could get was cucumbers and bitter buttery beans. Sometimes I like buttery beans as a flavor in green teas, but in a cold brew, just no. Yuck.

Lindsey 12 years ago

I have to avoid everything that’s even remotely vegetal when I cold brew… While I don’t mind it in a hot cup, it’s just unappealing cold.

Dinosara 12 years ago

I’ve been preferring cold brew flavored green teas to them hot lately, but this one did not turn out like most of them have! Sometimes you just can’t tell.

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2816 tasting notes

I really enjoyed this one, sometimes flavored green teas can be iffy because the flavoring has a tendency to overpower the tea. I’m pretty sure this is a Chinese green tea of some type, lovely sweet flowery aroma. The flavor is very delicate and reminds me a little bit of pears and honeydew melon, although the description on the website says watermelon, kiwi and peach. A bit of sweetness in the finish but not nauseatingly so. Uplifting in a gentle sort of way. I don’t tend to keep a lot of flavored green teas around and I would certainly consider this one, but it would take me forever to go through a 100g bag of this.

Now that I’m feeling a bit energized I need to get of the house for a while before I go stir crazy!

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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