Mother's Little Helper (Organic)

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Chamomile, Cornflower Petals, Hibiscus, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Rose Hips, Valerian Root
Chamomile, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Floral, Lemon, Mint, Apple, Dry Grass, Fruity, Herbaceous, Hibiscus, Honey, Menthol, Musty, Sweet, Tart, Earth, Flowers, Herbs, Medicinal, Tea, Lemon Zest, Tangy
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Fair Trade, Organic
Edit tea info Last updated by B
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec 3 g 20 oz / 585 ml

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210 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I needed this tea tonight and was feeling super lazy, so I put it in a teabag and made it (my metal steeper still has sichuan caravan to drink tomo in it). The flavor is still pretty good, so...” Read full tasting note
  • “Ok, so I’m probably just the biggest whiner ever but I cannot handle not getting enough sleep. That’s the surefire best way to grump me up, and I gotta say that at 5:20 AM, with only 1 hour of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sooo for some reason I don’t have a rating on this tea when I know I have reviewed it a few times. Welp! Here’s my rating! haha I used 1 tsp instead of my usual 2 tsps. It tastes soo much better...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown!! (158) Thank you Cavocorax for sharing this with me. This tastes like a typical herbal tea, minty and nice but not something I ever crave. For that reason, it won’t be a restock but it is...” Read full tasting note


The great escape

Need a little relaxation? Try running for the shelter of this mother’s little helper. It’s got organic valerian (aka “nature’s Valium”) to take the edge off your 24/7 reality. Plus there’s chamomile, peppermint and lemongrass for an added dose of tranquility. And pretty blue cornflowers just to make you happy. One sip and you’ll feel like you’ve spent the day at a spa. (MK Kosher)

Ingredients: Organic: peppermint, lemongrass, rosehips, Fair Trade Certified hibiscus, chamomile flowers, valerian root, cornflowers. With natural peppermint flavouring*.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

210 Tasting Notes

1186 tasting notes

I needed this tea tonight and was feeling super lazy, so I put it in a teabag and made it (my metal steeper still has sichuan caravan to drink tomo in it). The flavor is still pretty good, so laziness paid off. Yes, I needed to relax, i don’t know what’s up lately but I’ve been nervous /anxious. Need to just chilllllll. Lol. This tea is perfect for it, and also is sending me off to bed nice and early. See previous notes :)

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1598 tasting notes

Ok, so I’m probably just the biggest whiner ever but I cannot handle not getting enough sleep. That’s the surefire best way to grump me up, and I gotta say that at 5:20 AM, with only 1 hour of sleep under my belt, I am very grumpy.

It wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t have a telephone interview tomorrow at 9:30. It could have been ANY other day this week and I would have just shrugged it off and played video games all morning. But life is like that.

Long story short – this is just further reminder of why having one kid is just great, and how I don’t want to go back to the days where we didn’t sleep at all. Ever. :P The older this one gets, the easier everything becomes for us.

I’m hoping this will knock me out, and I’m considering putting some into a bottle for her too!

ETA: Of course when you’re grumping it up, it’s always wise to keep in mind Batman’s Inspirational Words:


about the sleep… ME TOOOOOOOO. Call me Ms Grump :)


oh, batman. :(

hope you managed to get some more sleep! I had an early morning with K heading off to Sudbury. Mornings are gross.


Hahaha, Batman…it seems like lots of people are having trouble sleeping lately! :/


my only trouble sleeping is work. lol i sleep fine…when i get to actually go to bed haha


Oh, Sil. I read, “My only trouble sleeping is at work.” Hilarity ensued.


I swear I almost fell asleep at work yesterday myself!


Awww. Hope you’re able to make up for it later, Indigobloom! (Grumpy twins! Yay!)

TUrns out it was for naught too as the job they interviewed me for was for a call centre with wonky hours. No thanks.

And I HAVE had jobs where I’ve fallen asleep – back when I was going to college. I was supposed to work upstairs and sell clothes at a surplus store but we rarely had people come up so I would have hours where no one would talk to me. And I’d doze off (or do homework!)


feeling a bit better today. It’s fridayyyyyy! been an emotional week.


hope you got yours tooo!


Yay! Glad things are picking up for you! I’m much happier as well – just had to make it through that day!

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516 tasting notes

Sooo for some reason I don’t have a rating on this tea when I know I have reviewed it a few times. Welp! Here’s my rating! haha

I used 1 tsp instead of my usual 2 tsps. It tastes soo much better when I’m light on the leaf – I just hope it works just as well!

The Lush hiring party went super swell, so here’s my story: I worked from 8:30-5, stayed at the mall until the hiring party at 6, took the bus home and got home at 7:30 – reached in my purse to find the keys to be.. well.. not there. So! I sat in tim horton’s for 3 hours, sipping an extra large steeped tea, thinking about how awesome my interview was and when Mike finally got home I was so wired!

Took a bath with my free Lush bubble bar, and now I’m sippin this magical tea, waiting for it to kick in because I am still so wired and happy. Come on tea, I work at 8:30 again tomorrow, help me out here!

I love this tea.

The end!


Aww, I’m so happy it went well! Yay you! Tea in the bath! When I get a tub, I’ll be doing this for sure! I will also live my dream of bathing in Jasmine tea. :D
Hope you find your keys!


I love it…there’s action(mall), conflict(keys), resolution(tea in the bath)…and love(mike)


So happy for you! Ugh I would love to spend all day surrounded by lush :D Fingers crossed; keep us updated!


tunes&tea, you’re awesome :) DaisyChubb, great to hear you had an awesome interview. I’ve got my fingers crossed. (But I have my fingers and toes crossed for the Davids Tea job!)


@softrevolution – my sister used to work at Lush. She got so much free stuff, it was ridiculous. Her room smelled like a Lush store (and probably still does). Headache central!


Which bubble bar did you get?


Haha I used to have a biiiiit of a lush obsession. I kept all my goodies wrapped up and in a big tupperware tub under my bed. Even through that my entire room (and, faintly, the entire apartment) smelled like lush goodness. My partner thought I was crazy, but i would just bask in the gloriousness. Ohhh how I miss it!

Daisy Chubb

haha thank you everyone! I have the best tea friends in the whole world, obviously ;)

@Mercuryhime – I can’t wait until you get a tub! LIVE THE DREAM! :D

@tunes – that seriously made my day, maybe I could make a fringe theatre show about it? I’m at a loss for inspiration so that might be the one! :D

@soft – used to?! oh noes, not any more? it is a pricey obsession I must admit, so getting the job would definitely help with that haha ;)

@Miss – thank you! Yes I would more than happily take either (or both!) DT & Lush! ah!

@Heather – it was one I’ve never tried before, Blue Skies & Fluffy White Clouds! It was a nice change from my usual super sweet candy scents :3


I like Blue Skies, but I haven’t had any in ages.

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (158)

Thank you Cavocorax for sharing this with me. This tastes like a typical herbal tea, minty and nice but not something I ever crave. For that reason, it won’t be a restock but it is certainly enjoyable enough.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

stop. drinking.


Haha. It seems like I am an alcoholic. If it makes you feel any better, I have emptied out my sipdown box (with the exception of one tea) which means sipdowns won’t be so easy anymore.


You made me laugh, Sil! Stop it! :D


i have maybe 2-3 left that are easy sipdowns…unless i want to drink a lot of matcha.. puerhs never count as easy for me since i drink a TON with one little itty bitty piece..

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1445 tasting notes

This has become my unofficial evening “tea” of September. It works so well at knocking me out that I haven’t been able to write a proper note on it all month. I don’t know if I’m just a wimp or a wimp who falls for placebos every time. Eh. It works so I’m not too worried about it.

The main ingredients I can pick out are hibiscus, peppermint, and lemongrass; the chamomile component is weak tonight. I don’t know what Valerian root tastes like or if it brings anything to this cup except extra sleepiness.

Against my better judgment, this “everything” herbal is a simple win. I’m one of those strange alien lifeforms that actually enjoys hibiscus and really like it here. I think it’s more placated here than it normally is in other blends that toss it in haphazardly. The other ingredients smooth it out and it’s nice.

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

I nearly reached for this one as well, but was worried it would knock me out too quickly! I forgot there was hibiscus in there, but I really enjoy this blend. It’s just 100% relaxation.


Valerian tastes/smells like cheese and dirty socks. Umm. I took it every night for years to help me sleep, and I can’t stand it! One of the hikes I did this summer was lovely, except for the fields of valerian we hiked through.


Oh, wow. I’m so extremely grateful that I can’t taste that; everything else must do a good job at covering it up. You’d probably be able to pick out here if you were familiar with it though?

@Cavo, I can’t believe how potent this is. I wanted to try this after reading one of your notes a while ago actually, but I didn’t fully believe you at the time. :P It probably was a mistake for me to drink it so early too.


Hahaha. Well I don’t know if it’s all in my head as well too, but valerian root is supposed to be good at making you sleep, and I know that I chose this one when I want to sleep, so mentally I’m more prepared as well. It’s a keeper!
(though probably not a 100g tin keeper)


Yeah, I can totally smell it in the blend. :) Glad you smell it differently! Granted, an alcohol tincture is different from a tea, and the alcohol does not help the smell at all.


That’s too bad that the Valerian bothers you so much. :(
It is a pretty flower. Deceptive.


I can’t smell the valerian root in this at all, and I’m glad..I have supplements as well and they stink! I took a good stash of this with me when I moved to China and I’m so glad I did…I only drink it right before bed though!

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16986 tasting notes

Sipdown (179)!

I can’t place what about this I specifically dislike. I think it’s just the overall combination of flavours…

Anyway, thanks for the sample VariaTEA – I’m glad I tried it, but this is an easy sipdown for me: I wont miss having this blend in my cupboard.


I still have yet to try this one. People said it really mellows you out so I always mean to drink it at night and then end up grabbing something else.


It’s really weird tasting, but I don’t find it particularly unpleasant, and it does make me kinda drowsy, which is nice because I can never fall asleep.

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254 tasting notes


Wow – DAVIDsTEA tins are really the worst. No wonder they have to give them away. I went to pick up my tin of this to check the steep time and didn’t get enough of the base under my fingers. I was left with the lid in my hand and half the tin dumped onto the floor. And this is a light, light tea!

You can pretty much kiss away the concept of air-tightness if the lid is going to just fall off like that. But then, I might have been in a bit of a pissy mood to start. I just completed the hunt through my teas to weed out apple… and it’s everywhere! Midsummer Night’s Dream? Apple. Pink Flamingo? Apple pieces. Pink Passionfruit? Yep. Strawberry Rhubarb Parfait? Oh, yeah.

Dude. We just wiped out my stash of caffeine-free teas/tisanes.

But this is for the tea… and I’m glad that at least one of my DAVIDsTEA blends is apple-free. The other was the Earl Grey, which I did check just for temper’s sake, because apparently they love to sprinkle it around like pretty pretty sparky fairy dust… Grrr.


With its minty aftertaste and lemony goodness, this is a good blend to cool your temper to. And the warmth of a cup of tea in my hands is always so soothing. Tomorrow is the first day of school, so I’m trying to get myself to bed early tonight. Hopefully the valerian will help me along into dreamland.

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

I have some of those tins and some lids fit really tight while a couple others are more loose – although not as bad as the one you have! If I get a tin in-store now, I’ll have them check the fit of the lid beforehand.
And yeah…the apple!

Dr Jim

It must be really tough living with food allergies. Adagio is another company that uses apple in almost all their blends.


My apple allergy only goes so far as to give me an itchy throat (which I guess has something to do with the type of grass allergies I have). But I have other food allergies, so I definitely sympathize. :(


I posted in a moment of frustration, but I really appreciate the thoughts! My mom is actually much worse off – she’s violently allergic to eggs, and can’t even eat most ice creams. It’s crazy where different kinds of foods turn up.

I’m glad most of my food allergies didn’t turn up until I was over thirty, because my shellfish issues would have totally sucked in Italy if they’d presented themselves yet!

Mandy Winslow

I am really sorry that you have an allergy to apple. I really love DAVIDsTEA brand maybe if you head in and share your allergies they can suggest teas without apple in it. I have come to find the staff is knowledgeable

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150 tasting notes

This will be short and because I may fall asleep while I write. This tea is a bit minty with a soothing herbal flavor. It’s naturally sweet and the perfect before bed cuppa. The valerian root is a really nice calming touch.

I made a cup of this tea for my hubby because he had a rough day. He loved it and he’s yawning away now. I didn’t tell him about valerian in it because he gets fussy about certain herbs… that’s not wrong, right? It’s not the same as mashing up Prozac in his pudding, or is it? Well, ethical dilemma aside, my sweetie will get a good night’s sleep :)


ugh my Mum is the same. I told her about the Valerian in one of my teas and she started warning me against it every time she saw me with it in hand. Apparently we have a family member who had heart problems because of it, back in the 1940s! Literally.
Sleep tight!


Your Mum has quite the memory! My husband read an artical about how the excessive, the key word is excessive, use of herbs like valerian can lead to liver damage. Duh! Consuming a small amount every now and then won’t hurt ;) cue evil laugh Muahahahaha…


lol I’m a bit of a hypochondriac so stuff like that can freak me out to… but I don’t like the way it tastes so I don’t mind this time haha
so heart AND liver damage huh. I guess I should have no more than five cups a day :P


We occasionally keep a bottle of valerian capsules in the medicine cabinet. Sometimes the need to sleep outweighs anything else. They smell really bad. My husband named them the cat-butt root because of the smell. So anytime I make him tea with valerian, I tell him it has cat-butt root in it.

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1501 tasting notes

Tried some of this last night. I normally like medicinal teas, and can stomach almost anything if it helps me to feel better. Having said that, all I could get out of this was hibiscus. No thanks.

200 °F / 93 °C 8 min or more

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121 tasting notes

I love this tea and I need to buy more soon because I’m almost out! Mostly drinking this because I haven’t had any in a while but this week has been rough. I had a midterm, and another midterm coming up on Monday so I’m getting a quick in between break before hitting the books again. Because my brain has been always on and alert so far this week, I’m drinking this to see if maybe it’ll turn off tonight and I can get a restful slumber (please cat don’t wake me at 3am because you want attention).

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