Nina's Paris

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So this is my first non-work related post and review. Thank you Laurent for the wonderful samples. My first was Nina’s Japon. The aroma during steeping was of a toasted caramel corn. 2min 30min later the first sip was a delicious mixed leaf caramel corny treat. I found the vanilla to come out more at the end for me. This actually reminds me of Frangelico liqueur in flavor, aroma and color. Very tasty and a wonderful introduction to Nina’s Teas.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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drank Miz by Nina's Paris
63 tasting notes

This is certainly a cherry smelling brew. Smells strongly of a cherry tree to me. I like it!

Hmmm….Was sure I was dead on for steep time, but wow the green tea base is bitter! It’s knocking all the other flavors out. I don’t even feel like rating this as it’s just too bitter to judge. If I had a bit more I’d try again and only let it steep 1 minute. I usually let it go two minutes for blends but it’s obviously too long for this tea.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Rouge by Nina's Paris
1719 tasting notes

The scent of the dry leaf is powerful. I do not mean overwhelming. It is powerful in the sense I really like it. It’s orange followed by cinnamon. Once steeped the wet leaf also presents its black tea aroma.

Cinnamon can easily overwhelm and orange can taste like candy. Neither is the case here. This is well balanced light cup.

Given the description of stimulate and invigorate I was expecting a big bold cup. I find it to be more of a relaxed cup. I would sip this on a lazy afternoon – like today. I find it a nice introspective cup rather than invigorating. That is not a bad thing. Sometimes I just want a peaceful cup.

Thank you Nina’s Tea for the sample.

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drank Je t'Aime by Nina's Paris
3368 tasting notes

So I am finally drinking the last sample from Nina’s, the one that I opened and Samwise started dancing around me looking for the caramel cake. And I am caught off guard at first by the aroma. This isn’t the Vanilla Comoro-esque tea that I thought it would be. The smell of the base scares me at first. This is going to be too strong for me! And this is with a scant four minute steep at just under the boil.

But the sip is different, it isn’t as candy sweet as the smell made me think it would be. Instead, I find it to be a great first cup of the morning that is strong enough you know are having tea, but has a nice caress from the vanilla. This is a grown up vanilla tea, for people in power suits or ladies who lunch.

I made two steeps since the others have done well, and I drank a bit of steep one plain, then added steep two to what remained in the pot. I asked hubby to join me for tea since he likes vanilla. He always adds milk and sugar to his black tea and this was no exception. Since he said he liked it, I take it that it handles additions well.

I have a fussy tummy that doesn’t take to certain black teas well, especially since I drink almost everything with no additions. This one is not bothering me at all.

This is the serious, tall, dark and handsome guy, not the playful guy I thought it was going to be.
Sometimes that is the guy you want! I really like this, and would compare it more to Vanille des Iles than the Harney vanilla selections. This is going on my gift list for a friend who loves this kind of tea.

Thank you again, Nina’s, for the samples. They were all excellent and tasty teas!


Ha! I just added a note for this too. I really liked it.


I think we must have been typing at the same time. One of my friends would LOVE this tea. And the tins are so beautiful I think it makes a great gift.


That sounds pretty good! I’m always on the look out for a good black vanilla tea that actually tastes like vanilla and not like artificial ick. It’s going on my list of teas to try!

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drank Thé des Anges by Nina's Paris
3368 tasting notes

This has a wonderful strawberry aroma! I found this to be a more bracing tea than Grand Amour, perhaps making it a better choice for breakfast for those who use tea as their wake up. (I don’t, tea is my after breakfast treat!) The base is a bit stronger on this one, more in sensation than taste, but the strawberry shines right on through!

I love that these are great resteepers! I am on the second steep now and I must confess I like it even better than the first. The tea is mellowed now, the strawberry softer. If you love Marco Polo, you really should try this.

As I sit here, I can not help but to exhale slowly through my nose while holding my jaw loosely so that warm strawberry taste gently fills my head, even after the sip. I think if I had a lot of this, I would make half as much tea as I really wanted, resteep immediately, and pour the first and second steeps together. That also cuts the price of your tea in half, and would put this at the perfect strength for me.

Thank you, Nina’s Tea, for these samples! They are amazing and I am so impressed with the quality of your flavored tea. The packaging is so beautiful…whenever I want an elegant gift for someone, I know where to shop!

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drank Grand Amour by Nina's Paris
3368 tasting notes

I THINK this is my favorite tea from Nina’s, but there are several that are so good I find it hard to choose. This one stands out because it is one of the first teas I tried from them.

We had tea party early this week again because one daughter is now working and the other is about to start her senior year of high school, so we are fitting it in at the best time for all of us to make it.

The dessert today was Snickerdoodle Bread and this was the second tea served. It is smooth and fruity and just makes me feel good when I drink it. I love the tea and I love the name, so I gave a tin of it to my son-in-law as a wedding gift. He likes the Lady Grey type of profile and this is like a more refined, more elegant Lady Grey type with fresh fruity flavors, not just citrus, and it is much smoother going down. There is no tendency to the puckery aftertaste. I hate to compare it to Lady Grey, which is a decent tea but it is a five and this is a ten and a half. No contest. It just gives me that feeling of elegance and luxury of bygone English tea times in country mansions.

For those who read my note last night, I will update on my nephew. He is still on a respirator but is now initiating breath 100% of the time. He can not speak because of the tube but was able to write on a clipboard to communicate, so that was a relief as far as concerns about how extensive any brain injury might be.

There were several wrecks that night near the big city and it has been so hard to get accurate information. I am so thankful things were not worse!

Christina / BooksandTea

This sounds delicious. I really like their Demain and Quatre Fruits Rouge teas.

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drank Grand Amour by Nina's Paris
3368 tasting notes

I have such “Grand Amour” for Grand Amour! Oh la la this is good tea! This was one of the first samples I tried from Nina’s a few months ago when they invited us to choose two or three teas to sample. I was really hooked on this one but waited to order because I have an embarrassingly large amount of tea. But at last, my very own tin is here! And the shipping was crazy fast. Laurent sent this Monday and the mailman put it on my porch at noon today.

We talk, HARD, at tea time on Wednesdays. It takes a special tea to make the words hit the brakes. Today we chattered through the cake and remarked on the black tea we drank first, then had this second. In the middle of the chatter, my guest took a sip, stopped everything, and said, “What is THAT?” I told her it was Grand Amour and she said, “It’s delicious!” And it is! Oh mercy me, it is.

This is so fruity, with no perfume-y fake taste. No additions necessary!

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drank Grand Amour by Nina's Paris
3368 tasting notes

I was preparing a big Valentine’s dinner for my hubby when my eye fell on the basket of leaves from making this earlier. I don’t often resteep a flavored tea because they usually don’t retain enough of their original flavor to keep me interested. But I liked this one so well, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try.

It was a success! Yes, it is lighter in flavor than the first steep, but still had as much flavor as some teas give you on their first steep. It was wonderful! Lazey commented it was too strong, but maybe icing the first steep and drinking the second would work for you?

I have loved Fruits d’Alsace for iced tea in the past, but I think this one is going to be even better for a fruit flavored iced tea.


I have the same problem with most flavoured teas losing too much flavour on the second infusion, but my solution is to now sniff the leaves – if there’s no scent, I chuck em, but if there still is, then I do my second infusion in about half the water.

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drank Grand Amour by Nina's Paris
3368 tasting notes

Oh joy! Joy! Holy cow! This is not at all what I expected. Instead it is 18273658382 times better. (Tip of hat to JacquelineM there.)

Thank you, Nina’s Tea, for these lovely samples!

It was hard to choose my flavors for sampling from Nina’s Tea. There are so many and they look so good. A few French teas I have purchased have been unbelievably yummy, but a few required tweaking as the base could get bitter to me, like Dammann Freres Charlotte au Chocolat.

Honestly I made this tea because the Je T’aime smelled too good to drink yet. I wanted to save it for a really special time, not the middle of the homeschool day waiting for a student. It smelled so good the dog was dancing around my feet with his eyes wide because he thought I had a dessert hidden somewhere.

Now on to this one – the fruit aroma was absolutely arresting. It was so real, so fresh. So Garden of Eden pure. The fruit rides above, but is grounded and rounded by, the vanilla and caramel notes. I braced myself to sip, in case the base was one of the rough ones, but no! It is as smooth as silk, and you can taste the tea! Delightful, and delicious!

Just as exciting to me – this is a very close flavor profile to the tea my daughter bought in Budapest that we adored but have been unable to get again. Excellent, delicious, wonderful flavored tea, fit for a tea time with nobility. Even better, get it for yourself and sit down with a good book, some soft music, and a cup of this. You will feel like a benevolent Lady of the Manor.

Grand Amour, I love you. I would share you with the one I love, but I drank you all up.

Speaking of the one I love, a little old retiree lady called today to tell my hubby that she saw Safe Haven yesterday and that Josh Duhamel reminded her so much of him that she just had to call and talk to him!!!! I feel just a little bit jealous! LOL! (I confess, I think my hubby is gorgeous!)


Wow, I can’t wait to try my samples now. They are several teas down the list at the moment. I might have to move them. On the other hand, the ones above them sound amazing as well. Decisions. Decisions.


I love how different people like different teas. My reaction could not have been more different.

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drank Thé sur la Lune by Nina's Paris
1220 tasting notes

And this is why Steepster gets on my nerves. This doesn’t come up at all when I searched for the tea and yet it’s been on here for several days. And that was with the right name! I tried both and then just used the other one and that’s why I couldn’t find it.

Whatever. Here’s my moved tasting note then.

Since I stayed home today I figure I can get my backlogging started. I couldn’t help but get this one as one of my samples. It seemed like such an interesting mix of fruits. It was okay, I kind of wish I knew what the proper way to steep it would be, because I have enough to do another cup and I’m not sure if it would be better suited to a higher temp and/or a longer steep.

Everything just kind of meshed together into fruity black for me. Good, but I’d love to taste all the fruits individually in there.


no worries Amanda. I am always confused with steepster with French teas…because for us Froggies Tea= Thé but when american type Thé…the qwerty keyboard doesn’t allow the accent on the E …and then I am confused because sometimes cannot find a Thé of something….because the entry was done with the … and I think it is not on the database :)


LOL! I just added the accent! Hope that helps!


Yeah I can type it because macbooks are nice enough to allow for it easily by holding the key down and clicking it. I don’t understand why Nina’s doesn’t put them in there. I searched just “sur la lune” yesterday and only the Mariage Frères came up so I thought I had to add it. So I went to the catalogue Nina’s sent and it said “The sur de Lune” so in it went. Didn’t bother to think you know that makes zero sense. Then I try to change it and magically it’s there again. I’ve had that problem when I added new teas too, I had to save them to my cupboard in order to ever find them again because search doesn’t recognize them.

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I used the rest if the sample Ashmanra sent me in a cold-steep and guess what? The vinegary aspect is gone! This is much better! It’s a lovely apple taste, mellow sweet and just the right amount of bite for a green apple. I’m raising the score of it a little because as a cold steep ths is quite n


Cold-steeping is the best! I’ve been able to salvage a bunch of teas that haven’t quite worked for me otherwise.


I am glad you found a way that you enjoy it!


Thanks again, Ashmanra, for the sample! :-)

Greenteafairy- yup! Cold-steeping is great!

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Since Laurent and Sophie sent me some more of this, I decided to try it again at work. This just isn’t the tea for me. I tried it at 3 minutes this time and it was less apple cider vinegar-ish, but the acid taste was still there. It did however mellow as it cooled, which makes me think a cold steep might work well for this one. The rose did become more prominent with a shorter steep, so it was sweeter than the last time I had it. Base was smooth and malty.

BrewTEAlly Sweet

I will take this off your hands for you :p


It’s a really small sample, but if you’d like I can drop it in the mail for you. Just PM your address to me. :-)


Send me your address! I have quite a bit of this one left still!

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Thanks, Ashmanra, for a generous sample of this!

When I opened the packet I was surprised to smell apple cider vinegar! There is a floral element, but the vinegar smell really packs a punch!

I steeped at boiling for 4 minutes. It tasted just like it smelled- apple cider vinegar with slight rose undertones. I was expecting a mellower apple taste to compliment rose.

The base seems pleasant, dark and mellow, so I would try other Nina’s blends. Especially because the rose from what I can taste is really pleasant. It’s not over the top and perfume-like.

About halfway through the cup, I added some brown sugar to see if it would cut down some of the acidity in the taste. It didn’t help all that much. Maybe I’ll use the rest up in a cold-brew and see if the apple is not so sharp then.


A three minute steep erases the acidity and brings just the rose with a hint of apple. You might like it that way! That is my favorite way to drink it.


Well you gave me plenty to play with, so I will try it for a shorter steep. Thank you very much! :-)

Nina's Tea USA

try try try ….


I will! :-)

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

still my favourite of Nina’s teas. there’s just something about this one that i love…i had this one the other day as well, though i added a pinch of vanilla powder to it as well just to enhance the vanilla flavour….because it makes it even more delicious!

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

I think i need to relegate this one to non travel mug status. I am just not feeling it when i’ve been taking it to work in travel mugs.

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

second last cup of the morning so i thought i’d make it a good one. I am a fan of this one – possibly my favourite nina’s tea…no it IS. i really like the gemaicha/caramel/vanilla creamy deliciousness that’s going on here, and it’s nice that it’s not my usual black tea (only half!) haha

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

EEP! i finished up 1 of my two bags of this today and that makes me a sad panda since it means i’ll be running out soon. This is hands down my favourite tea from nina’s – i think largely in part because i’m a)not a fan of their rooibs and b) don’t love “red fruit” as a flavour regardless of which tea company it’s from lol However, this tea is enough to keep me coming back again and again to Nina’s. love the vanilla, creamy, genmaicha flavour!


Yay for Japon! I need to pick up more too.


If anyone ever makes an order, count me in for a bag of Japon, heh. I didn’t overly care for the other teas but my sample of that one was tasty :D

Roswell Strange

Yes; if a Nina’s order ever becomes a reality I want more Japon and Jamais Vu…

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

flavoured tea from today! I always really love this creamy vanilla caramel sort of sweet thang that this tea has going on. I’m glad i have another 50g kicking around once the last of this is finished. So good. My favourite tea from Nina’s.


this is definitely one of the next teas I want to get from them.

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

i wanted something sweet today with my other teas, so i pulled this one out…essentially just because i know i have another 50g bag of this waiting to be opened, so finishing off this one won’t kill me haha. I really enjoy this tea…the sweet vanilla/caramel taste, with a nice base of black and green…yes pls!

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

backlog from yesterday because i had to go out last night with work – dinner and karoake with work mate to celebrate one of the girls’ upcoming wedding. it was an excellent time and everyone had a blast. However, this morning is a little rough :) still enjoying this tea a lot, – I rather like having this one around as a genmaicha like tea :)

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
15257 tasting notes

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