Premium Keemun Hao Ya Black Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
Chinese Keemun Black Tea
Blood Orange, Citrus Zest, Cocoa, Dark Chocolate, Leather, Malt, Spices, Chocolate, Earth, Flowers, Mushrooms, Pineapple, Fruity, Lychee, Smooth, Sweet, Brown Sugar, Sugarcane, Sour, Dark Wood, Smoke, Bread, Honey, Oats, Wheat, Astringent, Burnt Sugar, Cherry, Dried Fruit, Drying, Floral, Grape Skin, Molasses, Perfume, Prune, Caramel, Yams, Cedar, Peppercorn
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by TeaVivre
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 45 sec 5 g 17 oz / 507 ml

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181 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I got to add a bit of this back to my stash thanks to LiberTeas! I’m having a cup right now! It’s awesome…I’m so happy to have this tea back in my stash! Thanks LiberTEAs!” Read full tasting note
  • “This is the most second most expensive keemun in teavivres arsenal and i think it might be the one i like least. Which, of course suits me just fine lol. The aroma of this one reminds me of...” Read full tasting note
  • “2 minute steep. Smoke on the Water (live) blasting. I’m ready. I love the dark chocolate smell of the dry leaf. The wet leaf has a good black tea scent but is slightly smoky, and I am nervous. This...” Read full tasting note
  • “I enjoy having Keemun as a breakfast tea. Even if I am naughty most of the time and miss the most important meal of the day I never forget my morning tea. Keemun is so rich and malty that it works...” Read full tasting note

From Teavivre

Origin: Qimen, Anhui, China

Ingredients: Dark black, glossy thin buds topped with golden tips

Taste: A bold but smooth, fruity taste with a lingering, mellow aftertaste

Brew: 1-2 teaspoons for 8oz of water. Brew at 194 ºF (90 ºC) for 2 to 3 minutes (exact time depends on your taste – a longer time will give the tea a stronger taste and color)

Health Benefits: Keemun black tea is fully oxidised, and so does not have the same level of antioxidants as our Green or White teas. However it still makes a great healthy tea to drink, especially if drunk with no or minimal milk and sugar, and provides a great natural source of fluoride and other vitamins.

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181 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

I got to add a bit of this back to my stash thanks to LiberTeas! I’m having a cup right now! It’s awesome…I’m so happy to have this tea back in my stash! Thanks LiberTEAs!

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15588 tasting notes

This is the most second most expensive keemun in teavivres arsenal and i think it might be the one i like least. Which, of course suits me just fine lol. The aroma of this one reminds me of taiwain teas that have that “juicy” sort of aroma.

Drinking this along, side grade 2 – it’s clear that grade 2 has much more smoke than this one. I think, the level of smoke lessens as you go up the ranks. While this one isn’t bad, drinking it next to the grade 2, i prefer the grade 2 for it’s seemingly smoother brew and smokier notes. Can’t wait to compare these to what i think will be my favourite from teavivre!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

What do you think is your favourite?


This was my first exposure to smoke. Scared me senseless for a time. Now I love experiencing different levels and layers of smoke.


The organic superfine is likely going to be my favourite :)


FWIW, TeaVivre’s current prices:
– Premium Keemun Hao Ya 100g (3.5oz) = $15.90
– Organic Superfine Keemun Fragrant 100g (3.5oz) = $21.90


i see what i did there…wasn’t paying attention to 50g vs 100 :)


Wow, I’m surprised that their Premium Keemun Hao Ya was the lowest-rated of the four TeaVivre Keemun teas you tasted. I’ve found it to be a very enjoyable breakfast tea. I’m sure the organic certification adds to the cost of this Keemun compared to the two less expensive ones that are not organic.
I’ve been following your comparison with great interest as I’m only familiar with their Premium Keemun and have wondered how these four teas compare. To date, I’ve enjoyed nearly 1,700g of it. Perhaps our different impressions are due to brewing methods? From your tasting notes It looks like you prefer 212*F and a 3-minute steep. What quantity of water and tea do you use?


Have you tried the following brewing parameters for Premium Keemun Hao Ya Black Tea?
8oz / 2tsp (8g) / 3 steeps: rinse,1m,2m,3m


negative looseTman – i have enough issues getting around to drinking my puerhs with multiple short steeps, that when it comes to black teas i just want to be able to drink them western style with possible resteeps as long as the first. i’ll try that next time i pick up a few samples packs :)


The above parameters are TeaVivre’s western style brewing recommendations. With 194*F and shorter steeps, you’ll notice a smoother cup. More leaf provides a richer flavor, fuller body, and 3 steeps.

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1719 tasting notes

2 minute steep. Smoke on the Water (live) blasting. I’m ready. I love the dark chocolate smell of the dry leaf. The wet leaf has a good black tea scent but is slightly smoky, and I am nervous. This is my third time brewing this. The first time, I greatly disliked the first cup (ok I hated it) and loved the 2nd and 3rd. The second time, I tolerated the first cup. Today I get it. I can honestly say I am enjoying this. Smoke is still the big flavor, but there are a lot of other interesting things going on here. So much different than my first impression. Lighter. Smoother. Before finishing the cup I have already shifted gears and am listening to Emmy Lou Harris – Smoke along the tracks, off the live at the Ryman CD. Good fit. Really glad I didn’t have to play the Platters – Smoke gets in your eyes. Ha. Ready to commit and up the rating.

The DJBooth

guess what’s in my head now….ahh yes i’m chanting like Beavis and Butthead


Smoke on the Water….the only bass line I learned to play in college. Anytime hubby has the Gibson Ripper out, I have to play my riff!


Oh, and EmmyLou and I went to the same college! Way different years, though!


Emmy Lou – that’s what angels sound like. Someone mentioned Inna Gadda Da Vida in another review, that’s the riff I play to clear my head when I can’t remember the song I am supposed to be playing (make sense?) and it works. I play a Parker NiteFly.

The DJBooth

Ha ha that would be me who mentioned In a Gadda Da Vida…I guess thats karma right :-)


Great minds think alike. Of course you realize I will have to listen to all 17:05 minutes of this tomorrow. Far out man.


See if you can find Emmy singing “Another Pot O’ Tea” … so soothing!


Trying to locate an internet ‘radio’ version that will actually play. No success yet.

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1379 tasting notes

I enjoy having Keemun as a breakfast tea. Even if I am naughty most of the time and miss the most important meal of the day I never forget my morning tea. Keemun is so rich and malty that it works well as a breakfast tea. Most Brits like anything strong and black tea based to wake up with.

This is thick, sweet, malty, rich, floral and smoky. It all adds up to one delicious Keemun. Glad I stocked up on this with a 100g bag :)


“This is thick, sweet, malty, rich, floral and smoky. It all adds up to one delicious Keemun.”
Agreed! It sounds like you may have enjoyed it more than an 81.


Looks like I’ve found my next tea to try!


Hi Kittylovestea,
What’s your favorite unflavored Keemun? Thanks!

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3294 tasting notes

I guess my Keemun ‘trials’ are beginning.
I drank the ‘Superfine fragrant’ yesterday, & I’m drinking this one today. I’d still say that this one is more masculine, more bassy, more smokey. It’s funny, but I do have trouble explaining the difference between teas sometimes.

Looking at the leaf, the ‘super fragrant’ is more tippy, & slightly bigger sized. As for this cup, I’m enjoying it’s light smoke, notes of brown sugar, slightly floral, pine mulch, red grape awesomeness. Oh…& a dark chocolate lingering after – feel.

I need breakfast!


I really enjoy this Keemun. I’ve already brewed & sipped 1,500 grams to date. It’s my daily breakfast tea.


Sounds nice, and you always give such such descriptions, Terri!


I like Teavivre’s Keemun teas, so a trial would be great fun! :) Hope you enjoy it.


That should read: such nice descriptions (not such such). :-)


To me this one is definitely more on the smokey side…I always love when you use bassy, I can’t explain it, but I understand it :-)

Terri HarpLady

Thanks for the encouragement, everyone! I like the smokey aspect of this one, but it’s only barely smokey compared to most of the other teas that I consider smokey, lol, like lapsang.

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4843 tasting notes

I haven’t been posting much lately because I had a slight case of the flu toward the end of last week, and my taste buds just haven’t been up to snuff. But I’m much better now, and I think my taste buds are in check too, as I can taste the wonderful complexity of this Keemun. Bold and smoky, but I don’t find the smokiness to be too aggressive. A hint of dark cocoa in the background, and a layer of sweetness that lingers into the aftertaste.

A very pleasant cuppa, one I’m glad to have in my stash again. Here is my full-length review:


Glad you are feeling better!


Sickness does seem to be making the Steepster rounds! Hoping I manage to avoid it; I don’t have time to be sick!


Welcome back to you and your very keen tastebuds : )

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676 tasting notes

Second Review Less tea used and less steep time with better results!

To be honest, the first review of this tea was disappointing. All the tea’s from Teavivre have been so good that I was surprised at this one. I promised to try again to see if I had a bad day before, or if perhaps my taste buds were not feeling well. I suspected the brewing instructions were part of the bad taste the first time. In my opinion, the amount of tea and time needed for a good cup was not balanced. The tea was way too strong.

This time I followed my instinct. A scant 1TB for 24oz. at 190F. steeped for 1min.

That was enough for a stout pot of tea. The liquor was smoky, slightly astringent and very flavorful.
I had sauteed 2 pts. of mushrooms, spinach with a tiny bit of ham shank and garlic and this brought out a dark, fruity flavor paired with the tea. Yes, fruit.
There was a dried blackberry background in the smokiness that went wonderfully with my dinner.

I’m glad I gave this tea another go around. Worth a second cup! Just cut down the steep time and tea measurement quantity a bit and the cuppa is very good!


Go longer on the second steep. You will not be disappointed.


I did that which proved to be fine.


I do a real short first steep with this and like it. I love the second and third steeps.


This is my favorite Keemun tea so far, but I like my tea very strong.

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2816 tasting notes

I tried this again today and moved the rating up a few points. I’m not sure that I will ever love keemuns but I am enjoying it more than the first time I had it, perhaps due to the gloomy rain we are having? still seems kind of bitter and smoky at the end…


I found short steeps helped me learn to like this one


how short?


Also try cold brew, it’s amazing.


I steep my Hao Ya teas no longer than 3.5 min at around 200. Maybe for you 2:30-2:45 would be good, at an even lower temp—say 190. :))


I suggest you try to put less tea and brew shorter maybe will get better result.
Usually we use about 5g in gaiwan brewing for about 10 second. If you use bigger cup, you can put a little more tea and brew for a longer time.

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294 tasting notes
Hello fellow Steepsterites. I know I have absent from writing reviews but I have been busy to say the least. Today I have the pleasure of drinking this Hao Ya from Teavivre. I was generous with a bit over a teaspoon of leaf that was basket brewed for about 4 minutes. It was dark and too hot to sip so I let it cool down to a manageable degree. I am enjoying the cocoa flavor with a slight hint of grape. It truly is an eye opener. It is strong but not overwhelming. This would be a nice way to start the day everyday. I wish I had the time to write more. I do read and love all of the reviews. I recently received some new tea including a Mao Feng that my GFs nephew brought from Anhui that has me blown away. Stay well good people!
Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

come back soon. :)


We missed you!

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985 tasting notes

Second tea of the morning……

And this is the end of my sample! I do think this is the first sample sent from Teavivre that I have finished if that is any indication how good it is for a drinker of black teas. (My samples of the Balin Gongfu and the Yunnan Dian Hong Golden Tip are close behind, though…) While I am sad to see this go, I know their Keemun Grade 1 and Keemun Grade 2 teas are also very good. I do think I might spring for this one once I get through my sample of the Grade 1 and purchase of the Grade 2. It really is just a little extra special when compared to the other two.

Usual teapot method, light on the leaf and 3 minute steep.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Glad you said that, Jen. I am finishing my sample at tea time today, and I noticed that this one from Teavivre is cheaper than what I paid for a lesser tea from Southern Season. Well, the one from SS is stronger, but not in a way I like. I need to try steeping it differently I guess. Still, I save over a dollar an ounce with Teavivre!

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