2070 Tasting Notes
A 3-gram sachet of rooibos and herbs
I was in a mood for something relaxing, as the days at work are very tense recently and I am doing big decisions, while I have no experience of management at all. Yes, theory is great, but reality is…
So, the tea. II brewed it without checking the ingredients first, so I wasn’t sure what to expect, but honestly it’s very nice! Rooibos was nicely woody, but not overpowering, herbals were fine — spearmint nicely refreshing, orange peel giving me refreshing vibes and a hint of cinnamon in the aroma added a touch of coziness. Definitely not medicinal and there are no other unpleasant notes; giving this type of teas a high raiting.
A sipdown! (M: 1 Y: 55)
Sadly, this was a miss for me. It was like drinking a cardboard to me. Steeped gongfu, western, with same results. No citrus notes, the puerh itself was very dark and earthy, not much enjoyable to be honest. Well, not all teas are winners.
After another long gongfu break, I was able to do eastern method once again. Happy to do such, and happy to try some new teas in my stash.
I have placed an order at Farmerleaf to support William and his, relatively, small business and because I had a good experience with them in the bast.
The tea, I chose, was just a random choice though. I brought pouch in the box, reading what is it (I didn’t wanted to drink black teas I bought there); and just prepared my gaiwan. 5 grams / 125 ml, 90°C water, fast rinse with very small amount of water, rather just soaking the leaves. Steeps 7/10/15/20/25 seconds, and a few uncounted ones.
Partially luckily, partially not so great, is that Farmerleaf describes their teas rather shortly. This one saying: “Experience the alpine taste…” is not saying much to me, until I have tried it.
The tea was rather loose than compressed, which I wonder if it is because I ordered just sample qty (20 g) instead of cake; or because it’s so fresh and it was so easy to pry when preparing the sample.
Anyway, measured 5 grams as I wrote before, added some water, smelled it… and it was indeed like a meadow in full bloom with some sheng astringent notes, however these weren’t much present and a little bit herbaceous.
I won’t describe steep after steep, as I am writing this note as a post-session note, but honestly it has highly surprised me. It was smooth and indeed again a bit herbal, little astringency but never too high, light and refreshing; with longer steeps you get some fruity (apricot) flavours, all followed with long and round mouthfeel; and again stone fruit notes, this time as an aftertaste, keeping the experience memorable.
It is definitely an easy drinker and probably as well a daily drinker, however in this way I would finish my sample in 4 days. My ratio was just right, so definitely keeping this in mind when preparing it next time.
This is one of two Dresden related teas I bought for my brother (in Dresden) and since I am this weekend at home, I can try them both. Just for scientific reasons, you know?
Anyway, this blend of green/black tea is indeed lovely and actually very tasty in hot summer days. The mango & passion fruit work so well together, giving summer vibes and base is actually smooth and refreshing tea. I don’t like blends where are green & black tea together, but here boiling water definitely wasn’t a trouble.
Visually speaking, not only the bag; it’s also a beautiful tea. So many flowers there, making again the summer vibes, even when you just open the sachet.
I bought this tea mostly because I was thinking it is with green rooibos. But later I found out it’s green honeybush, which seems even rarer to me? Also it smelled good and good caffeine-free alternatives are important to have too.
It seems it is sourced from some wholesaler as I found a few tea rooms offering same named tea with same ingredients, but as I don’t know German wholesalers I just don’t care too much.
To the tea. Well, I used 5g / 500 ml ratio; steeped for 5 minutes as suggested and well it is indeed a delicious tea. Refreshing, with blackcurrant and elderberries present and with sweetness of strawberries. I could enjoy a little bit more of blackcurrant, but maybe it would be a bit chalky then; but green honeybush is great base as green rooibos. Smooth and fullbodied, yet without caffeine.
Edit: Song pairing: Self-made playlist of Bruce Springsteen songs I heard on the concert roughly year ago.
Sachet is 2.9 grams; with somehow familar scent but I can’t put my finger on what is it.
Suggested 8-10 minutes steeping time was a bit too long in my opinion so I did just about 5 and it is sufficient. I wonder why Germans think that at least 8 minutes makes “safe foodstuff”, as I have seen it many times with this warning.
Anyway, I am sad that it only contains aroma of almonds and there aren’t any in the sachet. So, it indeed smells lovely, almond-cinnamon with fruits, probably the raspberry (which could be partially the fruits as well as the hibiscus in); but doesn’t taste like that. It’s raspberry & orange with cinnamon, luckily not tart. No heartburn from this tea, even I am sure it contains the high ratio of those two red ingredients which most often cause it.
In conclusion, it’s not a bad tea, but the almond flavor is indeed missing. Especially when it is so present in aroma.
This is a wonderful summer-y fruity black tea. Full of strawberries and raspberries, not clashing each other; a little tart as there are elderberries but it also adds some “depth” of flavour. Wonderful aroma reminding me summer hikes, smooth but also strong and a little tannic tea base. It seems it isn’t cheap Ceylon tea, you know. It complements so well the fruity flavours.
They recommend making this tea iced and I can see why, but not really sure if I try it at all.
Today it’s one of the colder days… so that’s here 20 degrees centigrade, which is highly pleasant, all night rain; so fresh air all day… and it was raining even during the day, but not when I was coming “home” from work. But this week started and will be stressful, so I am actually glad that it’s not sweating hot too.
I decided for this tea today (again from their Joy of Tea line), as I think that not many, if any, colder days will be in the remaining month. Sachet was 4.3 grams.
When I opened the covering sachet, I was struck by allspice, but there is none by the ingredients. Hmm. It’s that fennel with anise then?
Flavourwise, the base is a bit thin, and from spice it’s mostly black pepper and hints of ginger. The ginger is quite muted and not fiery; followed with sweet cinnamon and herbals. The herbs are making not so good aftertaste, which is also very drying. Pairing with chocolate thins filled with salted caramel was a good idea; I just hope I won’t finish a whole box in one sitting.
That 20C sounds like bliss! We have had a similar break in the heat but especially in the humidity. After no rain for quite a while and 93% humidity in the mornings ruining the “cooler” part of the day, today started out overcast, cool, and with much lower humidity. I was able to have breakfast and lunch outside for the first time in a couple of weeks. The sun has come out now but there is still a breeze so it feels pretty pleasant.
Logging a few sipdowns:
A sipdown! (M: 3 Y: 51) : Richard — Royal Peach & Mint
A sipdown! (M: 4 Y: 52) : Ronnefeldt — Morgentau (there were two pouches in the box, so a sipdown for me!)
A sipdown! (M: 5 Y: 53) : Basilur — Pomegranate & Raspberry
A sipdown! (M: 6 Y: 54) : Dunkin Dontus — Chamomile Fields
Again from Joy of Tea line, 2.3 grams sachet.
Hm. What to write about this Earl Grey? It’s classic, autumn harvested Indian tea base, which was okay after 3 minutes steep. Luckily, not very heavy as in today muggy weather it will just make me completely wet of sweat. The flavour of bergamot is also somehow classic and okay. Nothing exceptional, but served well as a morning mug of tea.
You will do just fine!