
Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Apple, Artificial Flavouring, Coconut, Marigold Petals, Pineapple, Rose Petals, Safflower, Sugar
Coconut, Pineapple, Fruity, Tropical
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Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 6 min, 45 sec 5 g 8 oz / 243 ml

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190 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Cold/warm brewed this (as in, put in cold water from the Brita pitcher but left the cup on the counter for about 24h because my fridge is stuffed full of research asparagus) and it’s pretty tasty....” Read full tasting note
  • “I love you so mu-uuuuuuuch, Tropicalia. This is the first tea that has ever just had to be a staple to me. I bought 100g the first time around and have already purchased another 100g so that my tin...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yes friends. It is that good. If you look at my highly outdated profile description, you’ll find Pina Colada as one of my favorite flavours! The smell is spot on. It even smells sweet! Coconut,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Whoa the new format is super weird. I mean, I’m sure I’ll adjust but it’s just SO MANY changes all at once. Maybe what’s bothering me the most is the weird new font? But lots of differences and...” Read full tasting note


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Your happy place

So you want to go somewhere really exotic this summer. A place where the sun is shining and the drinks are plentiful. Where the sands are white, the water is clear and the sky is blue. No problem. Just ice yourself a cup of this herbal blend. Not only does it taste just like a piña colada, it makes you feel as happy as one too. With pineapple, coconut and little sugar hearts, the only thing missing is the paper umbrella. And a bikini.

Ingredients: Apple, pineapple cubes, coconut, rose petals, safflower blossoms, sugar hearts, marigold petals, artificial flavouring*.

Allergens: Coconut, not vegan

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

190 Tasting Notes

6117 tasting notes

Cold/warm brewed this (as in, put in cold water from the Brita pitcher but left the cup on the counter for about 24h because my fridge is stuffed full of research asparagus) and it’s pretty tasty. Am feeling somewhat dehydrated after trying to sleep off my cold for fourteen hours, and it’s hitting the spot. I miraculously can still taste things right now (I usually lose my sense of smell completely for a while while sick), and I feel like my cold/warm brew method may have worked better than standard cold-brewing; I just feel like the tea’s a bit more flavourful than I expected. But maybe I used more tea than I realized (I think it was about a tbsp for 2 cups, which is about what one would use for hot brewing). I feel like I’m rambling…

Anyhow, going to pop this into a waterbottle now and drive off to pick up the Last Batch of Asparagus (finally…….)

Iced 8 min or more

I want some ASPARAGUTS! Thats what we call it for some reason :)


Research asparagus?


So are you going to have an asparagus feast after your research is done? Can I come? I know some tasty asparagus recipes!

Dylan Oxford

You know what’s awesome? Grilled asparagus. I got Missy to start liking asparagus by putting it on the grill. :)


Shhh tell no one! As far as any one knows, I hates the rabbit food…


Haha @ Asparaguts :D

I’m doing cooking trials in a food-safe lab, so I need to store my asparagus in a food-safe fridge… and my actual lab is definitely not food-safe (filled with chemicals), so it all gets stored in my fridge (I have few options). I’ve been picking up a couple 28lb cases of asparagus each time, grading out what I can’t use, and using what works out to be maybe 1/3 of a case, so I end up with lots leftover… so yes Mercuryhime, I’m feasting this weekend and you are welcome to take as much asparagus off my hands as you want, or feast with me! :P Tomorrow’s menu includes cream of asparagus soup and stir-fried asparagus with lemon and garlic. Perhaps I will splurge on some proscuitto and wrap some up to grill/bake as well! What are your tasty asparagus recipes?!

Yes, grilled asparagus is delicious :D For my research, I’m testing it by baking, boiling, pan-frying, grilling, microwaving and steaming. By far, baking and grilling (and pan-frying) smell and taste the best :D (Although that’s not what I’m looking for, haha.)


Wow! I want your job! You’ve probably tried all my favorite ways fro the sound of things but I loved asparagus roasted with a Parmesan crust. Also shaved on white pizza with crispy shallots.


Are we talking white or green asparagus here? For the green, lightly blanched or steamed asparagus work excellently in a risotto. :)


Mercuryhime – Ooh, parmesan crust. I often roast it and drizzle it with parmesan and lemon juice (ok, douse it in lemon juice), but I don’t usually put it back in the oven after I put on the parmesan, although I seem to recall that’s what I was “supposed” to do… might try that tonight too! What is white pizza? And how do you make crispy shallots, because that sounds good!

Angrboda – You correctly guessed green :) I actually haven’t even had white asparagus (shock, horror!) but I know in Europe it’s quite a bit bigger than here. I have had purple asparagus however, and it was extra sweet and delicious :D Asparagus in risotto sounds good – I even have arborio rice because my roomie and I experimented with a few risottos last semester! Any specific recipes??


As a matter of fact yes. Allow me to promote a food blogger going under the name of Formerchef. She has provided several dishes for the menu rotation in this household. Her recipes are easy to follow and there are good pictures so you can see what it’s supposed to look like. Here is the risotto.

We don’t use proper arborio rice, though. They’re SO expensive in this country and only come in tiny packages with only a little more than what is needed for one meal. I just buy the cheap short-grained rice for rice porridge, and it works fine for just the two of us. If I were to make it for company, I might splurge. :) (Espeically if said company was the boyfriend’s Italian colleague and his wife, because I wouldn’t want them to faint with outrage. My boyfriend told me about a time when someone had explained how they made a specific cake or dessert to Italian Colleague, and how, when ‘nescafé’ was mentioned, it was like the light in his eyes just went out.)


Heck yes, that looks delicious! Wish my foodie roommate was here to make it with me, but I think I’ll still make it anyways (she will die of jealousy)! I actually have all of the ingredients, except for shiitake/portobello mushrooms (I should pick up some dried shiitakes. Love those things!) Thank you SO much!

I think arborio might actually be pretty expensive here too… but I bought it anyways. A full recipe usually makes at least 4 servings, so it’s worth it for me, and food is one thing I let myself splurge on. I think it’s about $4 for one package? I also don’t make risotto super often.

Also, the nescafe thing makes me giggle :) Yes, it would be an outrage to some people if you didn’t use “the proper” ingredients!!


For the Parmesan crust. I toss the spears with salt and olive oil then take a mixture of parm and bread crumbs to top it off. Broil till cooked! Asparagus should be tender and crispy still!

White pizza is basically without tomato sauce and extra cheeses like parm and provolone.

Crispy shallots are simply diced shallots pantries till crispy. Yum!

We should have a cooking party!


Risotto is a fairly stable type of dish in this household. :) But yeah, I still regularly tell the boyfriend that cooking is not an exact science. :p He’ll stand there and measure everything accurately, time every step, and find something else to cook entirely if he can’t use one of the listed ingredients, where I go by eye measure for a lot of things, hardly ever time anything unless it’s simmering or in the oven for a longer time and happily substitute or leave out ingredients that I don’t like or can’t get. :) He can’t make risotto without wine, for example, where as I tend to just use extra-strong stock or add a good splash of cooking sherry. And then, on the occasion where I do want to make something JUST SO, I get it thrown back in my face. “Cooking is not an exact science, you know!” :p


@Mercuryhime – That sounds yummy! I have everything but the bread crumbs, so should pick some up and try it! And I’d totally be down for a cooking party – I’ll supply the asparagus! Hahaha :D

@Angrboda – Totally made the risotto tonight (with modifications, because apparently I didn’t have as much chicken broth as I thought!), and it was delicious! Thanks so much for passing on the recipe! Also, I think I’m about half and half with the ‘exact science’ thing – I tend to be reasonably precise with measurements, but frequently substitute things if I feel it would work (although the first time I make a recipe I usually try to follow it as closely as I can).


The stock is not important anyway. With the boyfriend being vegetarian, any kind of stock in this house gets automatically translated to vegetable stock.
As for the exact science, he’s also funny with it because he’ll go out of his way to use the right sort of obscure cooking oil sometimes, but will happily substitute sorts of cheese without a second thought. I’ve never seen the logic of that one myself.

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1220 tasting notes

I love you so mu-uuuuuuuch, Tropicalia. This is the first tea that has ever just had to be a staple to me. I bought 100g the first time around and have already purchased another 100g so that my tin stays full through the rest of the year. Yes, I will drink this iced when it’s winter. I love it and I want it all the time.

I made this ridiculously strong and then I ended up watering it down too much with coconut milk. Go figure. At least now that means it’s got more of the taste I was after. I wanted coconut water but did not realize the little carton I had was previously opened. So thirsty and I don’t know why. This is doing the trick though, the iced tea I was drinking before was not helping, and this is actually refreshing.


Is this only available in summer?


It’s permanent online now that their fall teas are out.


Man I should try that one

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516 tasting notes

Yes friends. It is that good.
If you look at my highly outdated profile description, you’ll find Pina Colada as one of my favorite flavours!

The smell is spot on. It even smells sweet! Coconut, pineapple, cream, I’m drooling at the smell itself.
Now – it’s 2:30am and I had one of those breakdowns tonight. One of those I have a worthless degree and am applying for the same job I could have got after high school breakdowns. So I thought, screw it, I’ll make tea and bread and who cares about sleep. It wasn’t coming anyways.

I’m drinking it hot and trying to tiptoe so I don’t wake up my boyfriend, who needs sleep super badly tonight.

There’s something about this tea that reminds me of forever nuts! I think it’s the sweetness of the apple, in a non-apple tasting way haha. You know, I’m not generally a happy person, but tea, and my friends (Steepster friends included) give me hope and genuine, natural happiness. So thanks friends. :)

Sharing tasting notes from all over is allllmost (not quite) like having the cup of tea together. I guess it’s more like sharing the same experience, in a different way. Something about that is very calming. This is much too philosophical for this tea, I should be drinking an oolong or something.

Wow, okay – how does it taste? Something in the blend is giving it a little sharp tartness, then smooth creamy pina colada taste sweeps in. It will be a perfect iced tea with a splash of rum and a little bit of cream. The flavour is light in the way Luscious Watermelon is light. It’s juicy, but not heavy. Refreshing, but with any luck, won’t leave you wanting. A nice tea.


I like you too tea friend!

Daisy Chubb

:) Thanks Bonnie – you make me smile


Aww. Hope your feeling better.


Fabulous tea, isn’t it?

And breakdowns suck :( Hang in there… I’m sure you’ll get a job soon, then can pursue something more along the lines of your dream job. :D


It will work out soon!


I went through that breakdown myself while unemployed. Try not to stress over it. Just keep applying and thinking of your options. You’ll find something eventually. In the mean time, you have more time for tea. I miss having a nice gong fu session in the morning. :)


Also I totally want some of that tea you’re having! And luscious watermelon. Gotta stop by David’s soon. :)


I feel the same way about Steepster friends. Hugs!


I think it is so awesome that you made bread to prevent said breakdown. I’ve taken to making all our bread and I’m loving it. I have a BA, so can appreciate the feeling of useless degrees – I hope you can either put yours to work or at least make peace with the experience!

Daisy Chubb

Bachelor of Arts + Bachelor of Fine Arts = the ultimate person? :)
Thanks wonderfuls, you are all amazing! We all lead different paths while drinking delicious tea along the way. More time for tea! You’re right.

Dylan Oxford

Bachelorette of Double Arts!

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16875 tasting notes

Whoa the new format is super weird. I mean, I’m sure I’ll adjust but it’s just SO MANY changes all at once. Maybe what’s bothering me the most is the weird new font? But lots of differences and such…

Anyway, this steeped up surprisingly weak tonight so I actually added some milk to give it the depth and creaminess it was lacking. I hate when I need to do that to a tea to make it good as opposed to doing it to add to an already good tea. This was (is?) a favourite (like, top 5 teas ever) of mine, so hopefully it’s just a bad cup and not that my tastes have really changed so much?

Flavors: Coconut

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

You’re the first note on my board in the new format and I find this very very interesting. I like most of the changes, except the font.


Haha the font was what I noticed fist, thinking “okay, okay”. Then I went to search a tea. Oh my the changes.


See, I like the font change :)

Roswell Strange

And, posting this on the right note: I couldn’t figure out how to “add” flavours. Coconut was the only one I wanted that was there. I was also looking for apple and pineapple :/

Roswell Strange

Also, I attempted to mark down: “1.5” tsp. but I guess it rejected that?


Going to have to drink something to check out the new note features


Haha the font is what got me too.


I just logged on and was really surprised by the new format. It’s kinda cool I guess.
This was the first tea I ever had from Davids… I think I was locked out of my house :)

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1184 tasting notes

Hot, this tastes less like a pina colada than cold brewed.
I mostly get pineapple, with hints of apple and coconut. It is fairly sweet. Something that I probably wouldn’t drink everyday, but nice for a sweet dessert!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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470 tasting notes

I went to the DAVIDs on Bleeker today in the hopes of using that coupon… only to find that the prices in store are 2-3$ higher than online. I find them a bit on the higher end given the quality anyway, so I ended up not getting anything. I was just going to buy online and get the 50g of Paradise Found but 2 of the teas I want are sold out, yet they were in stock hours earlier. Guuuuuh.

Anyway, I DID get an iced tea in store. I mean, I’m not going to leave with nothing and they seem reasonably priced compared to other tea stores. I find it kind of funny that there’s no way I’ll spend $9 on 2oz of loose-leaf but $2.50 for an iced tea is fine… the brain is a funny thing. I’ve heard so many rave reviews about Tropicalia that I had to get it, even though it’s a wet and rainy day. Now I kind of wish I hadn’t because it is SO GOOD. I could drink this every day. But it’s a heavy blend which means it’s pricey to keep in my cupboard all the time. However, I don’t know if I can live without it, it’s perfectly fruity and has a surprising amount of depth.


That seems very strange that the prices are higher in the store. I know the online prices of course are in $CDN, but that would make me think the in-store price in the States would actually be lower. Odd. I’m positive it isn’t like that in Canada, because otherwise the pricing out of things using the online listing wouldn’t have worked as well as it did for Amanda and I when we arranged our large swap thingy.


I had a friend pick me up stuff from an NYC store a couple months ago, and everything was in ounces, and 2 ounces weighs more than 50g so that might play into it too. I was pretty surprised by the total even after that, because I had pretty much been going by online.


Oh, you reminded me I have a sample of this from my last online order!

Daisy Chubb

Yeah, in the 3 Canadian stores I’ve visited the prices are the same as online, so there must be something in the conversion, or some sort of agreement when they made stores in the States because our dollars are pretty much equal at the moment. That would be an interesting question for customer service – I bet they would have a real answer for you rather than me guessing! lol


I think it’s a combo of ounce vs grams + transportation fees. You’re paying for them to ship the teas in the store to the states and also any customs fees and such. I just had a bit of sticker shock, especially after H&S where the prices are significantly lower than online. 2 ounces of Paris is $2, 2 ounces of Honeybee is $9! Considering DT’s cheap shipping, I’ll probably just go to the stores for drinks and get loose leaf online.


Oh wow… H&S is that cheap in-store?! Must… find… H&S….


They go by bulk numbers in store, so it’s the per-pound prices that they use. I just checked my teas from them: the cheapest is Lemony Gunpowder ($2.22 for 2oz), Paris was $2.60 for 2oz so I was pretty close! It’s nice, since I consider a lot of their teas “must have at all time” and it’s totally affordable to keep my cupboard full!


That’s crazy cheap, or it seems so to me!


I feel spoiled by H&S, their prices are so low but their blends are so good!

Scott B

Those cheap prices for H&S might have something to do with them based in NY. I bought some at a tea shop in the midwest and the prices were more like $3-4 an ounce or so. Still not a bad price considering the quality.


I think stores that aren’t in NY have the same pricing as online (which is still pretty decent), it’s probably only the 2 NY ones that are so cheap. It’s still very nice, I don’t think many other stores use bulk pricing even if it’s their flagship.

Scott B

Yeah, it seemed the tea shops price were fairly inline with Harney’s online. Very fortunate to have access to such great prices.


We love this one too!

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1598 tasting notes

We had company over so there wasn’t anywhere to really hang out once the baby was up, so I took her out for a walk and ended up at the mall. I meant to grab a go-cup of something with caffeine but grabbed this instead. I shared it with the baby and she really seemed to enjoy it, so after wandering around for another hour, I went back and bought 50g of this and agave.

Should this count for breaking my tea buying hiatus? I say…. no. :P Haha. I figure it was for the baby, and the guests we’ll have over tonight and I think 50g will only work for 2 large pitchers anyway. But the point is I didn’t buy it for me. So I’ve been good! Bwahahaha.

ETA: When I was in DavidsTea I was trying to convince the salesperson to join Steepster as it is so amazing and awesome. She said she’d check it out, but if I was thinking I would have told her who I am there too. IF she does join, how will I find her? :P Whoops

200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 45 sec

Definetly does NOT count….in fact since you are sharing tea with baby and guests, you are allowed a bonus Harney and Sons order…..good deeds, and all that….and you introduced a tea person to steepster…..maybe a butiki order too……


Hahahah. You are awful. :) (Awful good at tempting me)


I say this doesn’t count towards breaking your ban, BUT, no special privileges come along with it! :P


Haha. That’s perfectly acceptable by me.


Can I make a butiki order then? I need to try them out and do another harney order and I need DT pink passionfruit… 3 orders…..really only 2 since I can get DT in store…..which reminds me, I need tropicalia too… 2,3 orders then I would go on a hiatus too….


Hahahahahaha :P

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871 tasting notes

Holy coconut Batman!

Made this one as a cold brew, brewed for about 12 hours. It is very strongly coconut with a slight pineapple undertone. Almost similar to coconut water. Sort of watery, but the flavour is still good. It is creamy tasting, and there is the same coffee whitener/thickening agent taste I got with the hot brew (darn heart shaped sprinkles). The flavour is not as distinct as it was when brewed hot.

So far not the best cold brew I have ever had, but it is not the worst. Still have to try iced.


nah. you go ahead but it’s pretty much as you called it, coconut water.


I waaayyy overleaf this one when I cold-brew, for more flavour.

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639 tasting notes

I ripped open this sample package I bought back in June and took a deep whiff of a pineapple, coconut, apple yumfest!! I know this is supposed to be a great summer iced tea. And quite frankly, I’m not ready to give in to fall yet (despite my love of pumpkin and spice teas). Everyone was raving about this tea a few months back. Who cares what season it is? I’m sure I’ll enjoy it just as much now as I would have then.

I’ll make the first cup hot and ice the second. Seriously though, the dry leaf aroma is a cornucopia of awesomeness! This will definitely help me stay cheery while I do a ton of laundry. I’m surrounded by mountains with a kitty who has a desire to mountain climb. Mr. Frodo!! Stay off my underwear!! LOL!

Anyway, time to try the hot version. Mmmm, yum!! This is delicious! Tropicalia is the perfect name to describe these flavors. I don’t think DAVIDsTEA could come up with a better combination of fruity summery flavors. I’m not gonna’ lie, I kind of chugged this cup down. Time to try the iced version!

Since I re-steeped the same leaves, I decided to go for a solid 10 minute infusion. Of course, then I left the apartment to go down to the laundry room and missed when the timer went off. So, who really knows how long this steeped for. Even though this is a beloved iced tea, ironically I enjoyed it better hot. It’s just okay iced in my opinion. As good as this tea is, it doesn’t really qualify as dinner. Therefore, I’m off to make some!

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec

I’ve never had this one but it sounds good.

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6768 tasting notes

Thanks to Amanda I was able to try this one!

This one seems to be a hit here on Steepster so I was wondering just what all the ‘steep’ was about!

There are lots of different fruits and petals in this mix along with some candy hearts. It has a small pina colada aroma paired with apple, perhaps. Not that fake Pina Colada either…coconut – YAY!

The taste is pretty amazing! I don’t have much to compare it with! I can taste apple, citrus-family members, sugar (from the candies), floral tidbits, coconut…the hole sha-BANG! I’m totally impressed with the way these ingredients meshed with each other.

I had half a cup hot and the other half cold and both are pretty delightful!


I love this one! I blended with some fruity green rooibos and almost died of total bliss!

Daniel Scott

You drank it hot? How is it hot? I adore this one, but have never dared to drink it hot.

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