836 Tasting Notes
This tea was too bitter for me when I prepared it hot- even after adding milk and honey. I decided to try it cold brewed to see if that would eliminate the bitterness.
The bergamot taste is lightly present. I can actually taste the black tea which really comes out at the end of the sip and gives a slight astringency that is quickly muted by sweet tones coming from the strawberries. The strawberries give the tea a juicy, rounded feel.
I used 2 scoops of dry leaf for about 1 cup and then poured over ice until chilled.
Flavour is primarily watermelon all the way through the sip onto the after-taste. There is a slight tartness of apple on the finish but is balanced out with the sweetness of the melon flavour. The flavour has a round, juicy quality to it which seems to be sourced from the melon.
Cold brewed for 30 hours, this tea is very refreshing. The flavour has a thin quality to it but the melon taste is still on the forefront.
Pineapple taste on the forefront of the flavour with hints of bubblegum. This tisane makes me feel like this is what I should be drinking if I were to be sick in bed. This tisane is very sweet throughout, maybe a little bit too sweet. The flavour feels like it is lacking some actual camellia sinensis or maybe a stronger floral base to balance everything out.
I left this one in to infuse while I was drinking it and got no bitter taste.
Tried cold brewing this tisane for about 12 hours using 2 scoops of dry tisane. The pineapple is the strongest flavour which mixes nicely with the coconut flavour in the background. It still feels that it could use a stronger floral base to balance it out. Slightly tart on the finish accented by the coconut taste. It leaves an unpleasant sugary after-taste.
Second cold infusion has an overall weak flavour and there is a bitterness brought out. This tisane is good for only one cold infusion.
I steeped this tea for less time than recommended because I seem to be very sensitive to the bitterness of black teas lately.
The taste of the black tea is at the forefront of the flavour with a blooming of cinnamon taste on the finish. I really like how the two flavours are present but separate from each other on the sip; each can be enjoyed on its own. I find that in many flavoured teas the base tea flavour is lost in the background.
The scent of the dry leaf reminds me of sugar powder extruded candy (Rockets brand, for example).
The flavour is overwhelmingly a very muted mix of fruits. The tea has a bitter taste with sweet undertones. The after taste is very fruit cake-like.
For the second infusion, I used a cold-infusion for about 8 hours. The sweetness of the tea is brought to the forefront of the flavour and the bitterness is muted.
Very floral taste on each sip. Creamy and sweet. There is a smooth sweetness throughout. Very nice balance of flavours. I left the leaves in while I drank the tea and it was good the whole way through.
This tea was good for 2 more infusions after the first.
I am experimenting with water temperatures with this tea. When infused at 90 degrees Celsius, the bitter undertones are muted. I still get a flavour reminiscent of grapefruit on the lingering aftertaste. The creaminess is able to come to the forefront of the flavour and the mild floral taste is most present at the end of the sip. Very sweet at the end of the sip and on the lingering aftertaste.
Using 2 scoops of dry leaf for ~2 cups of water at 90 degrees Celsius for 4 minutes . Flavour is thin on the beginning of the sip but blooms into a milky floral taste. Aftertaste is thin, toasted and sweet- reminds me of a toasted marshmallow.
I was served this as the tea of the day at my local David’s Tea.
The flavour of the tea is a mixture of cocoa and cinnamon. The cinnamon flavour was more evident that I had hoped and took away from the chocolatey taste. These flavours were an interesting and nice match with the oolong which was able to provide a nice base.
I was served this as the tea of the day at my local David’s Tea.
This tea was served cold. I liked the mix of green tea and citrus and it was quite sweet on the initial sip. This particular tea was quite bitter on the aftertate. The stevia leaf may be contributing to this undesirable flavour.