15131 Tasting Notes

drank Lemon Chiffon by Della Terra Teas
15131 tasting notes


Cold brew from yesterday and man this was tasty! It really like this tea brewed cold, though hot isn’t so bad either :) I like the way it’s like a creamy lemon cup of delicious but not overly sweet. It’s not a lemon tea..but really, it’s lemon chiffon :)

Della Terra Teas

I am glad you enjoyed. We now have Lime Chiffon:)


oh neat! I’ll have to check that out. I haven’t yet found a lime tea that i really love.

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Another one from yesterday that I didn’t get a chance to take notes on. I do recall this being a very mellow tasting tea that didn’t necessarily smack me in the face but was quite tasty. Rating later once i try it again.

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The problem with work being busy is that I don’t have time to log things tight away and then forget what the tea was like, especially if it’s a new one. :( From what i recall of this one it was enjoyable but not mind blowing. I’ll leave off rating this one until i have a chance to drink it again and write a log right away.

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drank Blueberry Matcha by Matcha Outlet
15131 tasting notes

Today’s morning smoothie which was finished soooo long ago is brought to you by blueberry! (and caramel). I am really digging the blueberry matcha when I mix it up with other flavours like caramel or cheesecake or vanilla etc. Something about adding a splash of the other matcha flavours to the blueberry makes it explode! woot!

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So I have to say, nothing says YES PLEASE! Like a cup of cold brewed tea after a work out. It’s one thing to have water while i’m working out, but i really like getting to come home and pull whatever i’m cold brewing out of the fridge to have as an official end to my gym time.

This one is better cold than hot in my opinion :) I’ll have to remember that in the summer

Iced 8 min or more

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I received this sample from the Persimmon Tree today and figured I’d get right down to business with checking it out. I love a good black and rather enjoy vanilla teas as well these days!

I steeped this one for 4 mins – and there is no real sense of the coconut in this one which makes me a happy camper. Instead what develops as I sip this one is a black tea with a subtle vanilla flavour to it. This is not a vanilla tea, rather is it a black tea with vanilla notes to it. I quite enjoy that change as I’m used to OMG vanilla teas that lose the actual taste of the tea.

In other news…I’m trying this whole blogging thing out. I’m TRYING to get around to writing something every day, though that’s certainly not really happening yet. someday though…someday. I might even manage to figure out where i’m going with it.


So how did the blogging thing work out for you? I just recently re-joined Dreamwidth so I can go on and on about nothing and post cat pictures. You know, the important things. :D


It worked….and then I just got too busy. :(

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drank Earl of Anxi by Verdant Tea
15131 tasting notes


(and man do i need some of those…) My verdant orders arrived tonight and as a result, all the hard work i was doing to get my cupboard under control before the girls descend upon my house next weekend is all out the window. BUT in the spirit of those orders I figured that I might as well finish off this sample that’s been hanging out in my house for a little bit.

I still don’t love this blend. There’s something in it that makes me unhappy. Later steeps are a bit tastier but still nothing i need to order again. Still always love trying verdant’s new blends :)


I’m not shocked that you don’t care for this one given that it has a green oolong base :P


It’s actually not the base…it’s one of the ingredients. Makes me sneeze. Could be th frankincense.


Hmm, possibly! I quite liked it. Just ordered a sample and had it sent to my mom (along with some Holy Basil Spa Blend).

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I finally got around to trying this one and it’s not bad. I’m still not convinced I’ll ever find the perfect mint chocolate black but i’ve found a few close ones. This one is pretty good. the chocolate is mild and then strong and the mint doesn’t over power. I think what i like best is that this is part of frank’s permanent collection so if i can’t fine a suitable OMG THIS IS AWESOME mint chocolate, then this will do in a pinch. It’s certainly much less “artificial” than david’s tea’s red my lips, which i really loved when i first started drinking tea and now comes across as artificial and kinda meh.


mind if I steal a sample of this from you? :)

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Wheee! First review! I’m enjoying this cup today. It’s not an overly strong cup of tea but it has a really nice range of flavours happening. There a touch of malt which turns into a soft rich black flavour with a hint of sweet at the end. Reading the description which refers to wine, i can see where that’s coming from.

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drank Caramel Matcha by Red Leaf Tea
15131 tasting notes

mmmm caramel smoothie this morning! Inspired by a conversation with TeaLover58 on matcha i opted to revist my caramel matcha this morning. Still as delicious as i remember. Love the creamy goodness of this one.

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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