15123 Tasting Notes

drank Campfire Blend by Verdant Tea
15123 tasting notes

So I can tell we’re starting to make headway with the house because I’ve baked twice now in he the past weekend. Yesterday I made honey bran muffins with raisins (because let’s be honest bran muffins without raisins aren’t anything ppl want to eat…) and tonight? Tonight I’m making banana nut cookies…Sans nuts lol. I guess I could call them banana oat cookies? Neither my other half nor I really loves walnuts in cookies (or brownies! Bah!) . Both recipes were new ones, so they could have been disasters lol

Anyway, I digress… I’m enjoying my last cup of this one while I eat fresh baked cookies that are totally yummy. This one will be back in my cupboard I’m sure but another day.

Final count: 199 (woohoo! Sooo 99 teas in twoweeks? Lol you know it’s me…so of course I’ll try…. Not expecting to succeed)

[also for anyone who cares…operation 6 month is still going strong. down to 2 teas from october and nine from December, which is significant if you consider all my black friday orders lol)


Woohoo! So many achievements! :D

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drank Ginger Lime by Bayswater Tea Co.
15123 tasting notes

Still digging this one a bunch. I’m happy that gambles paid off when I hit bayswater. Nt all the teas I picked were winners but a bunch have been great. I also haven’t even tried a huge number of them lol. I like that this one reminds me a little of lime gelato from David’s but is zippier!


Gambles paying off is always awesome.


This sounds good. Do you do it as a cold brew or hot?


both actually!

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drank Caramel-Toffee by Dammann Frères
15123 tasting notes

and the rest of this gets set aside for whomever wants to pull it from my swap box. I’m doing my best not to keep teas around that have fallen out of favour or just make me happy to be drinking them. if it’s a chore, it’s not worth it. I drank nearly all of the 100g bag, so there’s not a lot left but i just.don’t. wanna.


I came to exactly that same conclusion today!


Life is too short to drink teas you don’t love :)

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drank Caramel by TeaGschwendner
15123 tasting notes

yep…battle of the two caramels today in case i wasn’t doing this one justice and it won again. I think what i like about this one over the caramel toffee version from DF is that this is punchier. It’s got a base that is deeper and more present and makes me say HEY this is a cup of tea!

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drank Fleurilège by Dammann Frères
15123 tasting notes

enjoying another cup of this today as we managed to get through another round of clean up in the house. This time i forced myself to donate clothes that i’d been holding on to for too long. I still have too many clothes, but well, it’s a start lol


Way to go. I have to brag too. Today I gave 5 huge bags of my son’s clothes to my friend. But still it’s like one drop in a ocean.


haha awesome! it feels good to let things go, especially when they go to good second homes.

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drank Zhu Rong Chai by Verdant Tea
15123 tasting notes

missB sent this my way and i’m so glad she did. While this is a great chai, i’m not sure it tops the laoshan village chai from verdant that i love…well unless they keep the winter formulation which i DO NOT LIKE as much. this is a tasty chai, but works better with the addition of a little honey and milk. i do like the difference here though with the zhu rong versus the LB. overall, i’ll probably buy another ounce just to play with it even more as i’d like to try and brew this “proper” :)

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drank Orange Kidd by Lupicia
15123 tasting notes

yep, still enjoying this one. it’s not my ultimate orange creamy herbal, but it’ll do in a pinch for now. I’ll have to try and remember to cold brew the rest of my mini amount to see if it holds up that way as well, or if it turns in to a rooibos mess :)

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someone edited this tea in between me adding it and getting around to finally writing a review. Not sure what they did but it manage to break my ipad everyone i access it, so i had to come play on the big computer lol. this isn’t a bad darjeeling but it isn’t one that screams out to come be my new favourite. on the whole darjeelings mostly confuse me and taste strange. this one isn’t bad, but again, give me a solid cup of black any day!

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boychik sent this one my way and i’m not yet sure how i feel about it. I think this is on the upside of tasty, though there’s a note there that i don’t like as much. i, sadly had this really early this morning and don’t recall much beyond that :) appreicate the share though boychik as it’s given me more to think about in terms of H&S blacks.

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drank After Dark by Steam Tea House
15123 tasting notes

Mmmmmfinal cup of tea. Shouldn’t be drinking this one as it’s a more recent purchase but damnit I want the teas that I want today! Lol. I still love this one a lot – such a unique pairing of flavours that really work. So happy omgsrsly introduced this one to me.

Final count: 204 including River tea that came in today heh


Omg that is amazing. 204?! After incoming?


Duuuuuude, that’s awesome! Seriously – 204 WITH Rivertea?


Yeah but the entire order hasn’t come in lol so just added what has…but it means maybe I can make it to 200 this weekend if I focus. I can’t believe it’s almost the end of June….my craptacular summer of work is about to start.

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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