Oh my, now this tea was a treat! I heard rumors floating on the internet on which is superior, Bear Trap or Blueberry Jam from DAVIDsTEA. I can now say my vote is for Blueberry Jam! And I’m not even that big of fan of blueberries!
I started out as I normally do, black tea in the mornings to get me going. This one smelled heavenly but I knew how decieving aromas could be so I prepared for bitterness or worse. Suprisingly, none came! It went down smooth like cold jam on a hot scone and I found myself craving devonshire cream and biscuits terribly while consuming this. I know I’m going to be buying TINS of this! I can’t get enough of it!
Simply a lovely tea.
Blueberry Jam is far superior to Bear Trap, delicious iced as well!