Youthberry / Wild Orange Blossom Blend

Tea type
Fruit Herbal White Blend
Apple Pieces, Beet Root Pieces, Candied Pinapple, Citrus, Citrus Peel, Hibiscus Flowers, Mango, Natural And Artificial Flavouring, Orange, Red Currant, Rose Hips, Rose Petals, White Tea
Allspice, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Cloves, Mandarin, Mango, Orange, Passion Fruit, Apple, Berry, Citrus, Coconut, Floral, Flowers, Fruit Punch, Fruity, Hibiscus, Orange Blossom, Orange Zest, Pineapple, Pleasantly Sour, Tangy, Candy, Citrusy, Sweet, Tart, Smooth, Sour, Berries, Astringent, Bitter, Dust, Cranberry
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Shae
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 15 sec 28 g 28 oz / 829 ml

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From Teavana

Reinvigorate your life with this delicious blend of white and herbal teas. This blend combines Youthberry white tea with Wild Orange Blossom herbal tea for an explosion of pineapple citrus flavor. With the added punch of acai, red currants, and mango, this blend is sure to please the palate.

Use 1.5-2 tsp. of tea per 8oz of water. Heat water to 175 degrees (98 degrees Celsius) and steep for 2 minutes. For stronger flavor use more tea leaves. 2oz of tea equals 25-30 teaspoons.

Ingredients: Apple pieces, white tea, hibiscus flowers, rose hip peels, apple slices, candied pineapple pieces (pineapple, sugar, citric acid), candied mango pieces (mango, sugar, citric acid), natural and artificial flavoring, beetroot pieces, citrus slices, citrus peels, red currants, orange juice pieces, orange petals, rose petals, açai fruit powder (açai, maltodextrin)

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135 Tasting Notes

3294 tasting notes

Tony got a free sample of this awhile ago, when he ordered a refill of german rock sugar crystals. My taste buds are still a little wonky, but I’m actually enjoying this right now. It’s tart & tangy, & with a little sweetness added, it’s not bad. I suspect it would be even better cold brewed. Maybe I’ll find out.


They usually have this as an iced tea in the store and it is very delicious cold. I am not usually a fan of Teavana but this is a blend that is definitely nice to have around in the summer. I have had it hot as well, and that is not bad but the flavors tend to lend themselves nicely to a colder drink.

Terri HarpLady

You know, now that you mentioned it, I think I’ve sampled in the store, probably numerous times! :D


haha probably. They always seem to have this available, Pineapple Kona Pop, and the Maharajah Chai Oolong/ Samurai Chai Mate blend – at least they do at the Teavana near me.


I have a sample since aug and didn’t try yet.

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3513 tasting notes

One of my kids liked this on the store, so I had her pick some up. I don’t know if she tried it hot or cold, but I am using it for iced tea. I added 1/4 of rock sugar and infused the mixture twice. It is a decent pitcher of iced tea, but I like 52teas much better, so I doubt I will invest in this again. I bought so little of it, I am not going to add to cupboard because it will be gone very quickly since I am making pitchers of iced tea. It is pretty and fruity tasting and would be fun to serve to guests who are not familiar with many teas.


Try it mixed with an Earl Grey. I loved it like that!


That does sound good! The orange flavor would pretty much turn it into a fruity Lady Grey!

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150 tasting notes

Why am I so mad at Teavana lately? Is it because I have to steel myself for a hard sell before I walk through the door? I feel like such a jerk because I have to shut the persistant sales associates down when they try to sell me over-sized tins and pounds of tea at a time. It’s unfortunate because I love to learn about new teas, but I feel almost afraid to ask any questions lest I be subjected to a long sales pitch.

My most recent visit was particularly edgy because I had misread a forum thread, and I was convinced that the Tevanaites were adding sugar to the dry tea they sell. My husband said I had a crazy look in my eye and I believe it. I was going confront those tea posers about ruining pefectly good tea. Well, it turns out that they add sugar to their tea samples but not the actual dry tea you buy. I’m glad to know this because I really do enjoy a few of Teavava’s teas, and I was ready to write them off with my sugar misunderstanding.

I’m pleased that I purchased both Youthberry and Wild Orange Blossom. This white tea and herbal combo make a fantastically refreshing iced tea. Yes, it’s a super fruity tea but I make no bones about loving fruity teas. It’s hot like the surface of the sun in these parts, so a refreshing iced tea really hits the spot.


I recently placed an order online (first and possibly last) and they sent a free sample of these two dry teas blended with their rock sugar. I don’t think they sell the tea that way, but it is not just the samples in store. It is occasionally in the free samples they send with web orders, too. I still have the sample unopened, because I am not sure how I feel about brewing with the sugar in there from the start.

I agree with you on the feeling that you have to steel yourself just to go in. I hate shopping to begin with. Just the possibility of uncomfortable shopping keeps me away.


Taryn, you’re right. I’ve worked retail before as well, and certain companies defiantly do push the hard sell. It’s just so off-putting, and I do wish that HQ would realize that return customers are the foundation of any good business and alienated customers will take their business elsewhere. David’s Tea needs to open shop state-side :)


Jen, they really love that f’n German rock sugar don’t they?! I just placed an order online order for an iced tea steeping pitcher, and a 1oz tea sample with rock sugar was listed on my order confirmation. I at least appreciate that they were completely upfront about adding sugar to the sample they were sending. AND hey, why don’t they ever offer take home samples when you make a purchase in store??? I’d like my sample sans sugar of course :)

I hate shopping as well. If Teavana weren’t right next to Sur La Table… I’d probably never go in. Ahhh, the power of tea madness!


My Sur La Table is next to Anthropologie and Trader Joe’s, with Penzey’s Spices just around the corner. Heaven.


Teavana, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, A Southern Season, Williams-Sonoma, all are more than an hour away for me…nearly two hours for some of them! Fortunately, we go that way pretty often, sometimes for hubby’s work, sometimes taking our kids to the airport. Wish we had more like that really close to us.


Jen, Oh the trouble I get into at Anthropologie! For someone who hates to shop, I sure love that place. Penzey’s Spices sounds like a dangerous place for me too.

ashmanra, maybe the distance is a blessing in disguise :) Although, it is good to have a Trader Joes and Whole Foods close by.


We don’t have an Anthropologie, but hubby had a business trip and was near one and brought me the cutest milk glasses! You are right, the distance is a blessing! I would be broke all the time! We take a cooler of ice sometimes to bring special groceries home in. I did finally realize that our local more upscale than the rest grocery store had a lot of the same items and I was just unwilling to pay their price for it, whereas when I am out of town it seems like a treat and I buy it. So now I just buy one or two special cheeses or something locally instead of going wild when we go out of town.

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (196)

So I am not a huge fan of citrus teas and yet this is my second citrus tea this hour. I am not sure how I worked that out but at least both of the teas are pleasant enough.

This was a little overleafed but that is due to the fact that I didn’t have enough to make another cup so I just tossed it all into the infuser. I am getting a lot of the base which is on the bitter side. That is mixed with the orange flavor so it is sort of like drinking a glass of orange peels. Not the most pleasant cup but at least it is gone now.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

How do you make your tea? We picked some up from Teavana after trying the sample. Unfortunately we cannot get the same flavoring as the sample.


The samples use a lot of sugar. If you’re not using sugar you won’t get the same flavour.


The samples use lots of Sugar as OMGsrsly said and Teavana also overleafs like mad.

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1220 tasting notes

Going through my stuff I found another one of these so this time I tried it as is and made it iced.

I feel like once it’s done steeping, someone should come bursting through the wall of my apartment to say, Congratulations, you’ve made kool-aid with more natural appearing ingredients.

Autumn Hearth

Drink the pretty kool-aid ;)


I suppose an all natural kool-aid would be a bit more dignified than the regular “Oooooh yeeeah!” version. :) love the image!


Hahaha I’m trying to think of what would be a better phrase to use. Maybe he uses the door to then, just to be a bit more polite?

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545 tasting notes

The July TeaLog Catchup !

I got this tea/tisane combo as a sample with the previously mentioned [in my SBT Lime Cola iced tea post] pitcher. The sample stated to use the whole packet in 16oz of water. But, man, was it a lot of tea. No way, I decided. So I split the packet evenly in two and made half of it in 12oz of water in a mug that could hold 14oz, in case it was still too much and I had to dilute it because even half of the packet came to over 4 heaping teaspoons of tea.

Still, I was surprised when 12oz came out a hint on the watery side and made a mental note to steeper the other half of the sample in a 10oz mug. That said, it was plenty flavorful. I got tart, apple orange, fruity. No tea to speak of though. I easily consumed the cup and steeped up a resteep in 8oz of water doubtfully. I did remember when I walked away to come back sooner rather than later to collect it. A weaker tho more tart somehow version of the same fruity taste.

2nd steep: definitely less than 15 mins, possibly around 10 mins. I think I used around 180 F water, not boiling.

I’m rating this tea a 65, smack dab in the middle of my nice range. It should possibly be a bit lower, but it’s a novel change from my usual non-caffeinated evening options.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

This one is caffeinated, though. I hope the white tea oesnt eep you up!


Doesn’t keep! I shouldn’t comment while lying on my side, typing with one finger!


Now I have the old-school Macs EEPing in my head.

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2816 tasting notes

This came as a free sample in an ancient Teavana order I placed months ago but I decided today was the day I needed to try it. I kinda knew I was in for trouble when I opened it up and it looks like a bag of dried fruit, yeah I think i saw one or two leaves of white tea in there… lol

This is really not my thing.
1) I do not EVER use sugar in my tea so this sample is instantly way too sweet.
2) It tastes like warm fruit punch.
3) No tea flavor whatsoever
4) If I want to drink a fruity tea I would prefer less hibiscus/rosehips/tart-ish crap

I decided to pour it over ice and it is better as a cold drink. I Teavana should really market this as a cocktail, mix it with rum and stick an umbrella in it.


They seem to have a hard time on the marketing department.




I really didn’t like that the chai/chai blend also came with sugar pre-added to the mixture. Then whenever you ask about the tea in shop they instantly want to sell me sugar. I never use it so I get sick of getting bothered about it.


as soon as I got that sample, I opened it up and removed all the sugar. I think I weighed it and it was around 7-8 grams


Sugar that is pre-added is a very bad idea…


I like the cocktail idea! :))


Did they use rock sugar? I have a sample of this and was contemplating just picking the sugar out, since I don’t sweeten my teas.


yes – mine came with rock sugar already mixed in


I think that Teavana’s youthberry is the most disgusting tea I’ve ever had. The wild orange blossom is decent on its own though, but nothing can make youthberry taste good :(

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244 tasting notes

I steeped this sweetened sampler a second time, adding more sugar, steeping it for hours (like, 12 or something), and finally adding ice. I’ve never made iced tea with loose leaves before, so I don’t know if I did this the “right” way, but it worked. It’s excellent as iced tea: a little mango-y, a little peachy. I didn’t get even a hint of the floral things that are on the list of ingredients, like rose and such; it’s just a really refreshing, sweet, tropical iced tea.

This tea is definitely better iced than hot.

175 °F / 79 °C 8 min or more
Daisy Chubb

Making iced tea is full of fun experiments! I’m still perfecting my method – sounds like you did just fine :D


Thanks, Daisy. It certainly turned out yummy. There was initially a little bit of bitterness and I panicked for a moment, thinking I’d left the tea steeping too long, but then I remembered that I’d just brushed my teeth. =)

Daisy Chubb

ah! tea and toothpaste, I know that taste well lol

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2201 tasting notes

Sipdown, 132. Got a free sample of this with my latest Teavana order.

Of course pre-blended with a pile of rock sugar, but then again this tea has hibiscus and rosehips in it so I figured the sugar might be welcome. This smells strangely exactly like the powdered hot apple cider mixes that my mom used to drink in the ’90s. Actually she would sometimes mix them with Tang (yes, it is an odd blend), which totally matches with the orange flavoring here.

And yes, this taste pretty much exactly like that, especially when she would mix them a bit weaker. Fruity, tart, appley, citrusy, with little else to it. It’s not bad, and I enjoyed my pot of it, but it is certainly not very exciting as a tea. They could take the tea out of it and market it as an herbal blend (and I do like some of their herbals), but then they couldn’t tout the “health benefits” of white tea.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec
Terri HarpLady

Tony ordered a refill of rock sugar from Teavana a few weeks ago & they sent him a sample of this. Seems like I recall sampling it in the store a few years ago iced.


Yeah, I think this is one of their favorite samples to send!


Haha, if it had been any other company, I would have thought, ‘Ah, it’s probably a nice seasonal tea they want people to notice’, but since it’s Teavana, I’m more like, ‘A-ha! What evil might they be plotting NOW?!’.


Sheesh, they are still sending this as a free sample?

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400 tasting notes

Thursday Feb. 24, 2011
3rd Steep of the Day.
My Wife Suprised me with a Pot Of Tevana’s YouthBerry
Great After Dinner Drink Bold Citrus Flavor.
This Pot Had some Strong GrapeFruit Presence in it.
Although its not an ingredent in this Blend.
Great Sippin Pot.
Keep on Steepin

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Here’s to spouses that support the tea habit1

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