Guangzhou Milk Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Natural Flavours, Oolong Tea
Floral, Vegetal, Cream, Orchid, Sweet, Butter, Milk, Smooth, Creamy, Jasmine, Mineral, Green, Sweet, Warm Grass, Tannin, Earth, Vanilla, Milky, Nutty, Fish Broth, Fishy, Petrichor, Plants, Caramel, Honey, Honeysuckle, Spinach
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec 5 g 27 oz / 787 ml

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This ultra-rare oolong from the Wuyi Mountains of China is velvety smooth and lightly creamy, with a subtle hint of orchid. It’s said that it came about when the moon fell in love with a comet. The comet passed her by, as comets will do. The moon cried milky tears, which chilled the tea fields, withering the leaves and giving them a delicate creaminess. It’s been a rare luxury ever since.

Ingredients: Chinese oolong tea from the Fujian province, natural flavouring.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

324 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Just picked up 50g of this for free! Awesome.

Delicious cup, but not quite as I remember it. Perhaps I’m not really in the mood. Also, different water and water-heating technique are maybe making it a bit different. Oh well!

3 min, 0 sec

Nice pick for your free tea! It’s pretty expensive otherwise, but still tasty.

Autistic Goblin

I’m glad you like it :)


Whoa! How’d you get that much free tea??


DavidsTea coupon!




cries I don’t live by a DavidsTea and the online coupon blows. Hmph. Glad you got this though!


Nice choice for the free one!


Yes… $18 of free tea with a $20 purchase. Well worth it. I’d love to go to my local DT and buy things for you, Lynne-tea, but I feel like they’d recognize me and not let me. And I don’t know if I’d be able to make it over there Saturday anyhow.


Thank you for saying that Kittenna! That is a kind thought =) I have been trying to get people I know in Victoria to pick some up for me, but none have a printer. Sadface. I’m sure it’s for the best (SOMEHOW)…


Argh, what timing with this promo. Lynne, I’d grab stuff for you too but having just moved, I have no printer nor phone (since according to their facebook page, you can just show the coupon to the staff with your phone). This would have been the perfect time to try this tea. :/


Yeah, I was going to say that you can use a phone or something as well. I only have a printer since I’m staying with my parents. That sucks :(


Either way, thanks for the review! Glad you were able to snag some of this. I can’t wait to get my hands on this one.


Agreed! I can share some with you Incendiare until you get your hands on some =)


Aww, thanks for the offer! I was thinking of just picking some up anyway. Sounds like a person can’t go wrong with this one.


No problem! It’s true – you really can’t go wrong with this one. Pick up a sample and see how fast you go through it. I bet it will be quick. =)

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1220 tasting notes

So the price of this stuff dropped by a third! Now I feel less of a need to hoard it.

I’m drinking this instead of eating lunch. My stomach feels meh today and I don’t know what to eat because my brain says tacos. So milk oolong it is.

I had milk oolong in mind when I got my yixing so now he’s really getting some use.

First I did a rinse because these leaves are so hard to get to open up with quick steeps.

First steep: Around 15 seconds. Yay I missed this tea! Orchids! Cream! Butter! I love the pinch when it hits my tongue, I can’t decide if it feels like pepper or like bubbles.

I wonder if Paula Deen could be convinced to drink this tea. BUTTER.

Second steep: 30 seconds. More color to this one, obviously. I love the smell. It makes me want to infuse butter with orchid petals. That might be the only way I could ever get a good use out of an orchid since they hate me.

Third steep: 45 seconds. I’m pretty sure this is wrong, that a yixing can’t possibly have an effect on its fourth use, but this tastes SO much more floral than usual and I am loving it. I am also amazed that the creaminess is still there and quite strong. This is probably the best cup so far.

Fourth steep: 1 minute. A bit lighter on flavor now, but still very floral. There is still a definite butter flavor, although it’s less creamy now.

Fifth steep: 1 min, 15 seconds. Not much different from the fourth. Starting to lose flavor a lot more. Notes are definitely still very much on the orchid side of things. With five steeps and a whole lot of other tea sitting around, I do believe it’s time to move on to something else.


What?? Price drop?


Yeah, it’s $6 for 25g now.


Bugger, lol :P At least my free 50g was worth $18 when I got it!! Btw did you get your teas yet? I don’t remember…


No, I have a feeling they’ll come today though. I should probably go check haha.


UGH!! Thanks Amanda! I’m shopping there now…ANOTHER tea to add to my cart! LOL


Haha with their new red velvet cake one, I’m at $33 before their cocktail collection one comes out in a couple weeks. It is the only order I am allowing myself to make for at least two months until Black Friday comes around. I was so going for rest of the year but it’s not happening.


is black friday a good day for buying tea? i didn’t know this, getting excited now!


I am so bad at remembering but I know there were some sales, 52teas had a discount on orders over $50, but for me mostly it’s my birthday is right around there.

Daniel Scott

Does it taste the same as it did at 9 dollars an ounce? I get suspicious when prices drop.


When I order again, I’m gonna get another 25g and find out.


Cocktail collection? Really? Why must everyone have such yummy teas during broke season :(


It’s actually nothing new tea-wise, but I love how it looks:


That’s how they always get me, the darn packaging.


Aw man, I was at DT today, but I didn’t know about the price drop. I probably would have gotten this if I woulda known!
And those cocktails look deliciously refreshing!

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516 tasting notes

Still the best milk oolong ever to hold a place in my cupboard!

Never disappoints! Never a lack of sweet, creamy, milky & buttery flavour. Delicious.

My Sunday Tea

I’m new here. Although this is a review on 3 years ago, I can still feel the taste from your wording “sweet, creamy, milky & buttery flavour”.

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1186 tasting notes

So I was watching LOTR tonight..and wanted a rich, creamy tea to go with it, with a nice golden sun color..yeah, this tea fit the bill to go with the movie lol. It was enjoyable and so smooth as usual, I have enough left for about 2 cups :( ah well, I’ll enjoy it while I can! Oooh and the bf was feeling really gross tonight with regards to his stomach, I chopped up a bunch of fresh ginger and added honey and boiling water straight to it as I usually do, and also decided to add .5 tsp of lemon juice to fight if he’s getting sick. And just leave the ginger in the cup until the cup is finished. He really liked it, and requested another cup, and his tummy is feeling a bit better, as long as he doesn’t move :) sadly, I didn’t try any of my concoction, as if he’s getting sick, I don’t want to get it (it will be inevitable, anyways). But yeah, that might have to be my new cold remedy! But back to this yummy oolong haha, see previous notes :)

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 30 sec

quangzhou milk and LOTR! that’s my kind of party! (minus sick bf)
the concoction you made him sounds really nice though! i have to try to remember that for when i’m in a tonic kind of mood.


Yess haha milk oolong is perfect for lotr :D and I’m happy I wrote down the amount of lemon juice i put in the ginger mixture i probably wouldn’t remember! It smelled sooo good, definitely going to try it when my stomach is upset.

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17027 tasting notes

I don’t really feel like writing much. Meh. Next cup is a sipdown. This one was rather flavourless, though maybe a little buttery.

I also burnt my finger and typing hurts. Boo.

Sami Kelsh

:( burns blow. I hope you got some ice on it!

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1473 tasting notes

So when hearing about Davids $1 straight tea promo, my immediate thought was of this tea. I love this tea, but oh god the price >.<. So the opportunity to have a cup and resteep the leaves all day for only $1 is too good to pass up.

This is the oolong that made me love oolongs. It’s creamy and butter and just….guh. Drinking it reminds me why I love tea so very much.


I love this promo! I can’t wait till I’m working back at the office near the Bloor West DT. Gonna have some Gyokuro Yamashiro.


I think I might be trying some of this with the promo too.


I wish they had a store in the US! But this is one of my favorites from them. I seriously might crack into the bag I received from them in my latest order, tomorrow!


Apparently they will have stores in the US before the year is out!


It’s absolutely insane how quickly they’ve expanded.


It is insane at the rate of expansion!


@aisling of tea…in the US you say?? I think my heart just skipped a beat!!

Sandra Brassard

My favorite tea of all time…just perfection for me♥

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357 tasting notes

Now that I tried Teavivre’s version of this, it leaves me wondering if they add flavors to this David’s one. It tastes much more buttery and nutty than the Teavivre version. It’s really lovely, but I’m having a hard time believing that this that taste can occur naturally despite what the sales associate tells me.

It’s very yummy though.


Ooh, I totally forgot I have a sample of this!


Oh, is that so? I should try Teavivre’s Milk Oolong, then!


@CHAroma – I hope you like it too, I look forward to reading your tealog
@Cess – Personally I prefer the taste of the David’s version, but the Teavivre version definitely tastes more natural. They’re both worth giving a try.


Well, if there’s flavour in it and it’s not disclosed as an ingredient, that’s a problem…

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125 tasting notes

There is nothing better for the cold weather than staying home with a hot cup of tea, looking out the window, watching the snow falling down. I’m guessing that’s more than 20 cm so far.

I’m staying in and drinking milk oolong. It’s doing its job. Keeps me warm and happy. It’s fragrant and creamy with a hint of floral notes. It’s delicious.


Sounds like a pretty good plan to me :)


Agreed with Yvonne! that’s the plan here too, we are once more buried!!!!

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818 tasting notes


This was a really nice tea, once I actually steeped it at a lower temperature. I still think I like Della Terra’s oolong creme de la creme better, and plan to try milk oolongs from other companies, so probably won’t get more of this one.


Glad to hear you prefer DTT! Have that waiting to be opened and I thought this one was just alright.


Yep! I like it a lot more! Hope you enjoy it!!

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541 tasting notes

I am having a bad day; headache, my homework hasn’t been posted, and I just broke my favorite teacup/brewing device. I was dumb and left it on the counter by some pans that were drying and one fell off and smashed it; my fault really.
This tea is really great though! I needed a good pick me up and this one is very nice. I don’t drink it often b/c I am rationing it. Either way it is very smooth and I was steeping for the 5 min. suggested time. I’m on my third cuppa right now and it is quite nice!


Oh, no! I know the feeling of smashing beloved teaware all too well. :(


I think that it’s my first tea casualty. :(
The nice thing is if I need to buy another one I always can b/c it is still in stock. I just don’t normally buy $17 tea things…


Aw… RIP tea cup… I hate when that happens…


eeek! I don’t have a fave mug anymore but even still I’d hate to break my old one :(


My husband was sad b/c I always like glass teapots and they are pretty fragile. At least it wasn’t my big one! That one was much more money. I have a favorite cup too, but it’s a bit more durable!

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