Assam #8

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Apricot, Brown Sugar, Malt, Strawberry, Sweet Potatoes, Cinnamon, Dried Fruit, Earth, Hay, Sweet, Grain, Fruity, Grapes
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205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 4 g 10 oz / 295 ml

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24 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Malt, sweet potato/roasted notes, hint of a floral note, and red fruit notes meet my nose. This tea smells more intense than the last time I made it. I used more leaf using about 1.75 TSP for 225...” Read full tasting note
  • “I ordered a sample of this tea, and it was large enough for me to have at least two cups and give a coworker some too! Nice! My coworker loved this tea, as I thought she would, because it’s super...” Read full tasting note
  • “Under my new rules I need to accomplish one sip down a day. I only have a little of this – so sipdown it is. This is one of those teas that I shouldn’t like but I do. I don’t normally like...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown! Although I probably shouldn’t count it as I picked up more… a lot more in Tealux/Tealyra’s Halloween sale. But It’s not here yet so I’m marking it down. This tea is honestly so damn good....” Read full tasting note

From Tealux

The Assam #8 is grown in central Taiwan with an Assam tea plant. The Yuchih area, near Sun Moon Lake in central Taiwan has been growing and experimenting with various types of black tea for many years and are now developing some excellent teas. This is a straight Assam, whereas Red Jade is a cross between Assam and a local wild strain.

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24 Tasting Notes

437 tasting notes

Malt, sweet potato/roasted notes, hint of a floral note, and red fruit notes meet my nose. This tea smells more intense than the last time I made it. I used more leaf using about 1.75 TSP for 225 ml. The liquor is a a nice medium, orange red. The tea tastes smooth with sweet undertones. With floral fruity notes with a hint of cream dominant over malt and roasted notes, citrus/malt notes more present in the aftertaste. A pleasant cup for mid afternoon.

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818 tasting notes

I ordered a sample of this tea, and it was large enough for me to have at least two cups and give a coworker some too! Nice! My coworker loved this tea, as I thought she would, because it’s super malty. For me, I enjoyed it, but wanted something more than malty, something more complex. Maybe I’m just hard to please! Ha! Btw, sipdown!!

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1040 tasting notes

Under my new rules I need to accomplish one sip down a day. I only have a little of this – so sipdown it is.
This is one of those teas that I shouldn’t like but I do. I don’t normally like Assam, I don’t normally like Taiwan Blacks – but I like this one. It’s one of those teas I leave on my wishlist to remind me to buy next time I order from Tealux. The amazing, awesome, generous yyz sent me a care package, and this was in it. Thank you so much – even though I’ve had it before – I haven’t had any for quite awhile and am really happy to be able to enjoy an old favorite this afternoon.
The leave a HUGE, the tea is a beautiful clear red. It’s a little yeasty, a little malty and just plain yummy.

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Sil 10 years ago

heh this is on my wishlist so i remember to pick up more someday…just wish steepster sorting was fixed… going to be a pain in the ass if i buy things on black friday…

Dexter 10 years ago

The sorting has been driving me crazy for months. SOOOOO HAPPY that I set up my spread sheet – would have been lost with out it. But that doesn’t help with swaps, other peoples cupboards and wishlists. I just wish they would FIX it. I’m trying NOT TO THINK about Black Friday. I had said that if I didn’t buy tea until then, I could order on BF – my cupboard is still out of control – I might have to pass…. You have been amazing with cupboard control – hope you find to fantastic deal BF/CM :))

Sil 10 years ago

i’m pretty sure i may pass on BF…or keep it to a dull roar. canadian dollar being the suck is incentive enough unless there’s a crazy stupid good deal… a la 50% off or soemthing

yyz 10 years ago

Glad you enjoyed it. I don’t have big plans for bf either.

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193 tasting notes

Sipdown! Although I probably shouldn’t count it as I picked up more… a lot more in Tealux/Tealyra’s Halloween sale. But It’s not here yet so I’m marking it down.

This tea is honestly so damn good. Brown sugary sweet with notes of sweet potato, strawberry, apricot and malt. It really shines gongfu, but western brewed it does just fine too. If you haven’t tried this one yet, I definitely recommend picking up a bit to try. It’s one of the best teas I’ve had.

Flavors: Apricot, Brown Sugar, Malt, Strawberry, Sweet Potatoes

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML
TeaExplorer 9 years ago

Of course it still counts as a sipdown :-Þ

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343 tasting notes

Overboard Traveling tea box

Woah. Who would have thought I would like a plain black tea? Not I. This seriously smells like sweet potatoes and it tastes a little sweet even without added sweetener. Thank you The Cookie Lady for adding this to the box; otherwise, I wouldn’t have had a chance of trying this. Yum. Keeping the remaining sample.

Well, I’ve already gotten 2 steeps out of the leaves and I’m pretty sure I could get a 3rd; but I want to try some more teas before I’ve maxed out on my caffeine limit for the day. Tasty.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec 5 g 12 OZ / 354 ML
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Cameron B. 10 years ago

Taiwanese blacks are delish. :)

jeweledthumb 10 years ago

@Cameron B.: I will have to keep that in mind!

The Cookie Lady 10 years ago

So glad you liked this!!

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199 tasting notes

I’m going to have a really hard time describing this one, partly because it was so freaking good and partly because I’m not super great at identifying flavor nuances yet.

First, I thought that perhaps I was tasting the burny outside of a roasted marshmallow minus the sweetness (which totally doesn’t make sense…)

Then, I moved on to imagining that perhaps it was toast …but like…maybe with something on it? Except, I don’t even know what. So unhelpful.

So…I finally caved and read the flavors others had listed here and….maybe it’s sweet potato? Malt was a given, being that it is an assam…but sweet potato is to only other flavor listed that I can attribute the other flavor to. I feel exceptionally bad at writing tasting notes right now.

The main point I’m getting at here is ohmygosh I want to drink this nearly every day. Thank you Tealux/Tealyra/Teawhateveryouwanttocallyourselfnow for making delicious teas.

Ost 10 years ago

Love this one!!

Kittenna 10 years ago

Burny part of the marshmallow without the sweet? I know exactly what you mean, and that sounds wonderful, haha.

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378 tasting notes

Mmm, just a quick note to say that this is VERY tasty cold-brewed. I might have to try all my Taiwanese blacks this way.

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4339 tasting notes

Yay, I have so many new and untried black tea samples now (thanks to Blodeuyn)! I was sad because I didn’t have any more new teas to drink in the morning. Huzzah! This one is first because I really want to try more Assams, although I have a sneaking suspicion that it’ll be very close to the Taiwanese Assams I’ve already tried, just based on the smell. But onward, to tea! The leaves are large and supple, definitely shorter but thicker than the usual creepy tree branch teas. Dry scent is incredibly sweet with lots of honey, along with cocoa and malt. I brewed mine for 3 minutes at 200 degrees.

As soon as I poured the hot water over my tea, I smelled cinnamon. Oops… I may have used the same infuser that I used for Snickerdoodle last night! :x Luckily for me, the brewed tea itself does not smell strongly of cinnamon, so I think it’ll be okay! Brewed aroma is very strong brown sugar with malt and sweet dried fruit notes (maybe a touch of cinnamon?). Yummm… There’s definitely a tad bit of cinnamon here, and I don’t know whether it’s inherent in this tea, or whether it’s from the infuser… Either way, it goes beautifully! This tea has a little bit of an earthy undertone, which I wasn’t expecting. However, on top there is a layer of lovely dark brown sugar flavor, along with fruit and malt notes. Oh man, I really hope that slight cinnamon flavor is meant to be there, because it pairs beautifully with the brown sugar. I suppose my next cup will tell me! :P

Flavors: Brown Sugar, Cinnamon, Dried Fruit, Earth, Hay, Malt, Sweet, Sweet Potatoes

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Ost 11 years ago

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this one!!!!!

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268 tasting notes

This IS the assam you are looking for waves hand. I’ve only tried 4 assams, all thanks to awesome swaps with Ost and Virginia, but this one is where it’s at for me. Thank you to my TFF Virginia for sending it along!
The leaves of this assam are in the spider leg family, but not quite so spidery as the classic TWMB. They brew up a cheerful reddish brown and smell delightfully fruity! This tea is malty, because it is an assam after all. But I’m also getting lovely apricot and maybe a hint of peach?The fruitiness melds into a grain-like flavor with a honey sweet finish. I really love how smooth this tea is! This one definitely goes on my Tealux wishlist and will be the assam I stock!

Flavors: Apricot, Grain, Malt

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML
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Cameron B. 11 years ago

Yum, those are all of my favorite flavors! Wishlisted. :P

mj 11 years ago

It was similar to PTA, but I liked it better. That’s just my personal opinion though :)

Cameron B. 11 years ago

I haven’t tried PTA yet! I just tried the Wild Mountain and it was amazing waffle deliciousness! :D

Ost 11 years ago

That’s like one of my favorite Assams so far. And of course, Virginia sent a sample introducing it to me :P

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15620 tasting notes

Another one from my coworker that i’ve been meaning to pick up since i first had it ages ago. This one doesn’t disappoint even sort of, even after all the TTC honey like teas that i’ve had since i had this one. this is more brownsugar, malty sweet but man it was tasty. glad i have this back for a little while :)

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