1810 Tasting Notes

drank Nutty Banana by 52teas
1810 tasting notes

This tastes exactly as the same suggests. Very, very nutty, with a touch of banana and an even lighter touch of cinnamon. I’d imagine this would be good with milk.

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drank Sulawesi Sling by T2
1810 tasting notes

I’ve been wanting to try this for quite awhile (Pineapple, caramel chai? Count me in.). I haven’t had huge success with other T2 blends, so was hesitant to pay full price. I recently saw that a giftset with this, Chiang Mai Chai, 2 cups, and a steeper went on sale for a verrrry reasonable price, so I went for it. Unfortunately, I find this pretty undrinkable. No pineapple. No caramel. It’s extremely spicy (not so much from the cinnamon, more from the pepper), and although there is no licorice root listed on the ingredients, I’m getting a strong licorice flavor.


Yikes, that does sound bad!

Roswell Strange

That’s disappointing – I’ve also not had a lot of success with T2 blends, but this is one that actually really intrigued me despite that…

I wonder what the licorice root taste is from? None of the ingredients have comparable flavours unless it’s from the flavouring itself…


I’m really not sure where it’s coming from, but my guess is also the flavoring. But, my tastebuds could also be playing tricks on me.

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drank Sulawesi Sling by T2
1810 tasting notes

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Received this as a sample in a previous order and just finished it off. Really enjoyable! Tons of brown sugar goodness, and a nice balance of cinnamon. Would’ve been excellent with a bit of oat milk, but I was at work when I made it and had none on hand.

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I thought I had finished my stash of this off, but I found another unopened 50g bag, so back into the cupboard it goes. I really enjoyed this when I first got it, and I can barely say I like it now.

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drank Winter Mint Oolong by 52teas
1810 tasting notes

Another sip down. Sad to be out of this one. It’s definitely one of the best (if not the best) mint tea that I’ve ever had. So easy to drink. Boosting my rating substantially.

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drank Miami Melon by DAVIDsTEA
1810 tasting notes

Coldbrewed the only bit of this I had, and I am thankful to be out. Honestly, I couldn’t even drink more than a sip. It had a pretty standard melon flavor, which I don’t mind. Then the sour rolls in, and it just doesn’t work with the melon. The worst part is this odd flavor that is in the fragrance and flavor- no other way for me to describe it but feet. I haven’t had this tea all that long, so I don’t think it’s gone off. But, it’s just terrible.

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Another sip down. Coldbrew/honey. Still perfectly fine, but the flavor just isn’t as intense as I’d like it to be.

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drank S and S Green Tea by 52teas
1810 tasting notes

Sipdown! Another cold brew. I can taste the green tea and the green rooibos distinctly, with a bit of sweetness from the strawberry and pear. The peppercorn is very mild, but still noticeable.

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Coldbrew overnight with honey. This is so tasty. The perfect balance of slightly tart lemon and sweet strawberry. So refreshing. Sad to see it go.

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Hello! I live in Los Angeles with my boyfriend and 3 cats [+however many foster cats I have at the moment]. I’m also obsessed with all things spooky.

I became obsessed with the world of tea through DavidsTea years ago. I love to try new brands, so I’m constantly on the look out for new-to-me companies.

Favorite Brands:
Whispering Pines
The Necessiteas
August Uncommon
Jolie Tea Co.

Favorite flavors:
Sweet Potato

Red Rooibos

Though, I’ll taste anything once!

I mainly brew western style.I like my tea extremely strong, so I tend to use wayyyyy more dry leaf than suggested.


Los Angeles, CA

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