Tea type
Oolong Tea
Oolong Tea, Tahitian Vanilla, Wildcrafted Roasted Cedar Leaves
Cedar, Cherry Blossom, Chocolate, Citrus, Eucalyptus, Floral, Mint, Pear, Pine, Resin, Vanilla, Vegetal, Butterscotch, Creamy, Flowers, Fruit Tree Flowers, Perfume, Sugar, Caramel, Cherry, Orchid, Rainforest, Butter, Berries, Sweet, Peach, Green, Roasted, Cream, Mineral, Wet Rocks, Berry
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Loose Leaf
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Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 15 sec 5 g 13 oz / 394 ml

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35 Tasting Notes View all

From Whispering Pines Tea Company

Rivendell is a majestic Elven outpost in Middle Earth, filled with lush vegetation, towering waterfalls, and clean, pure air.

Our Rivendell blend was inspired by this ethereal place. With a base of sweet Anxi Ben Shan, roasted cedar leaves, and hand-cut Tahitian vanilla, this tea is the essence of purity.

Rivendell opens with the taste of cedar, cherry, and caramel flowing through a luscious sweet body. The middle of the sip coats your mouth with a nectar-like sweetness and hints at vanilla and chocolate, with a touch of pine nut and mineral, reminiscent of spring water that has flowed over miles of untouched granite. The finish is clean with hints of lilac and pear, leaving an aftertaste of cedar and caramel. It tastes as if the purest water in the world flowed through miles of sugarcane fields, scattered with nectar-filled lilacs and orchids, passed through a forest of cedar and cherry trees, then poured over a pristine granite cliff straight into your cup. It’s pure nectar and caramel with light florals, a hint of berries and chocolate, a touch of pine nut, and heady evergreen sweetness.

If there ever was a fruit fit only for the elves, this would be its juice.

Notes: Cedar, Cherry, Caramel, Vanilla, Mineral, Chocolate, Pine Nut, Lilac, Pear


About Whispering Pines Tea Company View company

Whispering Pines Tea Company is dedicated to bringing you the most original, pure, beautiful tea blends. We use only the highest quality ingredients available to create additive-free teas teas inspired by the pristine wilderness of Northern Michigan. Our main focus is on customer satisfaction and quality.

35 Tasting Notes

1968 tasting notes

The first time I tried this I didn’t care for it, so I stashed it in a drawer and forgot about it. That was about 2 years ago, and I just dug it back out again. With some aging, the vanilla has become so strong, with just a touch of cedar. The oolong is bright green and fresh, with a pop of lilac. Really interesting base combined with the vanilla and cedar.


Oof, these are my flavor friends. Sounds amazing.


I love it when a tea ages well and develops into something I really enjoy!

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1445 tasting notes

I’m a sucker for hints of cedar in my less oxidized teas, especially when vanilla is in the mix. It’s the reason I bite the bullet and buy blends like Bellocq’s overpriced White Wolf. It’s also why I decided to order from Whispering Pines again, one month later. I’ve been meaning to try this tea for years. Also, no one told me WP carries Taiwanese Assam and Wild Mountain. Hello again, long lost friends.

It’s been a while since I read or watched LotR, but isn’t Rivendell essentially a spa retreat hidden away in the middle of misty mountain wilderness (with elves)? That’s this tea to a “T” (although, possibly minus the pretty elves). This cup and hot springs are meant for each other.

Main flavour notes are vanilla, cedar, fruity pear, vegetal somethings, floral fruit blossoms, cedar, citrus, frankincense (sort of like eucalyptus/mint but sweeter/muskier and with more tree resin). Floral berry aftertaste like cherry and/or pear blossoms and chocolate.

I oversteeped the second steep just a tad and now it smells a little like banana runts. Still good though.

Steep Count: 3

Flavors: Cedar, Cherry Blossom, Chocolate, Citrus, Eucalyptus, Floral, Mint, Pear, Pine, Resin, Vanilla, Vegetal

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec
Daylon R Thomas

I ordered some myself. I almost got the Assam, but I hesitate with Malt. The Wild Mountain is my favorite so far besides Ancient Spirit.


Daylon, the Premium Taiwanese Assam is not the malt-bomb you might be expecting. It’s really as the description suggests. Thick mouthfeel to boot.

Daylon R Thomas

Hopefully that comes in the sample cause I know I’d like that!


I haven’t had Taiwanese Assam since Butiki closed shop (will fix that tonight), but I also recall it being an smooth, “easy drinker”. Six years ago, it was one of the only black teas I would drink during my “I don’t like black teas” phase.


Daylon, If you don’t receive a sample and it fulfills my memory’s high expectations, maybe I can send you a little.

Daylon R Thomas

That sounds good. :)

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12 tasting notes

Aroma: Awesome
Taste: Nice
Flavours: Great mix, but a bit too mixed up
Recommendation: Yes, at a good price.

Flavors: Butterscotch, Creamy, Flowers, Fruit Tree Flowers

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 30 sec 3 g 5 OZ / 150 ML

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4 tasting notes

Smelled amazing, but the taste was just a bit off!

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4338 tasting notes

Here’s Hoping Traveling Teabox – Round #5 – Tea #9
I just watched the third Hobbit movie the other day. :D Happy to see this one in the teabox to try! Oolong and Tahitian vanilla? sure! And boy is this an oolong fit for those elves. It’s like nectar of flowers… and fruit… and this lovely vanilla and this oolong is so smooth. The fruits sometimes seem like pear and peach and cherry. So so good & gorgeous. I don’t think I’ve tried an Anxi Ben Shan before… but I think I remember Ali Shan being very fruity and mostly pear. I’m not sure what these cedar leaves bring to the table, but nothing that doesn’t fit with this cup. I couldn’t think of a better name for this one either. I just love the creamy floral fruitiness of it.
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons for a full mug// 15 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // 7 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #3 // just boiled // 3-4 minute steep

Daylon R Thomas

Brew it even more if you can, or cold brew it because the cedar will caramelize and stay for a really long time…This is also one of my favorite teas of all time. And the most that I paid for a single ounce of tea.


Already tossed the leaves from yesterday, but I really should have kept brewing it!

Daylon R Thomas

Your garbage can smells like cedar now, doesn’t it?

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25 tasting notes

i received this tea the other day. i open it up and i tell you the aromatics are great with the smell of the vanilla, white chocolate and i think cedar. i gong fu’d this and went about 8 infusions in, probably 2 too many, but it was still a good yield i thought. what i believe to be vanilla and cedar “dust” lines the inside of the bag and comes out fairly heavily as sediment, so use your strainer! im a big tolkien fan however i have yet to read the silmarillion or the lotr trilogy, terrible i know, but i dont mind since i have something to look forward to. ps. i’ve read the hobbit multiple times.. its a good ol book.

from what i remember the first infusion- to me, was one of the best (5 or so sec) it was light and floral and sweet in a natural sort of way. the second and third became more robust and unfortunately i lost some of that sweetness, but the tea in itself is so nice i was happy with what i got. to me it gives more natural sweetness (like a sweet water) than a floral sweetness.. i could be wrong on that, i must drink moar.

i used the recommended brewing tips provided by wp ( will have to mess with the stats.) i will try to flash brew this western style, and full infusion ws. im also coldbrewing the spent leaves to take everything out of this awesome tea.

i must add: i think there is a bit too much cedar in the mix for me.

190 °F / 87 °C 5 g 4 OZ / 125 ML

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307 tasting notes

From the Here’s Hoping TTB R5,

I don’t know if this tea is just old or not to my taste but I didn’t particularly enjoy this cup, which is sad in a way because I’ve been looking forward to trying WP vanilla teas.

There’s also something in this tea that made my throat very scratchy and swell up. It was not fun. I didn’t even attempt a 2nd steep. =(

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122 tasting notes

I gong fu brewed this with the directions on the Whispering Pines website. One last tea time with Dinosara before she’s officially moved!
Steep 1: Vanilla, sweet midsip, florals. Cedar on the out. Sugar aftertaste
Steep 2: Perfume with vanilla in it in the aroma cup. Way sweeter, very vanilla. Still cedar on the breath out. Oolong opening up.
Steep 3: Pretty much the same as the last steep. maybe a bit more cedary.
Steep 4: Still very nice. The mid tones seem to be falling out, I think the oolong is starting to go over.
Steep 5: Fading, for sure. The vanilla and sugar seem to be all that is left.
Steep 6: Same as above, but maybe more green.

You know, I can tell this is a really good tea. It would make a good perfume, but I’m not blown away. It’s super tasty, and I thoroughly enjoy drinking it, but I don’t feel like I NEED it, like a few of the other floral teas that I’m currently in love with. It’s not disappointing, and maybe I’m glad I’m not in love, because it’s expensive, but I’m glad I got a chance to try it and I will enjoy drinking it down.
Edit: I threw the spent leaves in a cold brew pitcher for about 15 hours and it came out very tasty! Floral, almost juicy light fruit, like a white peach, maybe? Pretty sweet for spent leaves, this tea has a lot to give!

Flavors: Cedar, Perfume, Sugar, Vanilla

190 °F / 87 °C 0 min, 30 sec 4 g 4 OZ / 118 ML

Oh no! Is she moving far from you? I know you are good friends! :(


Yes :c She got a great job at another university and I’m still just a grad student here in Ohio. We will still see each other at professional meetings, but no more tea or knitting times!

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1113 tasting notes

Beware The following review includes insight about me:
Whispering Pines is a dangerous company because it is so easily to spend all of your tea budget (or more) very quickly without noticing; and there is no regret behind such a choice! I had this tea on my wish list just because it sounded cool, I didn’t intend to purchase it but once I saw it was in stock and someone was wanting it I went ahead and purchased it so I could split it with them. I will admit it was kind of unfair to do such a thing without asking them first… but they wanted it and agreed. I really like when I am able to help others on their tea journey.

Since this is a hard to get ahold of tea and I have a low quantity, I have saved this for a special occasion. Tonight is very special for quite a few people and I am not ashamed to admit I am one of them. You may laugh, but I have been in for this to happen for years: Tonight is the last episode of Degrassi on Nick. I first watched this show in junior high as a requirement in a Life Skills class. Ever since then I have just watched it as it came out. So yes, I have watched this show for over 10 years just as I have listened to Linkin Park. There is a part of me that is emotional over the aspect of what is happening with this show as I have followed it for so long. The series finale is going to occur tonight and it will be accompanied by this tea.
Whispering Pines and I have some interesting history… first of all, I somehow was lucky enough to randomly be on the side and purchase a Black Fight Box which I took to Tokyo with me. How funny is it that I was in Tokyo drinking black tea from Whispering Pines while others were drinking 2015 shincha?

So what is this tea like?
Well, it is the combination of the vibe that I get while I am in a hookah bar and the taste oolong that was roasted in some sort of butter cream ‘stuff’…
Maybe I am weird, but I find the aroma to be a bit odd and the taste to be splendid.
Like I said, Whispering Pines’ orders come s with no regret : )

Daylon R Thomas

I just sent you a sample of it….I think you might be happy with a little more :)

Liquid Proust

That’s awesome :) thanks!

Daylon R Thomas

Also, you’re right-it kinda reminds me of a vanilla flavored smoke from one of the hookah bars in Egypt.

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1733 tasting notes

This tea is the reason why I went over budget. This is why I am going to be much more careful with my tea selection. And this tea is important to me. I was just starting to get into Tie Guan Yin’s and oolongs became my new obsession. I wondered if there were any that were Lord of the Rings themed, and low and behold, I find an entire community devoted to all things tea, and the very first review in my sight was Rivendell. This is the tea that introduced me to Steepster, and the oolong that I was determined to try. Like many have said before, it’s named Rivendell, and it has to deliver the promise of a cup from Middle Earth. I waited over a year. I missed some times it was back in stock. Now, I have it.

Does it deliver on the hype? Not quite, but almost. I’m sorry, but it just didn’t. The Tie Guan Yin from Mandala tasted very similar to this, and it is significantly cheaper-cheaper by seven dollars per ounce. It has the same notes, nuances, and aroma in the first steep. I may have gotten lucky with the Mandala sample, being a spring harvest one, and being from a good year. I understand that the majority of the cost is because of the quality of Tie Guan Yin, which can be one of the most expensive teas in the world, and the quality of the Tahitian vanilla bean and cedar leaves. On top of those huge expenses, this product is in very little supply, and there is a tremendous demand for it as clearly apparent on this very site and the frequent times that it is out of stock. Yet the woodsy cedar and vanilla notes are ones that can be found in a high quality Tie Guan Yin-the later steeps are the more complex ones that allow this tea to be different from others. Nevertheless, the price remains as my main point of criticism.

Otherwise, it certainly is a drink that Lord Elrond would offer. It is very Elvish, smelling and tasting like described. The Vanilla and Cedar are the dominant scents and flavors in the tea, with the Tie Guan Yin’s natural orchid, creamy sweetness blending both scent and flavor together. Brenden’s description if pretty accurate. Again, Cedar and Vanilla are immediate. Lilac, or orchid, takes the previous two together and grinds them both with minerals. Caramel is more in the smell. Cherry and chocolate are approximately there, but you really have to search for them. The last three or two steeps really brings out the cherry, and the final one is like pine nut and mint, or menthol. It is a very light tea, and like any Tie Guan Yin, the taste is delicate but distinct. The most impressive aspect of this tea is that it is able to yield the same floral relish of a Gongfu in five western style brewed cups, which partially staves off the price in reusability. I actually let the later steeps soak in for 20-45 seconds more than recommended and got more flavor though this is western.

I thoroughly enjoy this tea. If it weren’t for the incredible price, this tea would have probably been one of the best I’ve had, and one of my favorites. I am very glad that I have it and pretty satisfied that I do, because the quest to have it finally ended in full circle, and it’s a good cup. This is the tea I would have given a 100 to, and this is my tea 100, the hundredth cup I’ve reviewed, the first cup that I saw on this site.

Now, for the audience that this tea aims for. You have to be a fan of Tolkien to fully enjoy this tea, or a huge fan of Tie Guan Yin oolongs and lighter teas. This is the must try tea for you guys, and probably no one else. Because the taste is so delicate, and so specific to Rivendell, a person who prefers stronger teas, someone who has no idea who Tolkien is, or someone who is newer to the over active imagination that is tea tasting would be severely underwhelmed. And if you are in a rush, you cannot possibly savor this tea. You’ll be reminded of the stark reality that you are just drinking a flowery glass of water. You have to slow yourself down, and travel to Middle Earth. You must let go, and allow yourself to escape.

Flavors: Caramel, Cedar, Cherry, Chocolate, Creamy, Floral, Mint, Orchid, Rainforest, Vanilla, Vegetal

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 7 g 8 OZ / 236 ML

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