drank Persian Palace by Sloane Tea Company
15588 tasting notes

I had a sample of this today while visiting the sloane pop up shop for their RIDICULOUS SALE. As far as the guy i talked to remember, this happens maybe once every couple of years. sooooo self imposed may ban is out the window so i’m going to try and aim for mid june, and if i can make it through mid june, i’ll kick it all the way to my birthday in mid july….or 10 days before that so that Us orders have time to arrive before my bday lol

This one wasn’t too bad, though it wasn’t as exciting as i hope it would be. there was some astringency that i didn’t like to it but mostly there wasn’t much happening with flavour. Compared to some of the other sloane blends, this is much inferior. The cardamon was nicely done..but it wasn’t too exciting.


They have lovely tins! I would have been so sunk with a sale. :)


Nicole – HALF OFF! it’s unheard of! I’m surprised i walked away with as few as i did.


Half off???? Good lord. I was already looking at their site and wondering how much shipping would be for several tins at full price. I would have been out of control at half off. :)


yeah it’s a funny thing, they rarely have sales online – usually only at their pop up store in toronto. next pop up store is november, and they always have at least 20% near the end of the pop up shop. Worse case, when it gets closer to that time, send me a shopping list, i can always pick it up and mail it to save a bit. heh

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They have lovely tins! I would have been so sunk with a sale. :)


Nicole – HALF OFF! it’s unheard of! I’m surprised i walked away with as few as i did.


Half off???? Good lord. I was already looking at their site and wondering how much shipping would be for several tins at full price. I would have been out of control at half off. :)


yeah it’s a funny thing, they rarely have sales online – usually only at their pop up store in toronto. next pop up store is november, and they always have at least 20% near the end of the pop up shop. Worse case, when it gets closer to that time, send me a shopping list, i can always pick it up and mail it to save a bit. heh

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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