drank Earl Grey De La Creme by Red Leaf Tea
15606 tasting notes

I figured with my senses being off, i might as well taken this opportunity to try out the bergamot filled tea that Hallieod sent my way :) She did warn me that it was coming, so no harm there. Turns out, that i’m ok with earl grey cream. Mostly because to me? It tastes like lemon. Which may or not be weird. Holding off on rating this one for now until my sinuses and such clean up but so far, not a terrible cup, though still nothing i’d ever be ordering for myself :)


I knew you would eventually move over to the EG side :P


no no no no no! the only earl grey i seem to be able to handle is earl grey creams…because they taste like lemon. lol


Just keep telling yourself that. Haha!


….. lemon? Well, hmmmm. Not quite seeing it, but glad it worked anyway! :)


Yeah don’t ask me why but earl grey cream consistently tastes like a lemon cream to me. Apparently it messes up my taste buds just enough lol

Terri HarpLady

As a former EG-phobe, I’ve gradually grown to appreciate a few. The EG from Smith (#55) is particularly nice!
I think the big deciding for me is whether they use real essential oil, real fruit, or some lame artificial flavoring.
Also, the first time I tasted cheesecake, I hated it. It took awhile for me to love it. Unfortunately I’m allergic to milk now (probably always was, just didn’t realize it), so I never get cheesecake (probably a good thing, as I would eat it too much).


Lemon cream sounds better than perfume (which is what I get with some EG’s).

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I knew you would eventually move over to the EG side :P


no no no no no! the only earl grey i seem to be able to handle is earl grey creams…because they taste like lemon. lol


Just keep telling yourself that. Haha!


….. lemon? Well, hmmmm. Not quite seeing it, but glad it worked anyway! :)


Yeah don’t ask me why but earl grey cream consistently tastes like a lemon cream to me. Apparently it messes up my taste buds just enough lol

Terri HarpLady

As a former EG-phobe, I’ve gradually grown to appreciate a few. The EG from Smith (#55) is particularly nice!
I think the big deciding for me is whether they use real essential oil, real fruit, or some lame artificial flavoring.
Also, the first time I tasted cheesecake, I hated it. It took awhile for me to love it. Unfortunately I’m allergic to milk now (probably always was, just didn’t realize it), so I never get cheesecake (probably a good thing, as I would eat it too much).


Lemon cream sounds better than perfume (which is what I get with some EG’s).

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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