I can’t write a really proper review for this yet, as I reviewed it for Sororitea Sisters and I have to wait until that one publishes. What I CAN do is tell you just a little about this tea.
This special blend, along with Parker’s Evening Blend, benefits St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, where Cuppageek’s son is being treated. These are some of his favorite tea blends!
And it is easy to see why.
Look at the ingredients. Think extra nice Lady Grey. For now I will say no more!
But nip on over to Cuppageek Teas if you can and treat yourself and some friends to some delicious tea, and help support a great hospital at the same time!
Derk: I hope she likes it! I did! I can’t sleep so I think I will try Parker’s Evening Blend right now!
Today my niece received this and Parker’s Evening Blend, plus several others. She’s so excited!
Derk: I hope she likes it! I did! I can’t sleep so I think I will try Parker’s Evening Blend right now!
You a night owl? You’re always up late! I haven’t tried Parker’s Blend yet. CuppaGeek inlcuded a sample of Mornin’ Waffles in my box. It served as a decent substitute for breakfast one day last week. Frosted Cranberry was awesome.