Caramel Sundae Escape

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Black Tea
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205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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From Talbott Teas

Product Description: You ease into the first sip. Real caramel. You slide into the second. Real cocoa. With the addition of milk and sugar, you instinctively reach for a spoon.

All natural premium ingredients: Full-leaf black tea, cacao nibs, caramel pieces & natural vanilla flavor.

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32 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

Almost done with this tin…had two cups this morning. I can’t believe I have gone thru 2 tins of this already! Among my faves!

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985 tasting notes

Tea of the afternoon……

I was almost going to de-stash this one. However, I am needing a source of indulgence that won’t kill me in calories. This actually works very well. I think I need to bump up the rating a little! Notes of cream and caramel, and maybe a little chocolate on a cocoa-ey tea base. Yummy!

Usual teapot method.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I have a feeling I’ve made this goofy comment before, but anything with caramel and escape in the name has got to be fantastic.

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2201 tasting notes

Argh, Steepster ate my tasting note!

I’m trying this one again before I send most of it off in a swap. I remember enjoying this tea, but I also never was drawn back to it, so I decided to find it a better home.

This is a really tasty tea, all caramelly and a bit chocolatey, with a decent black tea base. Yummy, but I don’t really crave it, so I’m happy to send it off to someone who might appreciate it more.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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1112 tasting notes

Yesterday I came home to a fantastic swap package from Rabs full of exciting teas to try! It was hard to decide which one to dig into first, but since it was evening and my sweet tooth is always ready for a dessert tea, I picked this one to drink as we watched a film.

Deeeee-licious! This one took me on another jaunt down memory lane, because it tastes so similar to the Phoenix Dessert Blend at Alice’s Tea Cup in NYC! I know, I know, I have a crazy elephant memory (i.e. I never forget ANYTHING), but we went there in July of 2007 for my birthday, and had this tea with the most amazing pumpkin scones in the WORLD after a day of tromping around the Met. We loved the tea so much that we brought a few ounces home with us to enjoy in my other gift that year from my husband, my beloved shiny red Chantal teapot which I have used every day for the past 3 years!!!

So, yes, this tea is great. Sweet. True luscious caramel. Good tea. I don’t really taste the chocolate, but rather taste richness. I don’t get ice cream sundae, I get Alice’s Tea cup, cool on a hot summer day, fairy wings and Cheshire cats, Art, Scones, Happiness!!!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Oh! I haven’t tried this yet but I LOVE the ones I have from Talbott! They are a wonderful company!!! :) If you want I could send you samples of the ones I have if you are interested let me know!


Yum that sounds scrumptious!


Anything that evokes everything in your final paragraph is fine by me! Calgon, take me away….


Double Hooray!!!!! So glad that you loved it! And can I say that I adore your teapot? I just added it to my wishlist :D


Rabs – it keeps teas so nice and warm and the porcelain tea filter insert thing is SO convenient. You can grab it and put it aside and serve tea in the teapot then stick it back in to do another steep. It is also easy to clean. I usually hand wash it but I do throw it in the dishwasher every now and again to get it super clean and sterilized!

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807 tasting notes

Full review on March 3rd on here are the snippits:

I have not had many Talbott’s Teas – honestly I don’t know if I have had any. This was a great introduction to the brand as I do enjoy this tea.

Caramel Sundae Escape from Talbott’s Tea is a mellow, caramel tea that has absolutely no astringency or bitterness. It is sweet but not overly so. The chocolate notes are slight, if you are really wanting chocolate decadence this may not be the exact tea for you but the chocolate notes are present. This is by far more a caramel tea, and after all it is named Caramel Sundae Escape. However it is part of the Chocolate Lover’s collection so some may be a little disappointed it is not more chocolatey!

Regardless, this is a really delicious cup! I was surprised at just how many bits were in the blend, plenty of caramel chunks for sure!


i can’t wait for my swap/box from TEB – pretty sure she put in a few talbott teas for me to try. woot woot!


Ohhh nice!!!! :)


i mean..she hasn’t mailed it yet lol because i told her not to worry about it until “whenever” but it’s out there..waiting to come to me…“someday” hahaha When i get home i’m also going to put together my care package for you guys. I will likely send it to one of you since i know you shift things around between the 3 of you fairly often. But i have teas for all three sisters :)


Wow SIl how really totally sweet of you!


You guys are good to the noobies and others. :) I just need to get organized once i’m home with all my swaps and tea cupboard and the like.


lol let me know if you figure out the trick to making that happen! ;)
I work on it daily.
Bought another tea cup at an antique store yesterday! WHY? when I have at least half of my collection hidden away. Now I had to sneak this into my cabinet lol it never stops between the tea, the accessories, well you know … :)

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371 tasting notes

Doulton’s Shakespeare: A Tasting Note in 5 Acts
Act 1 scene 2

“As merry as the day is long.”
Much Ado About Nothing Act II, scene 1

This tea is a comedy: Much Ado About Nothing. This was the play that I had my light bulb moment with Shakespeare in that his works are meant to be seen as plays and not just read in school. It was during Benedick’s humorous soliloquy in the garden where I found myself cracking up and realized that I was understanding the play. I was having such a great time unlike when Shakespeare was forced upon me in high school English classes.

Thus far I’ve avoided teas with any sort of chocolate in them. I really don’t care for chocolate just like I thought that I didn’t care for Shakespeare until I saw a live play. Apparently I’m fine with cocoa in tea! It’s so different than having a piece of chocolate. And these flavors are so wonderfully playful. The vanilla starts to get a bit pushy, but the caramel and cocoa seem to be doing a fine job of saying “hey nonny nonny” to both the tea and vanilla. It’s like the enjoyment of watching Beatrice and Benedick quibble and fight while all the time knowing that they’re perfect for each other. But this tea is much smoother than any of the relationships in this play. Ultimately this is a delightful dessert tea that I must always keep on hand. TG

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Wowza. I wish I could say I didn’t like chocolate. It is my downfall. Oh, the cookies I ate today out of sheer weakness. This sounds totally yum.

Totally know what you mean about the lightbulb moment. For me, it happened with Hamlet in high school, when two things happened at the same time. One, I realized that even the tragedies could have really funny moments, and two, somehow the haze around the early modern English lifted and I could all of a sudden get the gist even if I couldn’t understand every word. It was like the description in the Sarah Rose book of Fortune being able to understand Chinese after being steeped in it for a while.


Oy – I had a very traumatic experience with M&Ms as a child where I ate too many one Easter. You don’t want to know the details. I’m actually grateful for that experience considering what a huge comfort eater I am and I think chocolate could have been my downfall. I still can’t stand M&Ms, but other chocolates I can enjoy a very tiny bit at a time.

YES to the haze lifting – that’s exactly it!!!!!

And rest assured all: I am not going to love everything in the Shakespeare box. The first two are homeruns, but there’s a couple that I’m sort of dreading. Plus, I’m dying to write a scathing review in terms of tea and Shakespeare! ;)


Rabs, these Shakespeare reviews are delightful! And Much Ado About Nothing is probably my favorite Shakespeare play and literary trope (love/hate relationships and feisty feminists for the win!)


I’m glad that so many of you are giving these reviews thumbs up, because due to Doulton’s generosity there will be many Shakespeare notes. :)


I haven’t had this one yet…would LOVE to try some tho! So far the other Talbott Teas I have had I really like – even the ROOIBOS!!!!!

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259 tasting notes

This is a tasty tea, no doubt, but I needed to use a LOT of dry tea for a decent cup and I don’t know how cost-effective it is.

There are dried apples in the tea: I tasted and tasted. It’s not caramel. It’s not caramel-covered apples; it is apple. But the tea does not taste much like apple, in any event.
It’s a nice tea—don’t get my wrong—but at the price, I don’t think it is worth it. I’ve had much better caramel teas and much better chocolate teas.

I’m also starting to realize that I don’t much care for teas named after desserts.

4 min, 0 sec

I’ll admit that this is more subtle, but I really enjoyed it :) Now I’m very curious as to what some of your favorite caramel teas are.


I like “The Tea Table’s” Caramel, which is quite inexpensive; American Tea Room also has one that I like quite a lot.


Thank you so much! I’ll definitely try those out before purchasing any more of this one. After all, there are a few Tea Table teas that I would like to reorder after I finish the Shakespeare box.

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4337 tasting notes

thanks again for sending this one a while back, TeaEqualsBliss! I waited a while to write a steeping note for this one. I wanted to try it again because the first cup was underwhelming. I guess I expect more flavor for the price! I steeped for 15 minutes at boiling, and I’m not sure there is any caramel or chocolate flavor here. The malty black tea is decent enough, but like I said, underwhelming. But this is why tea swaps are so great: you get to try teas without having to buy whole ounces of it! :D (Also, this may or may not have absorbed the flavor of Adagio’s White Cucumber: they are both in baggies and this one was next to it! I’ll have to move it later today…I was planning on reorganizing anyway!)

Boiling 8 min or more

I don’t know why they give teas names like this. They’re kind of hard to live up to.

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4843 tasting notes

I feel like my taste buds are finally functioning properly again. And that makes me very happy, because now I can really taste the caramel and chocolate of this tea. And it tastes fantastic!

The tea is the strongest flavor, but the caramel and chocolate are not shy. It is smooth, rich and creamy. YUMMY!!!

ETA: I forgot to thank TeaEqualsBliss for sending me some of this tea. Thanks!!!

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193 tasting notes

Caramel and cocoa…. this tea is yummy! Not my favorite dessert tea but definitely one I will enjoy again.

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