Tea type
Oolong Tea
Not available
Butter, Cream, Floral, Mineral
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Edit tea info Last updated by Sil
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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25 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I think I found out where they’re hiding the magic tea…exception was too exhausted this afternoon to try it. BUT I’m well prepared for tomorrow! But since I was too tired to e organized with tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “I love this tea. It’s just so smooth and luxurious. Like I’ve said before, it’s more butter than anything else and I dig it. I’ve only got 1 serving left, but I really appreciate Sil passing this...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown, 138. Only one sipdown today but I did have three yesterday, so that will have to do. I had this one at “tea time” at my office today, and it was pleasant. I like having a non fussy oolong...” Read full tasting note
  • “Note to self: this tea does not age well for the second steep. When fresh, you can go on for three or four infusions. But… after you’ve had it for awhile, the second brew has notes of stinky sock...” Read full tasting note

From Sloane Tea Company

What’s in it
Oolong tea, natural flavouring.

Where it’s from
This Oolong is grown at a high-altitude on Wuyi Mountain, an enormous volcanic fault structure with deep gorges surrounded by sharp cliffs and cave systems. The tea grows along these steep cliffs.

How it tastes to us
This oolong is rich, smooth and delicately creamy. Since the base is a high mountain oolong, it’s underlying profile is light, sweet and floral.

Why we chose it
This is the best variation on traditional “milk oolong” we have tasted. The natural creaminess of this type of oolong is so elegantly enhanced.

How we steep it
Let your boiling water cool for a few minutes before pouring over the leaves and steeping as the guide above suggests. Oolong can be steeped multiple times, each new steep tasting a little different than the one before.

When we drink it
When we’re ready to slow down. You’ll find you too will take time to breath and relax between sips.

Why we like Sloane Tea
True luxury tea. Sloane Tea exudes elegance and old world charm and has a line-up of premium teas, beautifully packaged. Their teas are sourced, selected and blended by in-house certified tea sommeliers. The director studied perfumery in France, so her blends are amazingly aromatic and skillfully scented and flavoured.




Steep Time
3-5 min.



About Sloane Tea Company View company

Company description not available.

25 Tasting Notes

15534 tasting notes

I think I found out where they’re hiding the magic tea…exception was too exhausted this afternoon to try it. BUT I’m well prepared for tomorrow! But since I was too tired to e organized with tea upstairs, I’m having a cup of this in my room while I rest up for dinner. We hit the square AND the forbidden palace this afternoon so that was slightly tiring. Navigated the subway so I think I should be good to figure out getting to the tea market on my own….though I’m starting to worry I won’t have time for any of this fun stuff at the rate work may keep me busy.

Ah well, there’s a reasons I brought some of my own tea lol still digging this one! Creamy and delicious all in one.


forbidden palace…. sounds like the name of a tea lol

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1598 tasting notes

I love this tea. It’s just so smooth and luxurious. Like I’ve said before, it’s more butter than anything else and I dig it. I’ve only got 1 serving left, but I really appreciate Sil passing this on to me.

Like I said yesterday, I forget how awesome other teas are and I really need to drink more than black tea all the time because I miss out on these gems.

I was looking at my tea spreadsheet and I think I have 104 oz of tea – which is 6.5 lbs. Wow. That puts it more into perspective than just X number of teas. Now if I drink 4-8 teas a day (not counting resteeps), then… how many days will it take to drink all of this?

If there are about 14 cups per ounce, then I can make about 1,456 cups of tea. Is that right? And if I drink an average of 6 per day then it’ll take 243 days with 6 cups a day.

Yowza. I better add all this onto my spreadsheet too!

And maybe slow down on tea purchases! But with this sheet I can count my total number of ounces per month and see if my total goes down at all! :D

Of course I’m just estimating (and over-estimating at that!) how much is in my stash. I don’t have a scale. so I eyeballed it.


Did you like the little tin? Heh. This one is expensive but they have pop up sales in Toronto :)


The tins is super cute!
And I’d never heard of pop-up sales, but that’s awesome. :D More perks to TO!

Terri HarpLady

BTW girls, my son just called to say our teas have arrived!
Cavo, I think you’re getting way too left brained with the spreadsheet! Keep it simple sweetheart! ;)


Awesome, thanks! I just sent your Zen Tea Pearls today!
And maybe I’m getting too left-brained about it. :p I like playing with numbers though! (and I thought left,-handed people were supposed to be artsy).


Love this one too. I was fortunate enough to pick up 50g at the Vic tea fest. And I’m the exact same way with soap and perfume. I have so much, so I really need to sit down and calculate just how many years worth I have.

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2201 tasting notes

Sipdown, 138. Only one sipdown today but I did have three yesterday, so that will have to do. I had this one at “tea time” at my office today, and it was pleasant. I like having a non fussy oolong for the tea time get together, and this one fit the bill. Creamy and floral and just a bit vegetal.

3 min, 0 sec

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1759 tasting notes

Note to self: this tea does not age well for the second steep. When fresh, you can go on for three or four infusions. But… after you’ve had it for awhile, the second brew has notes of stinky sock :(
Ah well, that first cup was bliss!! So sweet and creamy. Mmmmmm


Well, if Jelly Bellies can have booger flavored jelly beans, surely there’s a market for stinky sock tea? ;)


I just had the funniest vision of preteen boys daring each other to drink an entire mug of stinky sock tea. :)


Gmathis, LOL I don’t doubt that! as long as they letave booger tea out of the equation :P
Terri, I second your :)!!!
Veronica, bahahahaha yeah that is totally something my cousins would have done. Reminds me of my nephews facial expression when I made him try bubbltea!


I love their tins!


I know right?! I feel like I’m in a European soap shop just looking at their website. sighs


European soap shop…oooooh…..Calgon take me away!!!


LOL!! Is Calgon European? I had no idea


I have not had oolong in a long while. The one I finished was Twinnings actually (China Oolong Tea)tea bags might work best in this case.

I had similar experience when I tried to steep floral herbs in a jar and left it for nearly a week…surely it seem the thing to do; yet not. I swear when I open the jar there was this poof noise and it all looked slimy and I wondered about tasting the concoction. Please ask what is wrong with this person? I am not employed.; no tea was in jar for more than a week and in a dark corner. It was a lovely red …this was my Nettle Leaf Tea. Oh well, I was sharing of sort. Take care.


Seule, are you an Oolong fan?
Florals are a tricky thing to brew. I tried cold brewing chamomile once and that was not fun haha. But you never learn unless you experiment. I think that is half the fun :)

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6117 tasting notes

Sipdown! Let’s go with…. 850 on the dot. Number subject to change once everything’s added to my cupboard. :/ Thanks to Sil for letting me try this one :)

So although I used about 1.5 tsp, I think I accidentally used a bit too much water, so the tea’s a bit weaker than I’d like. Still tasty, though. And I can see how this one’s different from other milk oolongs, as it’s quite creamy/milky with less oolong flavour than I’m used to. I don’t think I like it as much as other milk oolongs I’ve tried, though it would be nice for switching things up every now and again.

ETA: Sadly, second infusion didn’t hold up very well. There was a definite oolong aftertaste, but the majority of the creaminess was gone. I’m not sure that this is even close to some of my favourite milk oolongs. Perhaps I’ll give it another shot sometime in the future.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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4843 tasting notes


I really liked this Oolong. I enjoyed three cups (six infusions) of this tea and it is so sweet and creamy and delicious. Each cup was a little different.

The first cup (infusions 1 & 2) was so creamy that it really was a little difficult to discern any other flavors … but I wasn’t complaining because it was so delightful to experience the sweet, buttery, creamy taste.

The second cup (infusions 3 & 4) was still creamy but maybe not quite as creamy … I noticed more flavors here because the creaminess had diminished a little bit. I noticed a pleasing floral note, as well as notes of fruit.

The third cup (infusions 5 & 6) was crisp and lighter in flavor, but still very enjoyable. Slightly minty! Interesting note to taste in an Oolong such as this.

I like this Oolong quite a bit.

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1792 tasting notes

So, this was pretty much the only tea that I bought at the Victoria Tea Festival. It’s just that good.

The best rendition of a milky-esque oolong I’ve had to date. The first steep is a little on the floral side, with a touch of cream.

Second steep, the creaminess comes out a bit more, but the floral undertones hold on.

Third steep, the floralness is waning while the creaminess gets fuller. Note that the creaminess isn’t heavy at all. Very dainty and sweet.

Fourth steep is soft and buttery. Soothing and wholesome.

This alone was worth paying admission.


Yay! I love this one :)


By the way, are you getting Amoda’s box this month? They had this month’s at the festival and Love Affair made me drool so hardcore, but since it’s a rooibos, I passed. If you’re getting it this month, you need to let me know how that one is!


I did not get it this month – hoping to pick it up again next month possibly. This month’s box looks overly floral, so i can’t say that i’m upset about that. floral teas and i say NO NO and NO! most of the time lol


Yeah, the White Cherry this month smelled very nice. Tart cherry, but the jasmine is just waiting to unleash its wrath.


Absolutely Divine!

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525 tasting notes

This tastes much like a milk oolong, only roastier. Creamy fresh afternoon treat. :)

Thanks for the sample Sil!



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807 tasting notes

Unfortunately I am not wow’d by this like other Steepsters. I’m kind of bummed. Maybe it was my perception. I was expecting something with a little more UMP in the creamy factor.
If it were not flavored I would be more impressed but since it is flavored – even naturally – I expected something a little more.
I am wow’d by the beautiful canisters (tins) the company sells their tea in, but not worth the expense of shipping to USA from Canada to try more.
Its not bad but I do get a perfume taste in it that is slightly off putting.
The mineral notes are nice.
Some creaminess but not enough.
Lingering floral note once the perfume flavor dissipates.
Oh well. Passing on to someone else who may love it.

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3294 tasting notes

Another one from Sil.
This is a very mild oolong with a buttery taste & creamy texture.
I wasn’t planning on liking it, but it’s actually quite tasty.
Thanks Sil!


haha this is one of the few milky oolong teas i like.

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