1810 Tasting Notes

drank Spellbound Cider by T2
1810 tasting notes

This is quite interesting. It tastes like apple peels, mild ginger, and some black pepper. I’m getting very much a ‘autumn in the orchard, with overripe apples on the floor, and wisps of hay everywhere’ vibe, and I’m loving it. 10/10 for vibe, 6/10 for flavor.

Flavors: Ginger, Green Apple, Hay, Pepper

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Another sip down! It seems that the flavors have become much more pronounced since I last had this. Super mapley, and lots of subtly spicy ginger. This is making me super excited for the 52Teas advent this year!

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drank Amber Dawn by Aesthete Tea
1810 tasting notes

Sipdown (kind of). I was surprised to see what I thought to be coconut in the blend, as there is no coconut on the ingredient list. It smelled funny…like slightly rancid coconut and cinnamon. Still took my chance and brewed it. Yup, rancid coconut. Dumped. So confused about the ingredient list.

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Sipdown. I didn’t care for this hojicha. It was very dusty, and the leaves were incredibly broken. I tried making a few different cups, and they were all so roasty that I couldn’t really taste anything else.

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I ended up overstepping this and it turned out a bit bitter (I didn’t read the label, and failed to realize it was a black/green blend). Still a very delicious cup of tea. Sweetened with a little bit of honey. It reminds me of a perfume I’m currently obsessed with (Nightgown by Solstice Scents). Creamy jasmine. It’ll probably do well with some cream next time.


Oh cool, this looks like a new source for one of my favorites: Black Jasmine Cream from Mountain Witch Tea Co. I ALSO forgot that one had green tea in it. whoops. I really can’t tell when I’m drinking it though, but it does tend to be bitter sometimes.


I had actually come across NM Tea because I was looking for a way to get this specific blend!


Well, you finding it led me to it then. :D

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drank Eleven by Cuppa Geek
1810 tasting notes

Sipdown! Not sure if it’s because I didn’t use any sweetener this time around, or it’s just a bit older, but it doesn’t taste like an Eggo any longer. It has a tiny bit of a cinnamon/maple flavor, but it’s pretty bland.

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Tea Thoughts Halloween countdown box day 1. This box is bringing me absolute and total joy. I’m in complete fall tea mode and my chai options are currently pretty limited, so I was quite happy to open this.
I’m getting a bit of cardamom, but the dominant flavors are definitely the ginger. Makes sense, as the dry blend is absolutely packed with ginger bits and candied ginger. The fennel is pretty dominant as well, which I actually don’t mind in this blend. Overall, so smooth and easy to drink. A lovely chai!

Flavors: Cardamom, Fennel, Ginger

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drank Dracarys by A Quarter to Tea
1810 tasting notes

This tastes exactly like Carmex smells, which isn’t an entirely bad thing, as I love the smell of Carmex. I’m really enjoying this, and I tend to dislike peppermint teas, so I’m quite happy to have found one to enjoy (even though I can never purchase it again). Considering that it’s a few years old, I’m also impressed that the flavor does not seem to have faded at all.

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I got this in a SipsBy box quite awhile ago and had it stashed away, as honestly I thought I would dislike it (I’m pretty picky about spiced teas). I’ve started to switch over to fall tea mode, so this one went into the ‘to drink’ basket. I brewed it yesterday, not realizing it was a green tea, and luckily didn’t ruin it.
Anyway, to the tea- I really enjoyed it! It’s a punch of strong cinnamon and some mild orange. The clove is barely noticeable, and I didn’t detect any chili pepper. I drank it hot/straight and it was extremely comforting to sip on throughout the work day. Re-steeped extremely well too.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Orange

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Sipdown! I had quite a bit of this stashed away, as I quite enjoy it. But, I’ve been drinking through it pretty quickly over the past couple months. I’m sad to see it go. It’s incredibly rich and chocolatey. There’s a jammy quality to it as well.

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Hello! I live in Los Angeles with my boyfriend and 3 cats [+however many foster cats I have at the moment]. I’m also obsessed with all things spooky.

I became obsessed with the world of tea through DavidsTea years ago. I love to try new brands, so I’m constantly on the look out for new-to-me companies.

Favorite Brands:
Whispering Pines
The Necessiteas
August Uncommon
Jolie Tea Co.

Favorite flavors:
Sweet Potato

Red Rooibos

Though, I’ll taste anything once!

I mainly brew western style.I like my tea extremely strong, so I tend to use wayyyyy more dry leaf than suggested.


Los Angeles, CA

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