From the queue. (I’ve upped the posting frequency from the queue because it seems to be growing faster than I’m posting at the moment… 25 pages and counting.)

Bleurgh… Husband is not home tonight so I’m fending for myself dinner-wise. Husband is vegetarian, and I am one on most days for the main reason that I can’t possibly be bothered to cook two separate meals for two people when whatever he’s having is just as good as anything meaty. However, on the occasions when we go out, have take out or I’m feeding myself, I usually fall into the meat trap. It’s possible that I over-do it a bit. Bottomline is, I enjoy the food while eating, but afterwards always feel far too full in the entirely wrong way. Full on meat feels very different from full on a vegetarian fare. To top it all off I also had half a glass of red wine, unusually for me but it’s one of these very posh wines. The sort of that comes in a box with a tap on it, you know. So I’m very very full and kind of sleepy. Hence, bleurgh… In short, my tummy is right now a rabbit of negative euphoria. ( sigh I shall miss Cabin Pressure)

I am in need of something light and restoratative. Green and fruity? Yes. Time for another Try from the EU Travelling Teabox, now winding its way towards Italy.

I’m not generally a green tea person, but I took some of this one because… I don’t need to go into this again, do I? Berry, attraction, done deal.

It definitely smells like blueberry. Actually it just smells blue all round. I’m getting a very clear sky blue. There’s a sweetness to it as well which is not all berry but reminds me of vanilla. There isn’t actually vanilla in it at all as far as I can see, so that might just be my personal vanilla obsession, but that is nevertheless what I’m reminded of.

At first, when I sip, I just get the green tea. It tastes fresh and vegetative, but not in the sort of fat, thick, almost salty way that some greens, particularly dragonwell for me, have a tendency to. This tastes more spring-like and crisp. Then, after a split second, the blueberry comes in. It’s a very clear blueberry flavour, here. Very sweet and a little creamy. Again, it’s as if it has been mixed with a little vanilla. The blueberry flavour sort of builds up as I sip, so that it’s as if the flavouring becomes stronger and stronger.

This is really a very good tea. It’s the sort of thing that makes me wish green blends caught my attention more often. I’m glad I got to try some of this one, although I do wish I’d pinched all of it now. This is a brilliant tea!

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Anna 11 years ago

Meh, I wish you weren’t so queue-y, sometimes. I would have totally tried this based on this review. And I hear you on the meat.

Angrboda 11 years ago

The queue is there for ensuring my own posting frequency. Otherwise I’d post three posts a day for a week and then go a month just lurking. Mind you, you might not have seen this in time to take some yourself anyway. I’ve still got stuff from the first box that I haven’t tried yet. This could very easily have been one of them.

Anna 11 years ago

I know, I know. Your queue discipline is pretty impressive, too.

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Anna 11 years ago

Meh, I wish you weren’t so queue-y, sometimes. I would have totally tried this based on this review. And I hear you on the meat.

Angrboda 11 years ago

The queue is there for ensuring my own posting frequency. Otherwise I’d post three posts a day for a week and then go a month just lurking. Mind you, you might not have seen this in time to take some yourself anyway. I’ve still got stuff from the first box that I haven’t tried yet. This could very easily have been one of them.

Anna 11 years ago

I know, I know. Your queue discipline is pretty impressive, too.

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Introvert, crafter, black tea drinker, cat lover, wife, nerd, occasional curmudgeon.

Contact Angrboda by email: iarnvidia@gmail.com

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Bio last updated February 2020



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