894 Tasting Notes


Rather light. Cinnamon, brown sugar and squash. Just a tint tart.

Definitely better once it cools a bit.

Used just under 2tsp, might be better with even more leaf.

Flavors: Brown Sugar, Butternut Squash, Cinnamon, Tart

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Coco Chai Rooibos by DAVIDsTEA
894 tasting notes

Last night the coconut in this was a bit stronger and less harmonious than I remember it being. I hope it’s not going off, as I haven’t had this for very long, and much older teas with coconut are still doing fine.

Still tasty though.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Coconut, Peppercorn, Spices, Sweet


I don’t drink a lot of chai teas these days but this one is my favourite rooibos blend :)

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Delicious, though the matcha is less present than the other flavours. A wonderful hot latte.

Flavors: Chocolate, Raspberry

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I have a problem, and its name is Caramel MATCHAccino. Though very soon I will have a new problem – being out of Caramel MATCHAccino, which will be infinitely worse.

I’ve nearly finished my generous sample of this in two days. I have one serving left and it’s sitting on my counter, taunting me to sip it down while I pack.

This is seriously so, so delicious. I really, really should not order more tea anything, until I finish more stuff, but I may need to make an exception for this, because I want to drink it every day.


I just checked your cupboard-do you really have 514 teas?


This made me laugh out loud. :)


Yup. 514 give or take a few. Mostly small samples thank goodness. Which is why I’m not supposed to buy more tea.


Yeah, how many of those are from that one enormous Teabox sampler? :) I make myself feel better by not adding anything I have less than 10g of… and it’s still getting a bit out of hand…


That makes sense then :)

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drank Hint of Smoke Earl Grey by Say Tea
894 tasting notes

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Rich, nutty, woody creamy. I really like this a lot.

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I got a bag of this as a sample with my Red Leaf order and oh my god this is amazing. I made this cold and drank down my cup way too fast. It’s perfect – intense caramel flavour well balanced with matcha and not too sweet.

Amazing. I could drink this all the time.


Wow, this one sounds good! I’ll have to look into it! I still haven’t gotten into matchas yet!


That sounds like a really interesting combination. I need to expand my matcha horizons.


I drank three of these today, back to back.

I was a little worried that the sample didn’t come in a resealable bag, because it looked fairly big, but I’m less worried now. I’m pretty sure it’ll be gone before the end of the week.

Milk, ice cubes and a scoop of this in the blender is dangerously easy. Doubly so come summer time.

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I get so caught up in trying new stuff, and focused on drinking camellia sinensis that I sometimes forget about my non-caffeinated favourites. I love this blend so much. It’s the perfect balance of licorice flavours and woody rooibos, and they meet in perfect harmony.

Today’s cup seems slightly sweeter than usual – not that cloying back of the throat sweetness of licorice root, just sweet, which shifts the colour of this to a slightly more purple, darker hue, from the usual grey-cornflower-blue taste.


Do you usually taste in colours?


I have a really odd patchwork of synesthetic experiences. The only colour I taste often is green, but I also see colours or patterns with music, smell in temperatures, see sounds as flashes of light and a variety of other sensory crossovers.


That’s so neat. :)


Really interesting. I often experience taste a bit like music but I wonder if it’s just strong metaphor for me. Your experience sound so concrete, very cool.

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This was one of the flavours I picked up when Red Leaf was clearing out some incorrectly made orders, and I’m sure glad I did. This is delicious, natural, juicy cherry flavour well balanced with the grassiness of matcha. I’m pretty sure the flavour is robust and the matcha quality is royal, though I’d have to double check.

I could drink this as a latte all day long.

Flavors: Cherry, Grass

1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

I will not buy more tea. I will especially not buy more tea from the US. Closing that tab now. :)


Yeah, don’t do it. I’ve left myself a note to send you some samples when I put together anther package for you. That way, if you like them and want to order, you can do some reviews and get store credit to off-set some of the cost.


Awww, thanks! I’m such a sucker for things on sale… and that “oops, we messed up, wanna buy some matcha for 60% off?” page gets updated pretty regularly. Caramel popcorn… But I’m being good. The whole international shipping and horrible exchange rate thing is making it easier to resist. :)


Yeah I’d be buying stuff still if not for the exchange rate.

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I grew up drinking jasmine green tea with meals, but really fell in love with tea on a trip to Britain in elementary school. My first great love was Earl Grey, and I still adore it and all its variants.

I discovered the beauty of loose leaf tea much later, when, on impulse, I picked up a few teas that were on clearance at a home store. My introduction to loose leaf teas were Masala Chai and Provence Rooibos by the Metropolitan Tea Co and an unknown brand of kukicha and gyokuro (little did I know what a precious treasure I’d stumbled onto with that.)

At the time I was lucky to live in a place with multiple tea shops and several places to have afternoon tea, which is a delight I still miss.

Tea is part of my daily ritual and a nice, affordable way to appease the collector in me.

I enjoy distinctive whites, greens and oolongs, flavoured blacks, and herbals that are heavy on the citrus, lavender or mint.

Rating rubric, to give myself some consistency:
0-15 Yuck, not even drinkable.
16-30 Disappointing, not really inclined to give it a second try.
31-45 Disappointing, but maybe there’s potential? Worth one more try, prepped differently.
46-60 Mediocre, not terrible but not memorable.
61-75 Not bad. I’ll definitely finish what I have and might buy again.
76-90 Very enjoyable. Tasty, complex, it’ll keep me coming back.
91-100 BEST! I love everything about it and I will drink it forever.

Beyond tea, I’m a sex educator, polyamory activist, and radical queer. I love backwoods camping, abstract painting, baking & cooking, nail polish, cats, ceramic sculpture, and home nesting.


Winnipeg, MB, Canada

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