drank AquaExotica by Kusmi Tea
1714 tasting notes

Advent Day 6

What is this?! A hibiscus blend that isn’t hideous?! I cold steeped it, because that is the only way to drink hib IMO, and it isn’t gross! That’s high praise from this committed hib hater. It is tart, but not overwhelmingly so. The tartness seems to just overshadow and round out the other fruits that I can’t quite pin a name to. It’s a little fruit punchy without the depth of cherry. I am totally amazed that I just drank the whole cup. I wouldn’t add it to my cupboard, but I know I could drink it without too much resentment if I were, oh say… lost in the desert for a week. This would be fine!

Cameron B.

I know, I thought it was surprisingly good too! :O

Mastress Alita

I particularly like it cold brewed, because of the fruit punchiness.

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Cameron B.

I know, I thought it was surprisingly good too! :O

Mastress Alita

I particularly like it cold brewed, because of the fruit punchiness.

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My name is Dustin and I like tea.

I’m an added flavor kind of tea fan, but have had a growing appreciation for plain. I want my tea to remind me of cookies and cakes with coconut and almond slices with a hint of chocolate drizzled on top. I want dancing ponies and flying monkeys shooting off fireworks! And no hibiscus. Hibiscus is the devil.





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