— Color of liquor: Lighter brown, like a bourbon
— Aroma: Petrichor; slight floral; slight muscatel
— Flavors: Petrichor; dry leaves; astringent; slight muscatel
This tea while steeping has a slight floral and muscatel aroma to it, along with the stronger petrichor aroma in front. The floral aroma doesn’t translate into the flavor, but instead has strong petrichor and dry leaves flavors in front and a slight mineral flavor base. There’s an even stronger astringency: this is not a neutral tea, which is exactly why I like it. I followed the recommendation and kept my steeping under my usual four minutes, and am glad I did — otherwise, this could’ve easily turned bitter. The leaves were more broken than I expected, which is another reason to keep the steep time low.
This is yet another excellent example of a Kangra black tea that I intend to keep well-stocked, as Kangra black teas have become my daily go-to teas.
Flavors: Astringent, Dry Leaves, Mineral, Muscatel, Petrichor