The vanilla flavouring in this is… powerful. Aroma-wise, I’m reminded of cookie dough (when I accidentally spill the bottle of $$$$ vanilla extract) – particularly that bittersweet alcoholic sheen that vanilla extract uses to punch you in the face when you least expect it. The addition of maple sugar, coconut, blueberry, and nutty manoomin means this plunges right into cozy fall sweater (and scarf) dessert tea territory. Just to be extra mind-bending, the lingering aftertaste is tart-sweet cranberry sauce. So, it’s fall in a cup.
For this initial tasting, I was too much of a coward to drink it without first diluting it with milk (vanilla and violent both start with “vee”, and did I mention it’s punchy?); I don’t know if I’d want it any other way either.
Rating TBD at the end of pouch consumption. For now, I think this tea is a cool collab and a complimentary addition to David’s Tea’s shelves.
EDIT: I did a second steep and drank it plain. It was pretty good too; still very sweet, with malt and a more diluted citric berry component.
Flavors: Blueberry, Brown Sugar, Coconut, Cookie, Cranberry, Malt, Maple Syrup, Nutty, Roasted Nuts, Sweet, Tart, Toasted Rice, Vanilla