Joy's Teaspoon

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drank Almond Cookie by Joy's Teaspoon
4196 tasting notes

Additional notes: Sample sipdown! This has to be one of my older teas, but I was savoring this one. I’ll miss it, though I do have an ESP Emporium blend that is a lot like it. I never stopped being MYSTIFIED by this MAGICAL blend! It is so almondy and sweet. The scent is almost better than the flavor. Any tea lover REALLY should try this one at least once!!

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drank Almond Cookie by Joy's Teaspoon
4196 tasting notes

mmm… is this a liquid almond cookie or what? I swear I’m drinking a cookie… Delicious scent and taste with a fun pink color from the beetroot. The scent and flavor reminds me of a almondy snickerdoodle. One of my new favorite teas!! Thanks so much Joy’s Teaspoon for my free sample!

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Joy’s Teaspoon Sun Kissed Jasmine blend is a little bit like drinking liquid sunshine! The tea is complex combination of green teas (China sencha, Lung Ching, green Yunnan), white teas (Pai Mu Tan), and flavorings (rose buds, rose petals, mallow blossoms) that all together create a blend that packs an explosively floral and tropical punch. I’m usually not a fan of fruity scented teas, but once steeped I found this particular blend to be a smooth and well-balanced. The mild, sweet flavor of the white and green tea provides a great foil to show off the depth in the sweet tropical fruit combination, evocative of sun-drenched pineapple and juicy papaya. Full review + pics:

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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Creamy ceylon with little to no dust. Smelled like malt and chocolate and had hints of both of those in flavor. Extremely caffeinated. Pricey, but well worth it as I was reenacting LA’s 1994 earthquake by the time I was finished. Was steeped twice and tasted awesome with leftover Chinese food.

Full review here:

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drank Cinnamon Roll by Joy's Teaspoon
735 tasting notes

Alright, sipdown! Made this latte-style because I had a little more than I needed left. I used 2% milk and the results look like coffee. I have to say, this preparation is an improvement. It really brings out the nuttiness and tastes more like a cinnamon roll than just tea with cinnamon in it. Still, I’m pretty pleased to be done with this. There are just so many better teas out there, and life is short, you know?

EDIT: Oh hey, this is my 700th tasting note! Neat!

Sipdowns in 2019: 14

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec
Mastress Alita

Nice job! (On both the sipdown and the tasting note milestone!)


700! Congrats!

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drank Cinnamon Roll by Joy's Teaspoon
735 tasting notes

Daily work tea. I haven’t made a single sipdown this week, (despite drinking 120 ounces so far), but I probably will tomorrow. And it won’t be this tea, though I am making my way toward the bottom of the jar. I’ll probably have this mediocre stuff gone by next week.

Mastress Alita

It always feels so good to finish off mediocre tea.


@mastress Alita: Truth lol


Absolutely! So satisfying.

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drank Cinnamon Roll by Joy's Teaspoon
735 tasting notes

Daily work tea. Just trying to use this up, as I’ve got too many jars on the countertop. I suppose my strategy next week will be making this every other day.

I have missed Steepster during the holiday chaos, though. Real reviews will resume tonight or tomorrow, most likely.

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drank Cinnamon Roll by Joy's Teaspoon
735 tasting notes

Again, this is one from Joy’s Teaspoon’s going out of business sale. There is still some available, but probably not for long.

Unfortunately, I have to say I’m glad I got this one on sale. The spice and dessert flavors aren’t the bold experience I remember from when I tried this back in the day. Cinnamon is very present, without a doubt, but it’s mild. And judging by the black tea base, this isn’t something I can pile on for more flavor without it getting bitter. Still, this isn’t bad in any way, just a little boring. It will still be warming and caffeinated on cold mornings.

Flavors: Bitter, Cinnamon, Malt

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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drank Cinnamon Roll by Joy's Teaspoon
735 tasting notes

Finishing up my last sample from JoysTeaspoon. All three were very good teas.

Same as the cup before, mellow and cinnamony without the cinnamon smacking you in the face. It’s an enjoyable amount of spice. It would be great around Christmas, I think. It has that sort of December feel.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Cinnamon Roll by Joy's Teaspoon
735 tasting notes

My bad! I meant to write this last night , but I got distracted. I got this as a sample from JoysTeaspoon. Thanks so much!

The scent of this tea is very enticing and warm. It smells like the cinnamon in it is going to be overwhelming, but it isn’t. It’s actually quite mellow, as the taste of the black tea base is actually stronger. I like it very much, especially with a little shot of caramel syrup.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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drank Lemon Zest by Joy's Teaspoon
709 tasting notes

Oh my heaven, have I ever under-appreciated this tea! The beau and I have been turning to this a lot lately as a pot to enjoy together. I find it delicious and sweetly lemon, more lemon cream pie than lemon zest – and I like that. For my Canadian friends, this reminds me of Honey Bee from Davids Tea in some ways, though obviously non-caffeinated. Caffeine doesn’t bother me one way or another, but I like the rooibos base (no bitterness, huzzah!) Highly recommended and one of the rare teas I am actually increasing the rating on after having enjoyed it for a few months. I bought the biggest tin available of this (6 oz) when I placed my order, and for once I don’t regret it – this is fabulous!

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drank Lemon Zest by Joy's Teaspoon
709 tasting notes

I couldn’t resist. This is sweeter than the honeybee from DT, without that weird aftertaste. Of the two, this remains my favourite, so far. Good thing, since I have like 5.5 oz left of it. Sweet creamy rooibos with a hint of sweet lemon, no rind or bitterness to be found, really. Delicious!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Lemon Zest by Joy's Teaspoon
709 tasting notes

Mmm, in the tin it smells creamy dreamy vanilla lemon pie wonderful! This smell doesn’t translate quite as strongly to the cup, but the flavour is still a lovely vanilla tinged lemon pie, not sharp, bitter or lemon peel-like at all. I haven’t had this treat in a little while, but it is great to return to on an early Monday morning. The sun has almost started getting up at the same time as me, and with a pot of lemon zest beside me, all is right in the world. Well, in my living room. The poor world is actually in much worse shape.

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

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drank Lemon Zest by Joy's Teaspoon
709 tasting notes

Brought a big mug of this to work with me, to get me through my morning. i persist in getting a vanilla-ish lemon taste, not quite like a lemon meringue, as it lacks the sharpness I associate with true lemon. The rooibos background gives it a natural sweetness, and provides an enjoyable cup that requires no extra attention. Perfect!

Boiling 8 min or more

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drank Lemon Zest by Joy's Teaspoon
709 tasting notes

My tea arrived!

I still get a sweet lemon flavour (if that makes sense) but this was perfect for me and my cold. I still can taste things (I think!) but the lemon was a little mild and nice for my throat. Yay!

Boiling 8 min or more

I REALLY LOVE THIS ONE!!!!! And I mean REALLY love this one!

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drank Lemon Zest by Joy's Teaspoon
709 tasting notes

Second steep came out much more lemoney. Once again, Joys Teaspoon provides great taste value. I brewed two cups out of 1 teaspoon, and I am on my second steep (making 4 cups out of 1 tsp!) The strength of flavour is unbelievable. I lot of the creamy flavour is lost on this steep and I get more lemon. Still lovely!

Boiling 8 min or more

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drank Lemon Zest by Joy's Teaspoon
709 tasting notes

naomi at joy’s Teaspoon is a devil in disguise. She starts off nice enough, sending you cute little samples for free, but then you’re hooked. Then you need to jusy BUY SOME MORE, MAN! Then your stuff arrives and you can’t wait to smell and drink it, but oh look! Another little sample…It’s vicious.

Obviously, my little sample was Lemon Zest. Now, it’s spent the last two weeks travelling around with Wellness and Ruby Red so you knew it was going to be awesome, because that sort of thing rubs off on you. Smells divine, tastes delicious. I get a strong vanillaish lemon meringue pie vibe from this tea. It comes in really soft on the sip, with what I think of as the typical yummy rooibos flavour, but it leaves a sharper lemon taste at the end of the sip. I love it. I’m already plotting my next order. There’s a sale this week, it’s perfectly reasonable! Plus, I got the new position I wanted, so I’ll be able to drink more tea and be happy.

Naomi, you sneaky minx, I love this!

Boiling 5 min, 45 sec

My favorite nickname ever…sneaky minx!

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drank Formosa Oolong by Joy's Teaspoon
45 tasting notes

This reminds me of the kind of Oolong you would get at a nice oriental restaurant, except darker. Definitely woodsy, dark in color, nice smell to it. Would be good to drink after eating too much at the “all you can eat bar”

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drank Pai Mu Tan by Joy's Teaspoon
45 tasting notes

First sip and I knew this was good tea. I got a chocolate note coming thru. Very nice white tea.

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A good beginner tea for this variety. I prefer stronger Pu-Erh teas personally, but this would be a good introduction. It was good for a second steeping, and I probably could have done a third.

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drank Wellness by Joy's Teaspoon
10 tasting notes

This tea was great for a first infusion – possibly even a little too fruity and sweet for my taste, but very good (would have been fantastic iced). I did not feel that it was very good on a second infusion though.

*edit: Just realized that the second infusion generally wouldn’t matter for iced tea…

4 min, 0 sec

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Amaretto Sour? Almond Toffee? Irish Coffee? Flavored Rooibos? All mixed into one? Interesting…not bad! Different! Thanks FrenchVanilla!

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