Slimful Chocolate Decadence

Tea type
Oolong Yerba maté Blend
Artificial Flavouring, Carob Pieces, Coconut Chips, Licorice Root, Oolong Tea, Roasted Yerba Mate, Rose Petals
Cocoa, Artificial, Chocolate, Coconut, Mocha, Dark Chocolate, Grass, Berries
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec 3 g 9 oz / 256 ml

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  • “First things first! This is my 200th tasting note!!! small cheers :3 I have to say that this has been really fun and I hope to continue my tea-journey! This has been a bad week for tea making. I...” Read full tasting note
  • “I only got this because I was IN a Teavana (which is rare for me as it’s not easily accessible) and I found out it was a chocolate Oolong and I haven’t seen many of them. I can smell chocolate,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Shout out to Ze_Teamaker for a sample of this tea! I’ve been back at brazilian jiu-jitsu (after being out with a broken finger) and this morning I feel like I was tossed around all last night –...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you to TeaEqualsBliss for sending me some of this. I like this OK, but I wish I had read the description and ingredient list before I brewed it, as it does contain yerba mate in it and as it...” Read full tasting note

From Teavana

Drawing inspiration from a decadent warm Hawaiian chocolate cake, this oolong blend is a luxurious mix of robust cacao, creamy toasted coconut, and ginger spice that satisfies even the strongest sweet tooth. Pink rose petals add romantic icing to this guilt-free treat enticing you to reach for seconds. Have your tea and eat it too! CONTAINS NUTS

Dark chocolate with sweet toasted coconut

How to Prepare:
Use 1 teaspoon of tea per 8oz of water.Read more

About Teavana View company

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65 Tasting Notes

541 tasting notes

First things first! This is my 200th tasting note!!! small cheers :3
I have to say that this has been really fun and I hope to continue my tea-journey!
This has been a bad week for tea making. I have reverted back to using a metal tea strainer and man it does a crappy job. But disposable tea bags don’t do the best for multiple steepings either…So this is currently sitting in my glass with a billion floaties in it.
This tea is actually almost out of stock at my house. I probably only have 3-5 servings left before this one can be retired. It has been a fairly popular one to brew for hubby and I to share. He likes the chocolate notes a lot. I think that this is one of my favorite teas by this company. I think that the only things that would make it better were to not tell me it’s an ‘oolong’ tea, when in fact it is a blend of rooibos/oolong. I also think the name is still just silly, but I just ignore that and drink this one up! So no, sorry to disappoint, but I drink this for its tasty coconut/chocolate flavor, not because I’ve got body issues I think tea will fix.

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Mercuryhime 13 years ago

holy cow! I just realized that my last note was the 200th as well! Cheers!

LiberTEAS 13 years ago

Yay for 200 notes! Glad you’re with us, @Mercuryhime and @Tamm!

Tamm 13 years ago

Yay!! 200 note high fives all around!!!

Mercuryhime 13 years ago


LiberTEAS 13 years ago

is it rooibos in this blend … or Yerba Mate?

Tamm 13 years ago

You know what, you’re right! My bad, it is mate not rooibos. lolol the two perpetrators of floaties! I mixed them up. :p

Ninavampi 13 years ago

Congrats! :)

LiberTEAS 13 years ago

@Tamm: I just needed to make sure, because I had written a review for this a couple of days ago, and said that it was Yerba Mate, and I didn’t want my review to offer false information. :)

Tamm 13 years ago

:) Well that’s fine! I must be going crazy if I don’t know what tea is in my tea!

Cheryl 13 years ago

Congrats on the 200th review!

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6768 tasting notes

I only got this because I was IN a Teavana (which is rare for me as it’s not easily accessible) and I found out it was a chocolate Oolong and I haven’t seen many of them.

I can smell chocolate, coconut, and a slight coffee aroma. I can’t really smell the rose which is ok.

It has a creamy taste which is nice. I can taste the cacao, chocolate-E notes, and coconut. I was hoping for more chocolate but the coconut is perfectly done. I cannot taste the rose but I am ok with that. I don’t think it’s needed.

This doesn’t brew to a very dark color and it’s not over-the-top flavor as I assumed it would be. At first I was thinking about tinkering with it to get more flavor but after sipping a bit more I think it’s ok the way it is! But I tend to double the amount of loose leaf as I do like it stronger.

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Tamm 13 years ago

I finally noticed yesterday that there were even rose petals in mine! The product photo shows them as pink, but looking closely they were in mine. They just were yellow/cream colored instead. I’m noticing that all 3 of the reviews on this say that they aren’t tasting the rose in the tea.

Camiah 13 years ago

It sounds intriguing. However, I’m totally put off by the name.

Tamm 13 years ago

I was turned off by the name too! I wasn’t even going to ask about it but the sales person said that he really liked it so I thought I’d try it.

TeaEqualsBliss 13 years ago

Yes! Mine were yellow/cream – not pink.

TeaEqualsBliss 13 years ago

Yeah…I would have thought of a different name, too!

TeaEqualsBliss 13 years ago

Yup! The one girl was drinking it and it smelled good so I thought WHY NOT…lol…

Tamm 13 years ago

Yeah, I find it difficult to take them seriously as soon as they try to tell me the “health benefits” to drinking tea. I find it a real down side to their business. I mean sure, consuming more tea instead of fattening/sugary treats might help you loose weight, but it’s not a cure in any way. So I find that the name tries to say it does more than it can. Oh and I hate the bit about “hydration”. Well duh! I’m drinking something that’s mostly water!

TeaEqualsBliss 13 years ago

teahee! NICE :)
They do treat everyone like no one knows anything about tea tho! Not this last time that I went but the time before that they were trying to upsell me and giving me the historys of all the tea (which is neat but it’s the way they tell you it’s like you are 4 years old and listening to your teacher tell you a story before naptime) and then I told them I review tea online and they down played it. Then when I told them how much tea I drink in a day and how many reviews and for how many sites I have written they couldn’t believe it! LOL – I just thought that was funny! They probably haven’t tried much tea prior to working there, I am gathering! At least the few I have heard about and seen. Not totally knocking them…don’t get me wrong…the ones I have encountered are nice, mostly, but I have heard some real horror stories in other cities

LiberTEAS 13 years ago

On the rare occasion when I go to Teavana and they approach me with that “let me tell you about tea” kind of atmosphere, I tell them I was in the tea business for many years and that I have more tea at home than they have on display here. That generally shuts them up and they leave me alone to browse.

TeaEqualsBliss 13 years ago

:) Gotta LOVE my Sororitea Sista!!!! :)

K S 13 years ago

How much tea do you drink in a day? Maybe I should ask how many gallons.

Jenn 13 years ago

Teavana drives me nuts 98 % of the time. I’m always happy for information, but the hard sell tactics promoted by the company in general make me an angry shopper. NO, I don’t want to pay extra for a super huge tin to hold the 2oz. of tea I’m buying! That being said, I did have an unusually pleasant experience at Teavana last week when I purchased this tea. The sales person wasn’t pushy and I spent more money because of it. Oh, and my roses are yellow & cream as wellI :)

Camiah 13 years ago

I too am torn about Teavana. I really dislike the “health benefits” business, and the hard sell tactics are even more annoying (especially since I’m apparently very easy to upsell). However, its the only local tea place, and I really like the sensual experience of shopping for my “interest” areas (yarn, tea, etc). And the teas I’ve had so far, even the ones I haven’t been super-amazingly-happy about I’ve not been overly disappointed in.

Tamm 13 years ago

I’m actually getting really good service since the opening of my local Teavana. Since I live in an area where tea drinking in generally taboo for most citizens I find they are being less hurt when I say no to them. Last time I went in the person who helped us was super nice. But the persistent problem is the weighing of the product. They consistently do not give me what I ask for. Very obnoxious. Oh and I think that they are hard pressed to sell people tins and I just always tell them I have some. They consistently act like I have no idea about tea and I’d have a better experience if they just left people to ask the questions first.

IllBeMother221B 13 years ago

I wish I COULD drink this one..stupid coconut! They did show it to me after they tried pushing the Thai Mountain Oolong at $22 for 2oz on me. It smelled like a milk oolong and I told them so and they looked like they’d never heard of milk oolong.. “sigh”. I DID pick up the new French Spice Quartet Oolong and it is very good.

TeaEqualsBliss 13 years ago

K S – on the average between 8 and 15 cups per day :)

Glo 13 years ago

I have mixed feeling about Teavana,as well. Corporate is greedy and their sells tactics are pushy and often misleading. Some of their tea is so heavily flavored that it’s more like coo-aid. However, it’s the only tea shop that I can find near me and it does have some decent tea among the overly flavored stuff. I also have to credit them for bringing awareness of loose leaf teas to the masses. Kind of like what Starbucks did for Gourmet coffee, only less ethical.

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1271 tasting notes

Shout out to Ze_Teamaker for a sample of this tea!

I’ve been back at brazilian jiu-jitsu (after being out with a broken finger) and this morning I feel like I was tossed around all last night – despite I was the one who was doing the tossing! Hoping some chocolately tea will do the trick.

DRY: very chunky looking with lumps of oolong, big wide coconut flakes. Again the mystery nutty shells are in this tea like My Morning Mate. Carob maybe? I’ve only seen it in a powder (back in my vegan days). Smells light, chocolatey. No rose petals in my tea as is pictured in the Teavana picture, could be a miss as that kinda thing likes to float to the top.

STEEPED: Bit more chocolately and oolong smell. Steeps up a gold colour.

TASTE: Light tasting – nutty, chocolately with oolong in the background. After taste of creamyness and coconut. No taste of licorice that I can tell.

WHO’D LIKE THIS TEA: Light tea drinkers – maybe a white tea person wanting to try oolongs? Also someone who likes coconut and chocolate.

COMMENTS: This tea did perk me up this morning – there is mate in this supposedly, but I didn’t taste it. I love chocolate teas as well as coconut. Slimful Chocolate is very much a light yummy tea if that is what you are craving for.

However, I think I am spoiled by “The Persimmon Tree” who does coconut flavoring better. I kept thinking the coconut could be done better to be more creamy. More depth would be an added bonus too. Overall, not bad, maybe I’ll try more dry leaf to see how that goes.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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Ze_Teamaker 13 years ago

I agree. I tried some of the coconut creme’, and it is like drinking a colada minus the fat and calories.

The Persimmon Tree 13 years ago

jiu-jitsu and tea.. perfect mix. Thanks for mentioning us :)

Oolong Owl 13 years ago

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and tea totally go together – especially mate teas! I think I’m in the minority though, most jiu-jitsu people I know are into those expensive coconut waters.

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4843 tasting notes

Thank you to TeaEqualsBliss for sending me some of this.

I like this OK, but I wish I had read the description and ingredient list before I brewed it, as it does contain yerba mate in it and as it is now 9:50 pm I am hoping it doesn’t keep me awake all night… however, I did just yawn as I typed that, so perhaps it won’t.

The chocolate is deliciously rich, but, I wish this didn’t have carob in it. Normally, I don’t mind carob in a tea, but, here, it seems to impart a cheap chocolate flavor … like “diet” chocolate, if you know what I mean. You know how you can just taste when something is low fat that should be fattening, like low fat milk? I happen to prefer low fat milk, but, you can definitely TASTE the difference between low fat milk and whole milk. And that’s what I’m tasting here, a “diet” tasting chocolate, only this isn’t the preferred chocolate taste (that is, I prefer low fat milk to whole milk, but, I prefer whole-fat chocolate to diet chocolate).

I do like the flavor of the coconut here, it isn’t a strong flavor, but it adds a nice creamy dimension to the profile of the cup. Overall, a very pleasant cup of tea, just not my favorite chocolate tea.

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1792 tasting notes

Just downed the last glass of this. Feels good to get it out of the way! Sorry, but it wasn’t worth the money. It tasted better cold-steeped but even then, I always got an artificial sweetener aftertaste from it.

That was some pretty expensive iced tea.

TeaBrat 13 years ago

Pretty much sums up every tea I’ve purchased from Teavana.

Fjellrev 13 years ago

I hear you! Both I purchased were severely lacking in flavour. Lesson learned.

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343 tasting notes

Um, I just succumbed to the Teavana Heavenly sale and I did major damage. Sigh. Now that it’s mostly 75% off, it’s not monetarily bad, but my poor cupboard!

Anyway, this surprised me the first time I made it and it actually surprised me again because it just doesn’t smell all that good in the bag but the taste is really nice. Chocolatey, coco-nutty and a bit creamy.

3 tsp + sweetener in 16oz steeping mug

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec
JustJames 11 years ago

this one i really do like. very very nice this one. =0)

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286 tasting notes

This tea came my way from a swap with JustJames…thank you JustJames!

The dry smell is deliciously chocolate. I usually am not a huge fan of chocolate tea’s, but his one was pretty good.

For me the significant note of the brewed was nutty, with a lingering cocoa after-taste. I drank it black, but next brew I may bump it with cream and sweetener and see if that pulls out the chocolate more.

A tasty tea that I am grateful to have sampled.

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JustJames 12 years ago

yay! so glad it arrived! i am picky about tea and chocolate too, lol, but this one i like!

Aimee Popovacki 12 years ago

this sounds good … i find chocolate teas quite weak usually.. i just tried the cococaramel salted one and chocolate bananas foster from teavana…. not the strongest!

JustJames 12 years ago

the cococaramel just gave me sugar but no overtone, haven’t tried the bananas foster. have you tried adding azteca fire to anything? it’s very good on top of a black and i usually cram a tablespoon into the tea ball (it’s a herbal).

Aimee Popovacki 12 years ago

i’ve never tried azteca fire.. i’m going home to visit in ontario, so i’ll pick it up while i’m there! .. the bananas foster is very sweet…. its nice, but was like a sweeter, weaker version of davids tea’s banana dream pie.

JustJames 12 years ago

and i’m really picky about bananas in tea… well, in general i guess, lol. still if you don’t try new things you never grow!

Aimee Popovacki 12 years ago

lol very true

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2201 tasting notes

Hey, it’s my first Teavana tea! This one comes to me thanks to The DJBooth. Teavana has a number of blends and such that I think sound tasty, but I’ve also read so many negative things about the shopping experience in store that I’ve never gone to the Teavana that’s 30 minutes away from me. I mean, I’ve thought about it, but it isn’t really in an area I frequent so it would kind of have to be a special trip. And you can’t buy samples. You get the picture. Anyway, I get to try this one now!

The dry leaf smells pretty chocolatey, but the steeped tea smells much more roasted nutty/coconutty. There’s a toasted-grain aroma in there that I recognize from some of the dark Wuyi Mountain oolongs I’ve tried. The chocolate definitely comes back to the front in the flavor, and the tea is intriguingly sweet. It reminds me a bit of the chocolate/coconut black tea I had from Praise Tea, though obviously with a lighter base. I find that a medium-bodied formosa oolong base like this has can often add an almost appley note to a tea, and I’m actually getting it from this tea as well. As others have mentioned, I don’t taste any distinct ginger or rose notes in this cup. Overall I’m really enjoying this, and while I may not run out to buy more when I’m done, Teavana has definitely made a good first impression.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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The DJBooth 13 years ago

Wow! First Teavana Tea. Bravo! I can tell you that the experience can be decent if you know what you’re looking for and you don’t allow the workers to go into their spiel. I think they are under the impression that most people don’t know tea. The one I usually go to one person tried to sell me stuff, but the one guy recognized me and knew that I was just coming in for a cup.

Dinosara 13 years ago

Thanks! I’m sure I’ll get there eventually…

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

I feel the same… well I don’t have one even remotely close to me but my TO friend is buying me tea for Christmas, so I kind of warned her away from this store. She wouldn’t know what she is looking for, and I wouldn’t want to put her through that in case she ended up with a 400 dollar cast iron tea pot lol :D I’m going to try the teas sometime though! Hopefully in my next tea trade, just like you ^^

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4347 tasting notes

Thank you so much Amanda for sending this one a while back. This one actually sounded like an inspired blend from Teavana — sometimes their blends sound very wacky or… unappetizing. I saw some cocoa nibs and giant coconut flakes. Sadly, I wish the flavor was stronger. I like the idea for this blend but it was kind of weak tasting, even after brewing for a few minutes. There was really just a bit of cocoa nib flavor. So sad because I thought this was a Teavana blend I might actually be a fan of!

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2145 tasting notes

Thanks go to JustJames for sending this to me in our epic swap.

I love oolong, so this immediately intrigued me because I’ve never had a chocolate oolong before. Honestly, I think this one has a lot of potential, but my first attempt using 1t per 6oz left it a little weak tasting. For my next attempt I’ll double the leaf and see if that helps. If all else fails, I can see this making a decent latte.

The scent is a heavy on the coconut, but the coconut only adds a hint of sweetness to the final brew. The chocolate flavoring is more of a background note. I do like that it tastes more realistic than a lot of the artificially flavored chocolate teas that I’ve had. I got the impression of dark chocolate, but it left me wanting more. Several of the ingredients I couldn’t taste while this was hot. The licorice really starts to stand out at the end of each sip once this has cooled.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec
JustJames 12 years ago

i really liked the chestnuts in this one, and yes, it makes an awesome latte. ;-)

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