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drank Mon Secret by Nina's Paris
3294 tasting notes

Here’s the first tea I’m sampling from my trade with Lala!
I have only tried a few teas from Nina’s. The only one I like so far was Nina’s Japon, so Lala sent me a bunch of them to try. Thanks Lala!

So…I’m not sure how I feel about this one…It has a weird kind of stale taste, along with the flavor of dried papaya. I wonder if Nina’s uses artificial flavorings, because my tastebuds & lips now have a burning sensation, & my tummy is unhappy.

Sometimes I hate being overly sensitive.


normally they are not using at all artificial flavourings Terri.
Having said that I never saw any French tea brand recognizing using any…it would be like screaming s**t into a Church…
I ask myself if a blend of Betjeman & Barton has artificial flavourings, I think it does but they would never agree…

Terri HarpLady

Who knows…all I know is now my stomach aches, & my tastebuds & lips feel puffy. Maybe I’m just allergic to something?


Sorry this one is not agreeing with you. I hope the others teas are fine. I no longer have the package for this one but on some of the other Nina’s I have, the ingredients list uses the terms vanilla flavours, etc. So I am not sure what that means.

Terri HarpLady

No need for you to be sorry, Lala. I’ve had this sort of reaction to teas before. That’s one of the reasons I don’t drink very many flavored teas. I hope you won’t feel slighted if I don’t sample the other ones. Usually if a company uses flavors in one tea, they use them in others. I’ll pass them on to someone who will appreciate them though!


That is fine, if you don’t like it, or can’t drink it, I am more than ok with that. That is all part of a swap. To try things you have never tried, you might like it, you might not. Hope you start feeling better soon. :)

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
1598 tasting notes

Sipdown! Saddest sipdown!
I drank this last night, and again today and it was really disappointing. It was ok, but it was more like a 75 than a 96. What’s going on with me and my precious Nina’s Japon? :|

Also, if anyone wants to listen to a playlist that’ll get them moving around (great for cleaning your house), this is what we listend to while we painted the shop today:


I found that with my last cup. I think I need to take a wee break from this tea and come back to it in a month or so.


That playlist is insane!! Love it


Woohoo! Glad you’re enjoying it! He has a few others but I haven’t ran through them all yet. I’m looking forward to it!

And Courtney – hopefully that’s all I need to! I have an unopened pouch of Je T’Aime which is similar. Maybe that will give me more of a spark!

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
1598 tasting notes

I love this tea! It’s such a great tea for a really busy but awesome day.

Some of you know I work at a special makeup effects shop. Well they need to make a toddler for a tv show and I volunteered my child as a model to make the mold. So we set up a swimming pool, filled it with toys, and then spread warm goop all over her (arms, legs, whatever we could get a hold of) and then distracted the heck out of her so she wouldn’t move while it set. And it worked! Who know a 23 m.o. could be so still! :D I can’t wait to see how the molds turn out and how the finished toddler looks. :D

(So that’s why I haven’t been logging today. It’s been a long busy day)


Your job sounds super fun :-)


That is so hilarious! Glad she was able to be still. :)


It is! Some days definitely more than others! :D
I just got this picture of the first results:


Wow, that is awesome! The little hands are so cute! I really wanted to go to special effects school in LA for a while, but I never ended up making it happen. So what worked to distract her so thoroughly? I’m about to fly with my little one and could use any suggestions to distract!


We had a few strategies – new toys, gumky candy, people to talk to her and distract her, and my tablet with Kung Fu Pands. I’m not sure that’d work for your flight, but I wish you the best of luck on your flight!


You work at a special makeup effects shop!? So cool!
Hubby and I are obsessed with watching Face Off, it’s so my dream job!


Just saw the pic, awesome! How did you get into a job like that?


Thanks! And it was mostly luck. I have a lot of history with Admin/Office Manager roles and my sister-in-law works at a shop that needed an Office Manager. So she gave me a recommendation and I was in after a short interview. I don’t do any of the hands-on stuff – I just order supplies, clean-up, make sure we get paid, and I had to create the website (

I think if you’re trying to be a special fx technician you have to go to school for it? There a one-year course in Toronto, but I don’t know the name of the school. Seems like a lot of people do that, then get hired as an intern to get experience, and then it’s’ ALL about reputation and word of mouth to get recommended for other jobs.

It’s really cool what they do, but it’s not at all a lifestyle I’d like. With the Hannibal tv show we had 2 weeks at most to build everything for each episode and that lead to a lot of days where those guys worked 24 hour days, or only had 5 hours sleep total over several days. No thank you! And it’s all contract so you don’t have as much stability as you would elsewhere. But you get to create the best stuff so that is such a huge plus!


You got to see them work on stuff for Hannibal? Awesome!

Yeah I know the reality of it isn’t glamorous but it sure is cool :)
Sounds like you have a good view from your position!


It is always nice to get a reality check on “dream” jobs that never came to fruition, so thanks for that! I don’t think I’d like that schedule or the instability. I have been a body piercer by trade for a long time and the unstable income gets tiring after a while.


It is really cool. :) I even got to go check out the set for Hannibal, although most of it was locked up so I didn’t get any pictures. :| Hopefully we get Season3 and then i will. hahaha.

Yeah, it’s a tricky one. If you’re the type of person that just wants to work until the job is done, then it’s the perfect industry for you. I was very clear that I need to be 9-5 for my role and they were happy with that so it worked out extremely well!


(And I’m so freaking obsessed with Hannibal. Was before I started on the job! haha)


If I move to Toronto can you get me a job as your assistant?
Lol I will make you tea alllll day long ;)


Oh that looks so awesome! I have a friend who’s in specialFX, and it’s a long hard slog for new artists. She’s done a bunch of internships, worked on a few movies, but it’s so hard to find work. Especially if you move cities. It is ALL about networking.

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
1598 tasting notes

It’s been too long since I had it and now that my samples are getting sipped down sorta nicely, I’m ready to enjoy my newest teas.

Yes. OMG. This is as good as I remembered.

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
1598 tasting notes

Ok, I didn’t want to rip open this bag until my samples were a bit more under control, and I think that since I’m down 75 samples in 19 days or so (which, btw I ROCK), I think I’m allowed to splurge on this tea. It’s soooooo good.



Japon ftw.


HIGH FIVE!!!!!!!!!!! Also, 75 samples in 19 days is incredibly impressive so go you!!


Wow, that’s a lot of tea in 19 days!!


Thanks! They were mostly ALL one cup samples so that made it much easier but MAN, that was a lot of new tea to try and log. :P


That’s still 75 cups of tea, haha
Crazy! Admirable, but crazy!

I need someone crazy to come drink all my tea for me, help me clear out my stash :P


That’s amazing. Good job with all the sipdowns!


sssssooooooooo goooooooodddddd


Hahahahahaha…. ;)

I opened this one day of pretty much… other couple from Nina’s are waiting to be opened heh


Does Nina’s have a website to shop from yet? How do you order?


You can order from whatshesaid. :)


Cool, thanks! I will have to check if has it too :)


They don’t :(. You have to go through the American Amazon but if I recall, the shipping wasn’t too bad.


Aww. Well something to keep in mind for the future I guess! Thanks for the heads up :)


They also have a facebook store where they announce deals:

If you don’t want to go through Amazon you can always browse the store and email with your order and pay through paypal. It’s convoluted…

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
1598 tasting notes

This is the re-steeped cup, but I’m putting this in a new note because I am bummed out. I was reading on my Kindle, I grabbed it and went to the other room, and then I noticed my screen was cracked. :(

I can still read with it. And the light still works. But it’s obvious and annoying and when I just got it in July I expect it to still be in good shape longer.

So, I’m drinking this cup and wishing it was the morning so I could call Amazon to get my new Kindle on the way. I’m fairly certain this is covered under warranty because I didn’t drop it or anything.

At least this cup is great. :D


Bleh, I hope your Kindle can be replaced. Thank goodness you have this tea to help you through. :)


Yep. I’m thankful for that! :D


That sucks about the kindle. If you get it fixed on, you can add this to your order :P


Fingers crossed! That’s awful.


Bah. No luck. They figure I twisted it or put pressure on it or something. Maybe I did. IDK. But it’s not covered under warranty and a replacement is $80. It’s not THAT damaged that I’d pay that.

The cracks are only on the right side of the screen, and aren’t terribly noticeable when the light is dimmed as much as possible. I guess I’ll keep using it until it dies, and then replace it in September if they release a new one? (I’ll have birthday money in Jul y I can set aside for it.)

Bah. I just love that reader so much. :P It looks really awesome in my knitted TARDIS cover! :D :D :D


Ugh that is so annoying. At least it is still usable though :)


Yeah, I’ll get used to it now that I know I have to!


Oh, that sucks so much. Good luck with it!

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
1598 tasting notes

Okay! Here’s the moment VariaTEA has been waiting for!!!
(maybe not THE moment, but A moment at least)

This tea tastes mostly bright and green, with caramel notes lingering long after each sip. Like minutes after. I had a few sips and then got distracted by some Netflix comedian for a few minutes and could still taste the caramel and vanilla.

This is also slightly nutty and toasty. There’s just so much going on in each sip.

Ok, VariaTEA. OK. You were right.

This is going immediately onto my shopping list.
(And then I’ll re-steep this)

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

The more I hear about this tea the more I want it!




TOTALLY AMAZE. I’m so happy VariaTEA was able to spare a little sample when we did our swap!


Oh, this is also much better than Harney & Son’s Tokyo blend. I had that in my head as a similar one, but it’s really not.


I know what you mean. As it cooled, it reminded me more of Tokyo, but with that awesome creaminess it has. Omg I must have more ASAP. I hid the rest of my sample away in my drawer in hopes that I’ll forget it haha.


OMG, I want to try this! Caramel and nutty! It sounds amazing.


ZOMG me too.


HAHAHAHA. This was THE moment I was waiting for (anytime anyone tries this tea it is THE moment!). I am sooooooooo insanely happy that this is getting as much love as it deserves. I swear it must seem like I get a kick back when it comes to this tea because I push it so hard but it is THAT good and needs to be tried.


Hahah. You probably SHOULD get a commission or free samples or something with all the traffic you are sending to their site!


Haha well they have given me free samples but that has more to do with their business practice than me and my recommendations

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drank Pour Maman by Nina's Paris
286 tasting notes

Thank you JustJames for sending me a sample of this wonderful tea. I probably wouldn’t have had a chance to try this otherwise.

When I looked at the leaves in my infuser I didn’t know what to expect. My first cup of this went pretty quick, so I decided to make a second cup of it and pay more attention to the flavours. This is a very soft and delicate tasting tea. Gentle and pleasing in both aroma and flavour. I don’t usually enjoy floral tea’s but here the rose is mild and mellow. Perfect for a quiet moment out of a hectic schedule.

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
1356 tasting notes

I converted another one! Now I shall go make a cup of this for myself.


Good job :D


Success! :)


Right!? Another Japon cult member. :P


lol what is SCC?


Strawberry Cream Cacao :)


OMG, they seriously need to give you and VarieTEA a commmision or something. I know Sil and I just bought some and it was probably because of one or both of you. ;D


VariaTEA got me hooked in the first place haha. All credit to her, for sure.


oh! haha. Now I really need to try mine…


Haha I am just happy to spread the Nina Japon love. I was worried I would send it to people and they would all be like “wtf is wrong with her? This is not that good” but luckily that has not been the case.

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
1356 tasting notes

Oh my word this smells delectable. I enjoy genmaicha so much, but it often gets forgotten in my cupboard for more ‘glamorous’ teas. Creamy vanilla, caramel genmaicha. The black tea adds an additional magical element to the tea.

Thanks you VariaTEA for sharing! Though I fear you have created a monster. I must have more of this.

I found it on the American Amazon site! Is this the best place to buy it? Does Nina’s have a website where you can purchase online?

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

OMG I AM OBSESSED!!! I am sooooooooooo happy you liked it. I have been sending it to everyone and talking about it so much that I was sure a whole bunch of people would get it and be like “why does she like this so much?”


I wish I could try this. This sounds incredible!


I am literally smiling alone in my bedroom right now because I am THAT happy you liked it.


And Yvonne, you can email the people at Nina’s Paris. They offer samples.


Yep, Amazon is the way to get it. I think they also do informal billing via email, but I don’t think their website does ordering yet.


Really? Yay!


How do I order from them VariaTEA?! I cannot live without this haha. I can’t seem to find if their website offers online shopping?


Thanks Tealizzy :)


Their website doesn’t offer online ordering yet but you can either email them directly or buy the stuff on amazon. Honestly though, I would email them if you are ordering. I met them and they are amazing. Plus you can also probably ask them for samples. I bought mine from them in person. They made me a cup and I was sold.




I have some weird obsession with this tea. If my whole stash disappeared tomorrow and I just had this tea I would still be happy (okay probably not but I do like it a lot).


It’s so delicious! I can’t get over it. Like this creamy, toasty, caramel deliciousness. Gah.


Does anybody know their email address? I think I need this tea in my life right now.


Oooh! I have a sample from my swap with VariaTEA but I want to wait a few days for this head cold to clear. I really want to try it!

Also I thought from their fb page that the Web store might be up soon. I sent my email in for notification. Maybe in a month or two I can justify a small order as I (ahem) loved je t’aime.



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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
1714 tasting notes

Sipdown! This is a mixed feelings sipdown. I like this tea, but I got a less than usually delicious cup out of it. I’m going to guess it’s a user error and hope that the rest of my day isn’t plagued by other user errors, but it might just be one of those days.
I’ll miss this tea and it’s caramel rice flavors and I might order more someday, but I’m glad to have the tiny bit of space in my cupboard too.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I enjoyed this one! Haven’t had it in ages.

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
1714 tasting notes

After having this tea in my cupboard for a while, the smell still doesn’t fail to impress me! I open the bag and can smell rich caramel and chocolate that tempts me to brew a cup. I’m trying this cup unsweetened. Usually I add a bit of sugar which makes the flavors quite rich and delicious. Without sugar I don’t get much flavor on the sip, but the aftertaste is a delicious mixture that reminds me of tiramisu. I’m getting this chocolatey roasted coffee taste that is quite enjoyable without the lingering bitterness that comes with coffee. For those who love dessert teas, this is a very delightful and decadent choice!

165 °F / 73 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I enjoyed this one, too :)

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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
1714 tasting notes

This tea smells delicious! Toasted rice and caramel! It tastes really good too! I’m getting toasted rice with the deeper black base and caramel flavors. I think I can pick out the chocolate, but it blends with the caramel so nicely they almost become a part of each other. It is a really smooth enjoyable cup. Next time I’m going to try it with less sweetener and see how I like it. I can imagine it being really good cold brewed as well!

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Yes, it is excellent both ways! This is a delicious tea with an intoxicating aroma.

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drank Gemini by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (218)

So I brewed this at the same time I brewed Sugar Plum Spice and the resteep of Marie-Antoinette. Then I got distracted by packing up teas for a swap so it cooled a bit. Now I am trying it as I eat my pizza (Jenny Craig, the one diet you can eat pizza and a cupcake every night and still lose 65 pounds!).

As an accompaniment to my dinner it is weird. On its own, this tea is tasty. The rooibos is more muted in this blend than in other Nina’s rooibos blends I have had and that is a good thing (not that their rooibos is bad – I am just not a huge fan of heavily rooibos tasting teas in general). That may be due to it being cooled though. Anyways, I mostly taste the vanilla but I can detect a hint of strawberry. I don’t notice the grapefruit other than the fact that this is a really well balanced cup and I think that might be due to the citrus of the grapefruit toning down the other flavors. All in all, pretty tasty.

Thank you Sophie and Laurent at Nina’s Paris for this sample! I appreciate your generosity and am really glad to have met such wonderful people :)

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 15 sec

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drank Mon Secret by Nina's Paris
1501 tasting notes

Interestingly, steeping this at a higher temperature (200F) made the base come out smoky, and it’s sashaying with the fruit flavors for first taste. I liked it much more when it was all fruit, little smoke, and the rich base. I’ll make a note to steep this at a lower temperature next time, see if I still feel it worthy of the high rating.

Thanks again JustJames for sharing a huge bag of this with me!

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

so glad you like it =0)

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drank Mon Secret by Nina's Paris
1501 tasting notes

I’m enjoying this a bit less than last time, however unsure as to why. Perhaps I need a shorter steeping time? It’s still delicious, just less juicy than the last time hot… more so cold. Still, it’s a lovely tea, and I’m so glad that JustJames sent some to me.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I tend to steep Nina’s teas for about 2 minutes and that usually works out quite well.

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drank Mon Secret by Nina's Paris
1501 tasting notes

Holy crapballs, this is amazing! Huge thanks to JustJames for sharing a bag of this with me.

Steeped at a lower temperature only because I forgot to change the kettle again. Creamy, full bodied, melon and sweet fruit yumminess. This is absolutely divine. I wish I could have more caffeine today to try more of this!

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec

I smelled this, and it smelled strange (not bad strange but rather unique and unlike anything I smelled before) to me so I turned it down when the people at Nina’s offered me a sample. After I left I realized I should have taken the sample and tried it because it might have surprised me.


I forgot about smelling it, I just knew I wanted to try steeping it. If something fails to pull at me though, I just choose something else. I say kudos to your deciding what worked for you in that moment. :)

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drank Earl Grey by Nina's Paris
2291 tasting notes

A lovely little sample from wheezybee.

Your samples are all in the front, so I’m getting to them first in my sample sipdown month…

This was really nice! I added creamer, and was working while I drank it, so I didn’t pay much attention… but it was good! I mean, it disappeared so fast. :) Definitely something to try when I finally do a Nina’s Paris order.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

They offered me a sample and I turned it down. I definitely regret that choice.


Aww, boo! It’s definitely one to try.


Totally worth it. Nothing I didn’t like about their Earl Grey! :)


I have read reviews and a lot of people have said its a nice one.


I have read reviews and a lot of people have said its a nice one.

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drank Mon Secret by Nina's Paris
871 tasting notes

Tried this one a few times today. To me, it tastes better with a bit of brown rock sugar added. It just enhances the fruit flavours in the tea. I definitely can tell the base is a keemun. It is sweet, and smooth, just the tiniest hint of smoke. I do get a taste of papaya and some melon flavour. I am not really getting any peach flavour in the tea, but there is a bit of peach in the aftertaste. The liquor is thick, reminiscent of a juicy slice of papaya.

I do like this tea, however, I think it would be a bit better with a different or lighter base. I think the keemun just overpowers the papaya and melon a bit.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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how has my review of this awesome blend vanished? ack!

i truly believe that nina loves red. red satin, red feathers, red fruit…. the very best nina blends inspire red thoughts in me: geogia o’keefe’s canna ,mohawks (especially mine), chocolate covered strawberries (partially red). the best things in life are red nina’s creations!

life is good, red is beautiful…. back to class tomorrow =0)

very smooth, lovely and round, red inspired/ing….. and if you overleaf and add cream it mimics a red fruit shake.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I really enjoyed this one too :)

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drank Magicienne by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

The coconut is strong in the cold brew and it is nice but I am also getting grass which is less nice. Oh well, I will just stick to having this hot.

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drank Magicienne by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

I went in search of this for Roswell Strange only to realize I never actually tried this properly myself. I had it once before but I was sick which meant I really couldn’t taste much. So, I brewed myself up a cup of this hot (175F for 1.5 minutes) and the result was quite nice. The coconut was incredibly buttery but every now and then a pineapple tang popped up which brought the whole tea closer to a piña colada type drink as opposed to taking on a lotiony vibe. Very nice. Next up, I will follow my tea twin and cold brew this.


Oh yeah, I keep forgetting I have this one, I should cold brew some this weekend too!

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drank Magicienne by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (197)

I am made I wasted this sample because even with my lack of taste, I swear I am picking up the coconut. Not to mention that when I smelled this in the office, it smelled absolutely amazing! Okay, there is definitely pineapple in there too. I just really wish I could taste this properly because I have a feeling that it is really good.

Thank you Sophie and Laurent for this sample!

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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drank Thé des Muses by Nina's Paris
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (198)

Last night I realized there were a couple teas in my cupboard that should not have been there so I am no longer in the 200s (although that might change when I get home depending on whether my Della Terra order arrived).

Also, I maybe should not have made a cup of a new tea given I woke up with a cold and I am not entirely sure if my tasting is off or not. I know I cannot smell at all so hopefully that doesn’t throw off the taste. I find it funny that I wake up with a cold the day before I return to Montreal and the freezing cold but oh well.

Okay so I can’t taste anything :( I think I am picking up lemon but I really don’t know. I guess I wasted the sample of this tea. Damn.

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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