2070 Tasting Notes
Tasting note #1900
Yesterday I was searching nice and cozy tea; as days go by and I return from work drained, often angry, not mentioned stress level higher than usual.
Well, luckily a few days ago I found out the teas that I received from Shae who kindly included a few teas in the last TTB when it was going to me. I guess it had one stopover, but yes these reached me. So thank you!
This is a tea that I would never try otherwise as, not gonna lie, shipping is pricey. They offer overseas shipping, but based on email contact beforehand; again, I suppose, it’s because the prices.
Anyway, I prepared all blend I had (it was a little more than 2 grams); but filled my strainer well, steeped for at least 5 minutes as suggested and drinking once it was possible.
Yum! Writing this note a day later, I am not able to recall exact ingredients and their contribution; but it was so refreshing, mild, but also sappy, crispy and woody. Indeed reminding my hikes in Finland (only a few, sadly) and makes me a wanderlust to those countries in the North for once again. Sadly, those vacations tend to be expensive and there are expenses to be expected, not mentioning I hardly can get any vacation now as well. Hopefully two weeks in September.
Definitely staying in my wishlist, hoping I will be able to get more of this wonderful tisane.
Last, 4-grams sachet from Ronnefeldt’s Joy of Tea variety box.
I have been expecting, based of dry aroma, it would be mostly lemony. Candy lemony.
I wasn’t so off — it was indeed quite sweet, probably thanks to licorice root in; and indeed quite strong in lemon. A little of warming ginger, but not spicy nor fiery; and fresh taste of lemongrass and spearmint muted quite strongly the ginger root (technically, rhizome), so it was overall okay-ish. Maybe I have been expecting more of the ginger, or more of the lemon taste; or both… definitely not expecting other ingredients in.
Finally and definitely a sipdown! (M: 7 Y: 61), and tea with two prompts… just see my previous notes.
I am sad that I couldn’t finish this tea faster; I thought that one month it shouldn’t be a trouble, then another month… and now I just finished it. Probably too good to get rid of it, and yes, I am definitely sad finishing it, but life goes on and, note for myself, it’s not so unacessible as it may look like.
Rye bread base, with malty and sweet — cane sugar body, finished with long aftertaste, never bitter or astringent, smooth and round. But it’s gone. For now.
Raising a rating from 86 to 92. And giving recommendation. Courtney, your turn :)
Hihi, well in such short time I have this tea twice; once in café and now at home… as it was a part of my Joy of Tea box.
Well, I have nothing to add to my previous note. Not so nutty, but grassy tea indeed. Refreshing in hot humid day. Somehow standard green tea in sachet á 2.4 grams.
A sipdown! (M: 5 Y: 59) prompt: A tea that comes in a special shape — catching slowly up the prompts
Kept the pearl in the mug all the time drinking — so called grandpa style. Noticed malty and fruity notes today. The latter I haven’t noticed back then.
But overall, this is rather just a sipdown note.
A sipdown! (M: 4 Y: 58)
Pretty much sad sipdown of sample. It’s nice and light green tea with stone-fruity note. First cup was really strong in fruits… and I think it was indeed the apricots, followed with quite sweet ripe pineapple notes.
Alas, my 10g sample probably didn’t contain any of the spices that should be in — I haven’t seen any cardamom nor pink peppercorns and they weren’t noticeable in the flavour either. I guess it could make a bit of difference, however this blend is very nice even without those elements.
The tea description mentions almonds, but there are none to be found. Instead, there are hazelnuts, and they’re definitely the star of the show! The black tea base is mild and complements the nutty flavor nicely. There are even some creamy notes, which almost make you think adding cream would create the ultimate smooth hazelnut drink. (Maybe I’ll have to try that next time!)
Despite the short steeping time, the cup is still full of flavor. Maybe it’s not the greatest tea in whole tea market, but I’m happy I took my 50 grams with me.
A sipdown! (M: 3 Y: 57)
This tea, accidentally stayed with me after last TTB. I am sure I wanted to add it in, but it was forgotten on my desk; and then the box was already packed. Sorry anyone who wanted to try it!
Also, not in my Steepster cupboard anymore… but a sipdown is a sipdown, removing from my stash system successfully and real cupboard is also a bit emptier.
To the tea… well I haven’t changed my opinion too much. It was like rooibos genmaicha to me, not much of black tea; and actually tasty and roasty. However, nothing of toffee / salty though.
A sipdown! (M: 2 Y: 56)
It’s nice to be back home and sipping tea. Definitely better than in Germany for various reasons. Anyway, this is a German tea bought during my stay there; but sipdown is a home-thing for this tea.
I don’t have much to add, unless I have used 6 grams for less water — 300 ml, and it was still fine. A bit stronger, indeed, but I needed a caffeine boosst and I didn’t wanted to leave an awkward amount left, so I added all that I had. Yes, 10 grams pouch was exactly 10 grams… 4 grams back then, now 6 grams used. A little sad — as this tea is indeed tasty, not artificial and tastes so good and real caramel cubes are just nice.
The base of Assam and Chinese black tea works just well. Strong, but not bitter or astringent; just a little tannic (this time). Maybe I will buy more once I am back in Dresden. When? Who knows…