
Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Hazelnut Natural Flavouring
Hazelnut, Nutty, Savory, Sweet, Tea, Cake, Cookie, Nuts, Pastries, Drying, Smooth, Astringent, Creamy
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Michael
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 3 g 11 oz / 339 ml

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81 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Needed a bit of a kick in the pants this morning. I was “supposed” to be in bed by 9:30. I ended up going to bed at 12:30 after spending three hours working on poetry critiques. The downside to...” Read full tasting note
  • “Dead tin. For dessert tonight with plenty of milk in it. A little too much milk, actually, if I’m to be honest, but it’s still quite nice. It gives a good clue of what it would have been like with...” Read full tasting note
  • “this sample came to me courtesy of MissB. i found this to be a really striking tea! this was ferarro rocher minus the chocolate. creamy with a freshly ground hazelnut taste. i added a half tsp of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown! I could have sworn i’d tried this a long time ago, but apparently not according to steepster. Another sample from Terri which i’m glad to have. I’m not sure how i feel about this tea. ...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Teas

This flavor combines the full, bright taste of Ceylon black tea with the cozy creaminess of hazelnuts. Very nutty and aromatic, slightly roasted with a rounded, sweet flavor. Toasty dryness. A mellow, very well-blended cup of tea. Great with just a touch of brown sugar.

Ingredients: black tea & natural hazelnut flavor

Steeping Instructions: Steep at 212° for 3 minutes.

About Adagio Teas View company

Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at www.adagio.com and in many gourmet and health food stores.

81 Tasting Notes

323 tasting notes

Needed a bit of a kick in the pants this morning. I was “supposed” to be in bed by 9:30. I ended up going to bed at 12:30 after spending three hours working on poetry critiques. The downside to being in an intro to creative writing class is that, even though it’s a prereq for the higher levels, there are a lot of beginning writers. Which isn’t a bad thing at all, but I spent SO much time in high school as editor in chief of our literary mag reading bad poetry that I’m a bit sick of it. I’m sure there are people in the class that are very good, we just haven’t gotten to them yet.

And then of course I had to be up at 6 for my 7:15 education seminar. The plus side is that I’m done with classes by 10:10… the downside is that I am NOT a morning person. Or I am, I just need my sleep. And I start student teaching today, so I went shopping and bought “professional” clothes… I feel like a kid playing dressup. But I LOOK LIKE AN ADULT. I don’t understand. I put on makeup and painted my nails and thought about jewelry and oh my goodness how is this me?!


Just a bit stressed. I’m sure it’ll be fine. T-minutes two hours until I meet my teacher.

Sigh, tea.

I like this one. Hazelnut is one of the few nuts I’m not especially allergic to – I don’t even know if I am allergic, but after walnuts I get a terrible headache.

it’s bold and nutty and really good in the morning. Not a very good tasting note but I just had to rant.


Song of the day: Safe to Shore by Of Monsters and Men.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

Good luck with the student teaching. Nuts allergy is one of the worst i’m not sure i would take the chance of drinking something with nuts inside if i was having any kind of reaction from other nutty thing but nutty tea are good


Yeah, it’s weird. Walnuts on their own are okay as long as I don’t have too many, but if I eat them cooked or in conjunction with chocolate I get a weird sort of headache. I tried Forever Nuts from David’s and I got the same feeling, but I don’t get it from hazelnut or almond teas. But I’ve never had any sort of allergic reaction, which is good!

Terri HarpLady

Very teacherly looking photo, Michelle, & I like the Dr. Who reference! :) Have fun today!


there is nuts intolerance which is less severe than a allergy and nuts are not all the same you should probably get a allergy test sometime to be sure which one to avoid ( i read myself and i do sound like a old man giving lesson to kids shouting stop running around the pool! lol but that was not the purpose i did see what nuts can do within minute with a real allergy so it’s more of a general concern to fellow steepsters be aware of what in teas)

As for the picture you do not look like the teachers i have last time i was in school ( 10 years ago) but that a compliment


At least it isn’t Vogon poetry. Paula Nancy Millstone isn’t in that class, is she? And you do look VERY adult, not like a kid playing dress up at all! Your teacher will be impressed!


OMAM is delightful! =) You do look like an adult! Just rock it.. have faith in your abilities and a commanding presence and everyone wont be able to help but see you as an adult.


Thank all you guys! It actually went really well today, and I’m excited and not terrified for the rest of the semester, haha :)


Yay! Congrats!

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1353 tasting notes

Dead tin.

For dessert tonight with plenty of milk in it. A little too much milk, actually, if I’m to be honest, but it’s still quite nice. It gives a good clue of what it would have been like with a little less milk, but a milk with a slightly higher fat content.

Or is that just me being unhappy about the supermarket not having my usual brand of milk, so I had to get a different one? And they didn’t have any cartons left of the fat content level that I usually drink? Wrong milk all round.


Dead tin? That sounds omminous. ;P

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390 tasting notes

this sample came to me courtesy of MissB.

i found this to be a really striking tea! this was ferarro rocher minus the chocolate. creamy with a freshly ground hazelnut taste. i added a half tsp of agave and a drop of cream. at 4 mins i ALMOST steeped too long— it was nearly overpowering. this blend really was a pleasure.

at some point someone told me adagio was rather hit or miss. i haven’t had enough of their blends to confirm or deny— but i will say based on the tardis blend, reichenbach remedy and hazelnut that i will be investing with them in future.

away i go~ i got a polite email from my prof asking ‘did you deliberately skip the last 1/4 of your exam or would you like to come in wednesday?’ sigh. what can you do but laugh and be grateful for an awesome prof?

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Oh, that’s so awesome of your prof! Fingers crossed for you! (When is your reading break? Do you get one? Will you be busy with school and work, or will you return to drinking tea? ;) )

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15618 tasting notes


I could have sworn i’d tried this a long time ago, but apparently not according to steepster. Another sample from Terri which i’m glad to have. I’m not sure how i feel about this tea. Brewed, it smells like hazelnut. But drinking this i feel like there’s something in there waiting to jump out and bite me. hmmm i dunno. maybe i’m just in a weird mood. this DOES taste like hazelnut though. I’m just not sure i like the base it’s blended with..or something.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 15 sec

Snakes in the Tea – scary! :)

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355 tasting notes

So comforting and warm. This is far and away one of the best Adagio flavored blacks.


I agree, I’ve enjoyed my sample of this too. My experience with Adagio doesn’t stretch far enough as to whether I think it’s one of their best, but it’s definitely a flavour that suits the tea.

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2291 tasting notes

This was seriously underleafed today, but really tasty with honey. I get a lot of chocolate from this tea as well. It’s called Hazelnut… it shouldn’t be chocolatey!

Oh well. It was pretty good. Definitely a nice treat to have at the convention. :)

Thanks, MissB!


Mmm, hazelnut :D Sounds yummy. Especially if you’re getting chocolate notes. Nutella tea~


It’s interesting because I have H&S Florence, which is supposed to be chocolate hazelnut, but I just get chocolate. :)


Blend them together! :D

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300 tasting notes

Not a fan. The Ceylon gets bitter (I was warned and I was careful but then I got next to no hazelnut flavor). I prefer the caramel but will have to find another breakfast tea this morning, David’s toucha bon bons? Oh hey I have the new Laoshan Black to try! drops everything

Tawny Kira

I can’t drink the Hazelnut from Adagio on its own. It really does get bitter so easily. I’ve found it’s delicious when mixed with other teas though. I’ve been drinking their Earl Grey Bravo with just a pinch of hazelnut thrown in & it’s so good!


I’m okay with this one at around 190, 1.5ts/12oz, steeped 2 mins with some milk & sugar. Not a big fan of the caramel – too sweet for me.

David’s tuocha bonbons are okay. But the Laoshan Black… yum :)

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4345 tasting notes

thanks so much Kasumi no Chajin for sending a sample of this! I have tried one of the blends from Adagio that had the hazelnut in it that Starfevre kindly traded with me for. It was a really delicious and unique element in that blend, so I’m happy to try the hazelnut on its own. 100% hazelnut means 100% hazelnut flavor. And this is very full flavored! You can hardly taste the black tea since there is so much flavor here. It’s amazing that it smells and tastes so great — very toasty. I didn’t see any actual hazelnuts in this blend like the picture shows, but maybe it was because it’s a smaller sample. The second cup was just as good, I just had to steep it for a couple more minutes. I love this one. I’m very impressed with Adagio. It tasted especially scrumptious with strawberry & maple syrup waffles this morning. I haven’t had waffles in a while, so I felt like Sally on last week’s ‘Being Human’ inhaling those waffles after her resurrection.


My wife drinks a hazelnut tea. I’m kind of unsure about it. It smells a lot like gym socks to me ;)

I love Sally. Glad they got over the whole evil Sally story line. We like the sweet Sally. Oh, before Being Human first aired the lady that plays Sally was on Ghost Hunters. She was just as adorable on it. Even Jason was obviously amused by her reaction to the ghosty noises.


This one doesn’t smell like gym socks! You both should try this one! Oh, I remember when the girl that plays Sally was on GH. I think that was the last live Halloween show I was able to see. I like that evil Sally is gone now too, but now with un-ghost Sally and un-werewolf Josh, half of them ARE human now, so that’s a bit odd.


It’s just a matter of time. Aidan is tormented enough for all of them at the moment.

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772 tasting notes

This is a sipdown (486) but not of this tea. I mixed this with the last of my adagio caramel black and brewed it all up.

This tastes dark and nutty and sweet with a faint edge of bitterness that probably comes with overleafing this. I have a fair amount of hazelnut left and my favourite way of drinking it is with the caramel so I’ll have to debate whether or not to buy more of this. As it is, clutching the mug is distinctly pleasant on this dim dreary morning.

In other news, I have 3 samples of RLT matcha to trade: boysenberry (robust), champagne (distinctive), and macadamia praline (distinctive). About 2 tsp each because that’s all that fits in my sample packs. I’m just not drinking down my work stash fast enough. Leave me a comment.

Go Hawks

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Hey come on! I want to get rid of these things! It doesn’t have to be a matcha to matcha trade, I drink lots of regular tea too!


If I don’t get a response soon, these are going up on the regular trade thread.

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814 tasting notes

this tea smells INTENSE. heavy handed. so i avoided it for a while imagining it would taste candy sweet even though that makes no sense. i think the scent just reminds me of coffee syrups and they are always too sweet for me.
still, the scent is super strong in the cup.
a good tea for blending with other things. which is why i got it in the first place. (i was making a Sherlock tea.) but not something i would ever drink regularly.

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