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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

AAAALLLL DONE! I didn’t have much time to drink a lot of tea today but I am still trying for my 2 sipdowns a day just to keep rolling on getting my cupboard to where i want it to be for July 1 (100 teas, the oldest being purchased in Jan 2014, ignoring puerhs). I guess technically that means i shouldn’t have been drinking this one, but a girl’s gotta drink, what a girl wants to drink :) I will likely stock this in my cupboard on a rotational basis since i really like the vanilla flavouring in this genmaicha. It’s a nice contrast to the LB chocolate genmaicha that i also really enjoy. Overall i really love this tea and i’m glad Nina’s dropped by and introduced themselves on steepster! :)


Gotta drink, what you want to drink! :D

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

I’m getting down to the last little bit of this one. Apparently i should have just ordered 100g but on the flip side, now when i order more it will be fresh? haha I haven’t even started the other two teas from Nina’s that i purchased at the same time. This has been a great tea to have at work today as i’ve been in meeting hell and my weekend will be filled with work from 10am sat to 5am sunday….UUUUUGH. ah well, i’ll bring some tea and maybe a board game to teach ppl lol


When I bring you the box, I can include some of this to hold you over :)


No no no no no box! Noooooo


Don’t worry. I am still working on it. You still have time to get in sipdowns




can’t make me


I actually have two boxes for you :)


no. no. no. STTB is not coming to live with me! no! i said nooooooooo lol


It’s sooooo goooood!

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

this was my out and about tea today. Seriously, best weekend in a long time. My other half was off so we slept in, had breakfast together and then went for a 5 hours walk. Just out enjoying the sun, the day, spending time together being “out.” I got to buy some pants for walking/being active AND we may have found a writing desk that we can use in the house so that i’m not at the dining room table when i work from home with cords all over the place. We went out for lunch, stopped at the liquor station and had a grand ol’ day. And this was my tea for doing it with. :)


Awesome tea for an awesome day!!! :))


Yay! That sounds really awesome!

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

another tea from yesterday and a great counteract to the other two teas i had with me at work. I probably should have ordered more than 50g of this, but i wasn’t sure how quicly i’d get through 50g as i have a ton of teas in my cupboard. Apparently the closer i get to 100 the more i start to feel like i have no teas to choose from lol. I love the vanilla/caramel in this one. It’s just so smooth and creamy and makes me happy. So glad i tried this again and loved it :)

Final Count yesterday: still 139. :)

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

quick cup of this in between meetings – still delicious and amazing!

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

I picked this tea out in the morning to christen my new Timolino with! Keychange was awesome and sent me her old timolino so now i a) finally have a timolino b) have an awesome purple timolino c) get to see if i am in love with timolino’s after all. It was a pretty good deal in my books since i got to spoil her a little in return for her awesome generosity! So i picked Nina’s Japon…mostly because i wanted an excuse to open that package LOL I have to say..need to drink from it a bit more but so far i am loving the timlino. I want to compare heat loss to my contigo’s since i didn’t pay attention today. Plus side of timolino? so much nicer to hold in my hands. upside to contigo’s? my finum brew baskets drop nicely in them. I suspect i’ll love them both for different needs and reasons in the end lol

Now to the other part of my day. TERRI sent me the BBB Box, along with the teas we picked up from awkward soul AND her box of tea (likely as payback for christmas box that i sent her in addition to the BBB box that came). Now… I was nearing 130 the other day. And then Keychange sent me some teas…which nearly put me to 140. I have a swap from shmiracles inbound, teas with cavocorax and kittenna…that could come any day… and now teas from VariaTEA are on their way.

You might be wondering HOW many teas terri sent me? 60. that’s right.. SIXTY TEAS! so now i have 2 weeks to get to 140… down from what i’m now sitting at – 197. I might as well go buy 3 teas just to be at an even 200. eep! that’s 57 teas in…17 days, ignoring any other teas that come in (which we know are GOING to come in…) that’s basically 3.5 sipdowns a day. Thankfully a number of terri’s teas are smaller samples…and anything that isn’t…well dexter and cavo…look out! bwahahahahahaha (and you teafairy…and pretty much anyone else who loves black teas and whose address i have ha!)


If it comforts you at all, I sent you sample sizes that fit nicely in a letter envelope. So basically two cups or one Sil-size cup each. Plus I got lazy and didn’t feel like going through your cupboard so no bonus teas this time, just the ones you requested. I was being nice :P


lol i hear you on that. there will be more packages i’m sure. Of course this just means i have even more incentive NOT to place any orders….with the exception being damn fine teas if i try them tomorrow and MUST HAVE THEM (since terri sent me samples!)


Haha. For so long I didn’t order tea. Then I got under 100 and I felt it was safe to do swaps again and place a couple orders. And just like that I almost doubled my teas in a week. Luckily, a fair bit are samples.

Also, I have been looking at RiverTeas website for months now but have resisted buying as I know Roswell Strange is sending me a bunch of different samples to try. I am getting better at holding off on orders until I tried some teas first, that way I can avoid ordering a bunch of things I don’t like.


Yep! I usually place 1-2 orders a month but i could potentially manage to get through all of March….what’s worrisome is that if i DO want to pick up the limited edition from damn fine tea…that will be another 5 tins since i might as well restock everything lol sooooo 15oz+


Oh dear. So much tea. My Cornelia Bean order was like that since each tea I got had to be a minimum of 50 g.


hahah…you didn’t “spoil me a little” you overhauled my cupboard! what you guys don’t know is that including samples from swaps, I have way, way more tea than it seems. Maybe I should join the “add swap samples to cupboard” club. Oh, and sil, what I do is steep my tea in the timilino upside down…maximum leaf water contact, yo!!


I don’t know WHAT you’re talking about key change….that’s was just a little ;)

Roswell Strange

RiverTea blends are on their way! There’s quite a few there for you to try!

Terri HarpLady

Did those boxes actually come I one week? I think that might be a first, as it’s usually 10 – 14 days. Anyway, as always, I tried to include everything in my cupboard that isn’t in yours, including samples from all the Devotea teas. What I didn’t include was the teas I’m planning to share in the next BBBB, & I can’t remember if I included samples of the stuff Tea Explorer sent? I might have saved some of those for next time, because that might have required a third box!


lol yeah they came technically thrs :) I was suprised! you included maybe 1 tea from the tea explorer that i remember, and a couple from charlotte zero… I have a box for you…but i’m waiting to add a few more. Plus i need to decide what to do with the BBB Box.. i have a couple options :)

Terri HarpLady

No rush, take your time…I think I’m siting at 312 or so, & have barely touched the also BBBB


haha it’s not quite full yet..but when it is, off it goes!

Terri HarpLady

noo….not yet!


probably April is my guess since i now have to drink up your teas before i dive in to my other teas i haven’t shared with you yet lol

Terri HarpLady

I still have a ton of teas from you that I haven’t even tried yet!


..and that’s my :)

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

Sipdown! So i have to say, I tried this a while back and liked it a lot but then forgot about it because it’s a green tea and i don’t drink those often. VariaTEA sent a sample to me, which i opened up today in an effort to get ahead with my sipdowns since now i might not have the weekend at all for tea drinking!
…We’re driving to Detroit on Friday night, Chicago on Saturday, and then all the way back to Toronto on Sunday. Because we can. lol…

I love this even more than the first time. Something about the vanilla and caramel REALLY makes me happy. it’s deliciously creamy and wonderful and now i want more. So maaaaybe i can convince my friend to trek up to Miami in February heh :) Thanks variatea!


I love the road trip, because you can. This tea is AMAZING. I must have more. I emailed them and they mentioned you…


ME? lol


Haha yeah, Sil, they told both of us to talk to you about a group order to save on shipping :P. I am glad you liked it by the way. I think I recalled reading your tasting note so I tossed in a bit more so you could have it again.


Haha yes. If only Steepster could support pictures. I also was chatting with VariaTEA for this. They mentioned you might place an order and to see if we could get some sort of group order going to help with shipping costs because they think it’ll be quite expensive.


Oh man, VariaTEA I would send you anything for more haha!


So….i’m likely going to be trying to visit their store in Miami at the end of February. If i do, i’m fine to bring things back and send them to you guys or something like that…


Ahh yes. That’s not quite what came across in the email haha. I definitely wouldn’t want to take up room in your suitcase, although I appreciate the offer. :)


….you realise, when i travel to florida i take 2 suitcases right? one for the clothes and one for tea? hahahaha


(don’t get me wrong, i’m all for a joint order as well, but if i’m going there, we save on the shipping to us and just need to split shipping from here to us when i get back)


Hahaha the two suitcases. Okay, I don’t feel so badly anymore. :P


i guess technically we pay the 25$ for flying BUT the second one i can totally turn into a carry on and not pay for it bwahahaha


Haha. I was actually saying to Courtney I will be in Florida in March and plan to do the same thing as you Sil. Plus, last time I came back from Florida I also had a second suitcase to bring back my teas. By the way, where do you buy tea when you are there? Aside from Nina’s, I couldn’t really find where to go.


Soooo funny story…i order from retailers, ship it to my friend’s places and pick up that plus anything else i’ve ordered. I am a fan of ordering my camera bags while i’m down there: to save on duty/taxes etc..


It’s okay. I order from retailers and send it to my Dad in LA to save on shipping. If he knows I will be in Florida he sends the stuff there to avoid customs and then I just bring it home. Yay for tea mules!!


Pssssst. I would be interested in a group order.


Right Cavo? Group order for the win!


Haha. I feel like the group order would be a whole bunch of samples and a shitton of Nina’s Japon :P


Oh man. Sil! I need to get on this group order. :D


I like how Sil has been appointed the leader of the group order by the people at Nina’s themselves.


Hahaha. Yea, that’s pretty hilarious. And tey should probably give Sil and VariaTEA some free teas for a) getting us all excited about an order and b) ‘volunteering’ to make it happen!


I am ALL for that… totally plotting how to get to Miami with ease…


If you are there around valentine’s day, they are having a tea, wine, and chocolate tasting event.


sadly it would be the last week in February..if i can convince folks to make the drive. We’re usually only in the orlando area when we o.


I won’t be there until March so I am missing it too. I tried convincing my mom to go but she is not into teas enough to drive the hour into Miami.

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

Sip down!

I am really enjoying this. I actually like this better than 52 teas marshmallow genmaicha, likely because of the increased caramel goodness in it. I actually think that I’d like to have a small quantity of this in my cupboard permanently. I think kittenna might be right though, in that the black tea doesn’t add much to the blend though.


single serving samples… I’ve been wrestling with whether that counts as a sipdown!


Oh shut up lol they’re in my cupboard….so they are sip downs :p


lol thats why I drink them before they go in my cupboard!!

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drank Ceylon by Nina's Paris
1113 tasting notes

Classic straight black tea! Naturally sweet and somewhat fruity. There is a tangy wine-like quality to it. I did not expect much from these fannings, but I was more than impressed. That is what I get for doubting Nina’s! Everything is top notch.

Thanks again for the samples, Laurent :)

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drank Nina's Paris by Nina's Paris
1629 tasting notes

I found this today! Such a sweet, natural, fruity tea that is light for a black tea.

Nina's Tea USA

send us by email you mail adress and we ll send you some samples!



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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
1113 tasting notes

YUM! Thanks Courtney for giving me a little of this gem. The caramel popcorny goodness is really hitting the spot this afternoon!


YAY! More people to love Japon :)


hardly need more ppl to love it… you love it enough for all the ppl


I really do :P

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
1113 tasting notes

I got a little of this in the mail yesterday from Courtney, so I steeped up a big travel mug to bring with me to work today! Yum so caramelley! I’m glad to have a little bit more of this one to drink :)

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
1113 tasting notes

This tea smells AMAZING. I’m a big genmaicha fan. I’ve tried a few flavored genmaicha blends from 52Teas, including marshmallow treat and s’mores. I think I prefer this one from Nina’s! The addition of black tea seems to make the blend richer, and I love the toasty caramel flavor! This is the kind of tea I tend to prefer with a little sweetener. Do be careful not to over brew this one, I think I did and it is a tad bit astringent!

Thanks again for the samples, Laurent :)


have you tried verdant’s laoshan chocolate genmaicha? it’s quite striking!


My daughter gave me a tin of this. It is WONDERFUL!

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drank Balade a Shanghai by Nina's Paris
1113 tasting notes

Sample sipdown! This one must have been hiding in my desk at work for a LONG time!

I had a bunch of leftover Indian food for lunch and now I’ve got curry breath! Ack! I’m leaving work early to get my tattoo touched up so I need something minty and refreshing to fix me up. This is perfect! Super GREEN tasting between the mint and the gunpowder tea :)


Yay for tattoo touch-up and minty breath!


Yay indeed :)

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drank Balade a Shanghai by Nina's Paris
1113 tasting notes

Another sample tea from Nina’s! Yay, thanks Laurent :)

This is an extremely clean tasting spearmint gunpowder green. Just enough mint to be cooling and satisfying but not overwhelming. I’m not normally a big fan of spearmint (I tend to prefer peppermint) but this tastes so clean and natural. The spearmint is really good in it! This is perfect after the spicy Indian food I had for lunch. I imagine it would be wonderful iced, too. I didn’t add sugar or anything but this tea tastes nice and sweet. It re-steeped really well too, and was even sweeter the 2nd time around!


Yes, this was quite good! I prefer spearmint in my Moroccan Mint style teas, and this one was just minty enough with being biting. I saved the leaves but haven’t made my second steep yet. I also loved it with no additions. It really doesn’t need sugar, you are right!

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drank Earl Grey by Nina's Paris
1113 tasting notes

Thank you Laurent for sending me samples to try!

This is a SOLID earl grey if you are looking for a good one. The black base is bold, but smooth and not astringent. The bergamot is adequately citrusy but not bitter. I am drinking it straight but I imagine it would take cream and sugar very well. Another well balanced blend from Nina’s!

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drank Darjeeling by Nina's Paris
6107 tasting notes

Sipdown! 831.

Well… I can taste the muscatel here, and it’s a fairly light black… but eh. I’m not particularly fond of it. I did like the very light moonlight darjeeling I had from Butiki, but I don’t think that darjeelings would fall into the category of teas I like to drink. Just not a flavour profile I care for.

There’s only a bit of astringency, which at least makes this pleasant to drink. I’m sure a darjeeling fan would enjoy this far more than I!

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Thé sur la Lune by Nina's Paris
4245 tasting notes

My last sample from Nina’s that I’ve had a while! This seems like it has a ton of fruit flavors in it… just because it isn’t technically tasting like any fruit really. If it really doesn’t taste like any fruit, it could be any of them, right? The steeped tea has a fragrance most resembling raspberries and a hint of strawberries. I think I steeped too long because the base is a bit overpowering…especially over the fruit flavors. It’s a bit astringent and strong after five minutes. The second steep was for three minutes and was a bit better. Not bad but I think I liked the other teas from Nina’s a bit better, even if it was the same black tea base.

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drank Cancer by Nina's Paris
6107 tasting notes

Sipdown, 835.

Hrm. Strong rooibos smell upon brewing, and it’s pretty strong in the flavour too. I’m getting nothing really in the way of pineapple or coconut… I would have been more apt to guess that this was a raspberry-flavoured tea. Maybe there’s some creaminess from the coconut…? And maybe that tartness is pineapple, not raspberry? It’s difficult to tell.

Luckily, though this tastes unmistakably of rooibos, it’s not super medicinal, so it is palatable. But, it’s nothing I’d really want to drink again unless I was desperate. I’m getting a bit of the scratchy throat feeling from it, and that’s certainly a feeling I think I should avoid.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

i have a hard time with rooiboos. good job calling them as you taste them!


Just the name makes me pause. scans down her dashboard “Kittenna drank Cancer…” Internal conversation: Um, willingly? Oh, wait, must be a zodiac thing…

Hesper June

^Ha, My thoughts were similar!


Haha – yeah the name threw me off momentarily as well!


Yeah I agree….“Cancer” isn’t a tea I would be interested in trying. “Hey ____, want a cup of cancer tea?” “Uh, no thanks…..”


What on earth made Nina’s Paris think “Cancer” was a great name for a tea?? Or for anything someone would willingly consume into their bodies? No thank you!


Yeah. It’s definitely a zodiac thing, but an unfortunate name for sure. :/

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drank Lapsang Souchong by Nina's Paris
6107 tasting notes

Sipdown, 842.

This is a verrrrry smoky example of a lapsang souchong. Definitely much like campfire/ash, more than smoked meat. However, with a 2-minute infusion it’s pretty smooth, which is good as sometimes the black teas can tend towards astringency. I don’t really think I’m in the mood for a straight smoky tea right now though, so I think I’ll dose it with some maple syrup and milk before drinking the rest. Mmm.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Earl Grey by Nina's Paris
871 tasting notes

The smell of the dry tea had me a bit nervous because I didn’t really smell any bergamot. It smelled much more like Eve by Nina’s Paris.

The brewed tea smelled of delicious malty keemun. The tea taste like smooth malty keemun with a very light bergamot flavour. It tastes like a medium strength black tea. There is also an orange citrus flavour, and a slight natural sweetness to the tea. It tastes like there is a mild fruit flavour underneath the base of the tea.

The is not a bergamot-lovers Earl Grey, but it is a very smooth and delicate Earl Grey. Very delicious. I recommend to anyone unsure of Earl Grey as the bergamot is not too scary.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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