15131 Tasting Notes

drank Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake by 52teas
15131 tasting notes

blacklog. had this yesterday…my tastebuds almost recognized it. maybe today will be different if i risk it with anything lol

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Not going to rate this one since i know my tastebuds are wonky. i think? This is a relatively tasty “every day black” but i’ll wait until i’m not having issues to be certain :) still, it’s keeping me warm and that’s all that matters to me at this point.

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drank Black Cherry Matcha by Matcha Outlet
15131 tasting notes

Had this today…another indication that my taste buds are wonky, so no new teas for me today apart from the black i chose this morning. No point since everything is tasting strange.

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drank Good Morning Sunshine by Butiki Teas
15131 tasting notes

thought this would be nice to sip on for my throat while getting ready for work. Apparently i’m sick because my tastebuds were like um no…what IS this? i drank it anyway because i know it’s a great cup, but i’m clearly not feeling well.


eeep, get better soon!!


Feel better!

Hesper June

I hope you feel better soon!


Oh no, get well!

Butiki Teas

Hope you feel better soon. :)


NOOOOOO! You gotta be able to taste tea tomorrow!


Kittenna… tomorrow might just be a whole lot of me stockimg up samples :( It’s a little better today but not much.

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SIPDOWN! (cause the rest is going to Kittena..THIS WEEKEND!!!!) yeah what can i say? I’m a wee bit excited at the prospect of board games and tea nerding out. And then the following weekend i get to go tea nerd out some more at toronto’s tea festival. Should be a great time! Still enjoying this one even if i did let it get too cold while i was on the phone…talking….so much talking…and planning wheee!

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drank Lemon Chiffon by Della Terra Teas
15131 tasting notes


Though I may need to restock this as it’s pretty enjoyable. Had some of this tonight while on the phone for work with China. Yeah that’s right…I’m going to china for work! lol Not for a little bit, but i’m hoping that I can have at least one night out to go exploring to fine at least ONE tea shop while i’m there. :) In any case..tried to have some low caffine options tonight since i really need sleep tonight since work has been stupidly busy this week!


This is my staple rooibos :D although that lime chiffon is tempting me on DT site…might have to get a sample to compare them hehe


That’s on my list next time I do a try me pack. I think I’m good for another 15 or so samples so I’m trying to hold off for a few lol


Haha nice, yeah I can’t order tea until Feb at least now..been going too crazy at my local DAVIDsTEA :( haha

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drank Zulu Chai by Assam Tea Company
15131 tasting notes

This is an interesting chai. I’m not sure it’s how i’d prefer to drink my chai and with milk, the balance might be a little better. What i’m enjoying about this one is that it’s caffeine free AND it’s not overly – clove-y. I do like cloves and cinnamon in my chai but i like that this one is different than the other chais that i’ve tasted in that regard. There is a bit of something in it that tickles my nose a bit as a drink it, but over all it’s neat.

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drank Oolong Creme by Sloane Tea Company
15131 tasting notes

So I’m having a bit of a weird moment here. The aroma of this tea before it’s steeped is divine! it’s sweet and reminds me of candy? When i sip on this, my first response is… buttered popcorn??

As i continue to sip it starts to become sweet like candy while still having this taste of buttered popcorn. It’s the most bizarre taste that i’ve had. I’m looking forward to having multiple steepings of this one to try out. I know Indigobloom has mentioned her love of this one. This might be the first green oolong that i like…except it’s truly a weird flavour profile for me. I’m going to go through a few steeps as well as try it again to see if i continue to get this buttered popcorn taste :) CREAMY buttered popcorn heh

Resteeps on this one become sweeter as I go


LOL it IS a confusing one isn’t it. Just wait til you try out the pear!

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So i’m not sure if it’s just my taste buds but this actually reminds me of zen tea’s strawberry cream, only much smoother. It’s not quite a strawberry or cherry tea, rather it’s a really smooth black tea with a hint of “red fruit flavour”

I actually rather quite like one since it’s not quite a fruity tea, but it’s also not a black tea. I’ll have to try this again with a bit of milk added to it.

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Sipdown!trying to do a bit of clean up and a bit of trying everything that’s never been opened in my cupboard before “the girls” come over this weekend. mostly so that if there’s anything that needs a better home than mine, they can have a go at them. :)

This is one of my samples from Nicole that i am ever so sorry to see finished. What it has done for me though, is encourage me to look to more yellow teas as I think i would quite enjoy them.

i do love this tea.

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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