This is the perfect tea to try out today. RIP, David Bowie, you magnificent soul.
I just had a Nordic mug of this with a shot of whole milk. It’s definitely a creamy one, and the bergamot isn’t too heavy. It shouts at the top of a mountain that it’s an EGC, alright.
Next time I’d consider adding a little vanilla extract to make this more London Fog-like. I don’t think it’s worth paying full price for, but I’m glad I was able to snag a tin of this for 60% off after Christmas at Holt Renfrew. Unimportant, but the tins HR sells around then holidays are different than the traditional ones you see online. This one is black with HR branding on it. Both designs are great.
Unrelated, but I’m back to the drawing board in regards to job-hunting. That one I started last week was really taking a toll on me with its insane early morning wake-ups. Eventually I would have had to get up even an hour earlier for their flex schedule, plus after seeing what was required for the (temporary) job, I didn’t think it would be worth it because they were also underpaying for the position. I know, bad time to let go of a job and be picky when the economy is bad but I’d sooner spend the next while looking for another one—and hopefully find another one—during the time that I would have been stuck at this one, and wouldn’t have been able to go to job interviews.
My mom just got home from her doctor’s appointment devastated that she has more (high-risk) surgery scheduled in the spring, so the Bowie news don’t help matters as he has always been a favourite of hers. “My Ziggy…” as she just said. Ugh. Bad day.
Yeah, what a send off the internet has given him – amazing, ive never seen anything like it, a lot of love for him.
So sad about Bowie. And sorry about the job.
I sent you a heart and it disappeared. Strange Steepster.
Aww thanks!