772 Tasting Notes

drank Big Apple by DAVIDsTEA
772 tasting notes

I’m having a go at this one because I wanted to see what the new format was for tasting notes. It’s much longer, I must say and I don’t really enjoy the scrolling.

This tea smells just like green apple candy flavouring. Like whoa. I’m not a huge fan of that but it’s not turning me off either. I added a bit of sugar because flavoured greens and whites make me wary like that and I’ve never this before. It was from a trade a while ago and I don’t remember who sent it to me, Sorry! Also, don’t suggest a flavour if you don’t want to lose your tasting note. It opened up my mail window and I lost all that I had entered. Opening on a new tab would have been much preferred.

It tastes rather thin and is less strong than the smell would have it but I taste less apple candy and more actual apple. I’m not sure if I’m just suggestible from Roswell Strange’s note but I do pick up a hint of caramel as well. This is a pleasant enough tea and I am glad I got to try it.

Flavors: Caramel

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 5 g 10 OZ / 295 ML

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Well, this is old but still delicious. It’s been sealed in a tin all this while, but hasn’t been in the freezer so I was a bit worried. Made this as a cold latte for the first time. 16 oz milk, bunch of ice cubes, 1 tsp of raspberry matcha and blend! I think I may have overblended it because it’s so very smooth and I’m fond of the smoothie feeling but I think that would take more ice and less frenetic blending. I have a Vitamix so it’s easy to turn everything into a very smooth liquid or paste.

This is still delicious. I might try adding some frozen raspberries to it next time since I believe I have some in my freezer. I’ve added them to other matcha lattes (cold) but I never managed to add the right amount of sugar for me and this time I did. 2.5 spoonfuls of my flat sugar spoon. Don’t ask me the measure of that in real life, it’s a cute little (old) sugar container about the size of my fist and the cute little sugar spoon.

Anyway, I need to start making more of these in the future, but not today because I just used up all of my milk. Unless I want to start experimenting with vanilla soy milk, I suppose. There’s an idea.



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drank Pear Tea by Fauchon
772 tasting notes

Apparently I remembered wrongly when I thought I didn’t like this tea. Thankfully I had enough to send samples to Stephanie and keychange anyway. Sending on Monday if I can get to the post office (if work isn’t crazy).

This is still a juicy juicy pear and the black tea is bold and I’m not sure what the roughness is that I taste, malt? I know and have drunk a lot more tea since this one I drank almost a year ago but this one is still pretty good. I don’t reach for pear tea often and this one is getting rather old so I should dry to drink up/trade out soon. Maybe I will be able to buy another canister soon-ish, although not too soon because my finances are telling me strongly “No More Spending On Frivilous Things You Already Have Lots Of”. Haha.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Tea? Frivolous? What?? ;-)


I’m about to update my cupboard to the FULL CORRECT number of teas I have and I’m sure it will be pushed above 500 so yeah, at this point tea is frivolous because I have SO VERY VERY MUCH of it already.


Thank you! and my conscience tells me the very same thing about my finances too…I just never listen.


Just finished getting the FINAL tea number that I’m pretty 90% sure is all of my tea. 541. That is my number. I can’t even put a target on that.


holy crap… anything over 300 is just beyond my comprehension lol


Yeah. As soon as the TTBB comes and goes, I’m going to do some serious sending out in some very unequal trades to get rid of some of this stuff. My yuck pile is getting big.


Well the new format should make it easier to see who in your swap list wants a tea heh


So so so very true!!! I love that part!

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I keep thinking I’ve reviewed these teas that I have and have drunk but I don’t see the reviews on the pages. Oh well, here it is. Not a sipdown, but significantly closer.

The Earl Grey in this really overwhelms the other flavours for me and I’m not a huge fan of bergamot anymore so this makes the taste somewhat unpleasant for me. Not undrinkable but if it were available (I haven’t looked) I certainly won’t be buying any more. I drank it today because all of the teas that I’ve had today contained caramel flavouring and I wanted to continue the trend. Unfortunately, this one does not at all stand up to the others.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Hm. I too swear I’d tried this one already in my stash. Thanks for the reminder!

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drank Caramel Matcha by Red Leaf Tea
772 tasting notes

I think if I get this again (and I probably will, though I think I have 1 or 2 servings left of the green stuff here) I will choose a stronger flavouring because this matcha is great. I was eating it with a strongly flavoured lunch so it wasn’t as good as it could have been but it was still great.

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drank Hazelnut by Adagio Teas
772 tasting notes

This is a sipdown (486) but not of this tea. I mixed this with the last of my adagio caramel black and brewed it all up.

This tastes dark and nutty and sweet with a faint edge of bitterness that probably comes with overleafing this. I have a fair amount of hazelnut left and my favourite way of drinking it is with the caramel so I’ll have to debate whether or not to buy more of this. As it is, clutching the mug is distinctly pleasant on this dim dreary morning.

In other news, I have 3 samples of RLT matcha to trade: boysenberry (robust), champagne (distinctive), and macadamia praline (distinctive). About 2 tsp each because that’s all that fits in my sample packs. I’m just not drinking down my work stash fast enough. Leave me a comment.

Go Hawks

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Hey come on! I want to get rid of these things! It doesn’t have to be a matcha to matcha trade, I drink lots of regular tea too!


If I don’t get a response soon, these are going up on the regular trade thread.

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drank Tiger Eye by Adagio Teas
772 tasting notes

I got this in a trade from someone but I do not remember who. Sorry! I have a really awful memory. I have the note but can’t seem to match the name up with a screen name so really sorry.

I don’t know what this is except a black tea but I can definitely smell the chocolate and the caramel. Is this flavoured or naturally like this? I don’t know but I like it.

And it smells just like it tastes, when I put in milk and sugar. Wow, this is a nice tea. I boiled the water to boiling but I steeped it lower because it cools off with the pour when I’m using my water heater rather than my breville (wasn’t enough leaf for that), so the usual adagio base tea problems aren’t obvious. It’s always too bitter at boiling from adagio. 195 degrees all the way.

Although I can’t seem to drink it without spilling it on myself, this is an amazing tea. I’m definitely going to try for a second steep out of this because I want more more more.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

This sounds incredible!


I’ve been meaning to try this one.


Yes! I love this one! I should buy more, but I always get sucked into the fandom blends. ALWAYS

Terri HarpLady

Yup, I really enjoyed this one, although it hasn’t been in my cupboard for quite some time. Maybe it’s time for an Adagio order…


it’s the….eye of the tiger…


groan Someone take Sil away, please?


Take me away from here
Take me somewhere where love is like breathing
I don’t care where we go long as I’m there with baby
Long as I’m there with

Terri HarpLady

Sounds like Someone is in a really good mood today! ;)


you know… i blame heffalumps and woozles last night…carried me over in to today

Terri HarpLady

So….are you a heffalump or a woozle??

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Made this well and it’s just about perfect to end the work day. I will have to pee on the drive home but other than that, today was pretty good. Got a lot done. Too bad the lead wasn’t even here today to appreciate it (he’s MIA, no one knows why he hasn’t been at work for the past couple of days). I’m off of work tomorrow for what is hopefully the end of my medically restricted hours so I can go back full time come Friday. Looking forward to it.


i really like this one.

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Trying to drink this up so I’ll be having it every day for a while, or every work day anyway, starting Friday. I’m out of work Thursday because of my medically restricted hours but I should be back full time come Monday and my wallet will be very happy about that.

I think I put a bit too much matcha in this, almost a whole tsp. 3/4 of a tsp is better for me and I should remember that and not try to drink it up so fast that I don’t like any of it anymore. This is still tasty and sweet, I’m just tired of it.

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Been a long time since I had this tea but the caramel chunks still look appetizing.

What is less appetizing is the taste. With a normal amount of milk and sugar put in and prepping at the time and temp from my last note, this tastes burnt. Not burnt caramel, just burnt in general. I just added some more sugar in case that will help bring out the flavours I want, but I don’t have high hopes. Perhaps I added too much tea? 5 tsp per 750ml but there were a LOT of caramel chunks that take up space from tea. Aaaand I’m right, it just makes it a sweet burnt tea flavour.

2nd steep is just as dark as the first and smells very similar, perhaps a bit less burnt smell. Tastes still burnt but not nearly as bold. I don’t know what I did to this tea or if it’s just too old and gone bad at this point but I did not enjoy these 2 pots of tea today.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Uh oh… I hope my large amount of Ovation teas aren’t old yet!

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Single, vegetarian, asexual, 5 cats. Airplane Engineer. I drink most of my tea with a bit of sugar and all the ones with a black tea base with a little bit of milk too. I’m super sensitive to bitterness and spiciness so I tend to avoid those.


Renton, WA, USA

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