836 Tasting Notes
A really nice mix of flavours. I am a little bit sensitive to the taste of lemongrass and feel that it would be better if it wasn’t present in this blend. However, there are a lot of other flavours in here that I love and help me to look past the lemongrass. I can’t really detect any of the floral taste of either the roses or camomile. I really love that there is spearmint in this one!
Drinking this tea is just like biting into a fresh lychee. The flavour is incredibly well captured- I am very impressed. Black tea taste on the finish which is balanced with the lychee. I wouldn’t expect lychee to be the best compliment for a black tea but these tastes work well together. A bit reminiscent of lemony-taste on the start. Sweetness on the finish and after taste.
Very strong flavour. I’m detecting a flavour reminiscent of grapefruit which I have associated with Milk Oolong in the past. Strong roasted tone (bordering on bitter) and mild milky undertone. I’m also detecting some lemony-type flavour on the sip. Sweet on the finish. The after taste is sweet and has floral hints.
As the tea cools, I’m getting more of a full milk oolong-like hit with each sip. The roasted tone moves more into the background and the milkiness is allowed to come out more. Very delightful! I can detect some grassy notes as well. The finish is still very sweet with mild floral hints. After taste is mainly of roasted and floral flavour.
Second infusion- The milkiness really comes out The roasted flavour isn’t as prevalent, which is nice as it was a little strong on the first infusion. Smoother and softer version of the first infusion.
The flavour held pretty well for 3 infusions. I didn’t try past 3 though.
Edge of bitterness on the sweet taste at the finish of the sip. There is definitely apple flavour on the after-taste. I’m detecting a hint of a type of full coconut-like/caramel-like taste in this. I can’t seem to extract the flavour of the white or green tea.
As the tea cools, I’m getting some roasted tones- presumably from the green tea in the blend.
I feel like I caught all the same flavours as you did in this one, including that bitterness. Without it it would be lovely, I think.
I used 1 and 1/2 scoop of dry leaf for my Aquaovo tumbler.
The main flavour that I am getting in the first sip is that of plum-apricot; very sweet and candy-like with no unpleasant sugary after-taste. The taste of the white tea is lost in the background. I was hoping for more of a coconut flavour. Hint of bitterness on the finish but not enough to make it an unpleasant experience.
As it is cools, I am getting a fuller cherry flavour which blooms into the plum-apricot taste. The white tea taste is better able to peek out near the end of the sip. There is a consistent sweetness throughout. Flavour is delicate, maybe bordering on what I would consider to be thin.
After the end of my cup I got a really amazing lingering after taste. It is definitely more cherry-like than the flavour of the actual tea with the mild tartness that I associate with cherries. I am getting way more of the white tea taste too.
The primary taste that I am getting out of this tisane is that of artificial lemon flavour. It is missing that zing that I associate with a freshly squeezed lemon. I’m finding that I am associating the flavour with candle wax. There is a mild sweet touch on the aftertaste. I can detect somewhat of a minty feel near the end of the sip.