Appearance: broken leaf, med green,muted bi coloration, pale lavender buds noticeable
Aroma when Dry: salty, herby, slight chewiness
After water is first poured: same
At end of first steep: floral, lavender
Tea liquor:
At end of steep: light grassy green
Staple? YES
Time of day preferred: Any, except first cup of the day
At first: floral, lavender, faint hint of grass closing
As it cools ? notes get fluffy, much lighter, creamy, slightly sweet
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)? no
Lingers? Yes, the lavender stays, gets slightly creamy
Second steep (4 min):
Same notes, milder
want to try chilled
Third Steep (8 min)
basic lavender water taste, light, herby