199 Tasting Notes
I was very hesitant to try this because I’ve never cared much for cantaloupe (although I absolutely adore honeydew). I know…that doesn’t make a ton of sense. With that being said, I think the reason why I was able to love this one was because it is a sort of general melon flavor that is lacking the weirdness that I don’t like in cantaloupe. The cream softened it up, too. Very good.
On a side note, this tea tasting experience was extra special to me because I got to share this with my grandma on Thanksgiving morning. She’s never had loose leaf tea and seemed to enjoy watching me go through the steeping process. It’s a really nice memory I’ll keep as long as I live.
ETA: Thanks to Ost for this sample! (I was so happy writing about my grandma that I totally forgot I hadn’t already given credit where credit was due!) I really appreciate the chance to try it since you know I wouldn’t have purchased it for myself!
Flavors: Cream, Melon
I didn’t have particularly high expectations for this tea since it sounded like it would either be too tart or too plain. Generally speaking, I’m not a huge fan of cranberry-flavored things. I am happy to report that it was neither! Quite enjoyable both hold and cold. I see myself really enjoying this as an iced tea during summer and as a hot tea in fall/winter. Thanks, dort, for sending me a sample!
Flavors: Cranberry
It appears I underleafed this. It was missing the figgyness I had hoped for, but I do think it will come out more when I read the directions before eyeballing an amount that wasn’t even correct. The “earthiness” here was really comforting. It reminded me of hiking through the woods. The bit of fruit/fig flavor made it seem like an abnormally cool summer day in said woods. I liked it, but I am definitely looking forward to steeping the correct amount. I’ll withhold my rating until then.
This didn’t knock my socks off quite the way I’d expected, but that is mostly my fault for ordering a chocolate raspberry waffle tea when I really just wanted a waffle tea. I’m not a huge fan of chocolate and raspberry together in flavored things (although I’d take fresh raspberries with actual chocolate any day), so this wasn’t ever going to be my favorite. I did get a waffle taste, but after multiple sips, I mostly just kept noticing the cocoa powder type of flavor. It would be interesting to try this base tea on its own since I don’t know how much flavor it is contributing.
So…this was kind of funny…there I was, making my Della Terra Black Friday order. I was debating about whether or not to get a package of this tea when I suddenly remembered that not only did I have a sample of this waiting for me (courtesy of the lovely Ost) but that I had actually remembered to bring it with me to my grandparents’ house for Thanksgiving! So, I of course made a cup immediately and sat there sipping it while adding all the other Della Terra Teas I wanted to my cart.
Let’s just say that by the end, this was part of my order :) I enjoyed this one but can’t exactly say that it reminded me of its namesake. I suppose it did taste like a very brown-sugary pineapple, but I don’t recall getting the little touch of cherry that I expected. I’m okay with that, though. I’ll enjoy this once I get it!
Flavors: Brown Sugar, Pineapple
This was impressive! I had this on Thanksgiving morning while taking a break from cooking and was very pleasantly surprised by how good the apricot taste was! This is also one of those “creme” teas where the mouthfeel is actually quite thick and the tea in fact feels creamy. I liked this one quite a bit. Not to mention I got two good steeps out of the bag. I’m happy with this one :)
Flavors: Apricot, Creamy, Vanilla
This sample came from dort. While it is not what I expected, it’s still quite tasty. I expected more fig flavor, but I think a lemony-vanilla flavor is taking center stage here. Perhaps if I’d have sweetened it, I might have been able to coax out more of the fig flavor. I’ll try that next time. This is one I’d pick up if Harney & Sons was offering a discount.
Flavors: Lemon, Vanilla
This lasted through 3 wonderful steepings and may have even made it through more. I wish I could say I tasted all of the things everyone else did, but even still, the delicate jasmine flavor here was amazing! Just perfect. I will be buying some of this for sure now! Thanks, Ost, for letting me try it first!
Flavors: Jasmine
Oh! This actually tastes like pastry! Not just some unidentified bready thing like I was expecting. There is a good amount of almond and baking spice flavor, making this great for morning drinking or a dessert cup. I saw that this tea company also has a caffeine-free herbal version of this…but I can’t imagine at all how that could come even close to the flavor of this. I believe this was a sample from NayLynn. Thanks so much for letting me try it!!
Flavors: Almond, Cinnamon, Pastries
I’m going to have a really hard time describing this one, partly because it was so freaking good and partly because I’m not super great at identifying flavor nuances yet.
First, I thought that perhaps I was tasting the burny outside of a roasted marshmallow minus the sweetness (which totally doesn’t make sense…)
Then, I moved on to imagining that perhaps it was toast …but like…maybe with something on it? Except, I don’t even know what. So unhelpful.
So…I finally caved and read the flavors others had listed here and….maybe it’s sweet potato? Malt was a given, being that it is an assam…but sweet potato is to only other flavor listed that I can attribute the other flavor to. I feel exceptionally bad at writing tasting notes right now.
The main point I’m getting at here is ohmygosh I want to drink this nearly every day. Thank you Tealux/Tealyra/Teawhateveryouwanttocallyourselfnow for making delicious teas.
It’s awesome that you got to share tea with your grandma. I bet it’ll be a nice memory for her, too. :)
Glad you liked it! Also, I am glad you got to make a great memory with your grandmother-it’s the little things (:
Oh man! I can’t believe I forgot to say thank you, Ost!
Hahaha no worries. xD I’ve done that too many times. :P