Fortnum & Mason Advent Calendar 2021 – Day 11
Ooh, this sounds lovely!
It’s quite tasty. The lemon reminds me of lemon drops, with a nice sweet flavor. But it is also a bit subtle compared to most flavored teas, though not as much as yesterday’s apple version. It’s the perfect amount to complement the base without taking over. The base here is the same one (I believe), earthy and smooth Chinese black tea. Some woodiness as well, and that same cucumber-y note that I thought might’ve been from the apple yesterday. I guess it was from the base tea, because it’s here as well! Overall, very enjoyable tea, and I have no doubt that it would be wonderful iced.
The “jam” today is Honey. Which is actually very exciting, because it means it’s not in Day 24! In previous years, Day 24 was always Honey, and I found it very anticlimactic. I mean, I like honey, but it’s not the most exciting thing to find on the last day. So hopefully this year they’ve make it more special! Anyway, having the honey with butter on (slightly burnt) toast, and it’s delicious of course. Sweet and rich with a fairly neutral flavor, no specific floral notes. I have some left, so I’m thinking I might drizzle a bit into the peppermint tisane from one of my other advents later!
Flavors: Candy, Cucumber, Earth, Hay, Lemon, Smooth, Sweet, Wood
I had strawberry black today!
Maybe we’ll swap for tomorrow! XD