Pecan Pie Pu Erh

Tea type
Black Pu'erh Pu'erh (shou) Blend
Not available
Caramel, Earthy, Nutmeg, Nutty, Sweet, Brown Sugar, Butter, Cake, Cinnamon, Pecan, Smooth
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 15 oz / 433 ml

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From Old Barrel Tea Co

decadent ∙ nutty ∙ caramel

This blend is like a cup of decadent pecan pie! It is energizing, promotes healthy digestion and metabolism and is rich in antioxidants.

Ingredients: pu erh tea, black tea, cinnamon, licorice root, natural flavor, roasted cacao shell, cocoa nibs, safflower

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12 Tasting Notes

490 tasting notes

I have picked up the sniffles somewhere along my travels and can’t taste very well at present. So I opened this new tin (have I finished the first tin?) and am enjoying this nutty sweet puerh concoction this morning. Will it clear out my sinuses? Maybe not, but I can taste it. Pretty yummy stuff.

Flavors: Caramel, Earthy, Nutmeg, Nutty, Sweet


Yuck on the snuffles. Hope they are short-lived.


Oh, rats! Sorry about snuffles but good news that you found a tea you can taste!


If you can find some elderberry that will help greatly!


Teas you can taste when you’re sick are nice, especially if they’re too strong for you normally. I have some old Assams and Ceylons that are basically “sick teas.” I hope you feel better soon!


Thanks y’all, I am feeling better today, must have been the S&V sniffle slayer I drank last night :)

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448 tasting notes

Sad to see this go, it’s such a cozy tea! The nuttiness and cinnamon work very well together

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4330 tasting notes

Sipdown! (32 | 187)

This one was fast-tracked to be sipped down just because I like some of the other Old Barrel blends so much more.

Not that this is bad, it’s not. In fact, it’s quite good. I think my problem with it is that overall it’s just quite sweet. The puerh base is nice, it doesn’t go too earthy/funky like some other flavored puerhs I’ve had. Just the right amount of darkness and depth, and then the cinnamon and pecan remind me of coffee cake. It doesn’t specifically remind me of pecan pie, mostly due to the cinnamon.

Would highly recommend for pecan and dessert tea lovers though! Really, really good example of a flavored puerh.

Flavors: Butter, Cake, Cinnamon, Earthy, Nutty, Pecan, Smooth, Sweet

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

This one is tasty!

Cameron B.

For sure! I just prefer their Winter Cabin and Banana Bread Coffee for flavored puerhs. :D


I found myself perusing Old Barrel’s website a few weeks back. Intrigued for sure… one of these days I’ll have to check ’em out.

Cameron B.

I really like their coffee blends! And they definitely do flavored puerhs quite well.

Daylon R Thomas

Sounds lovely. Admittantly, I’ve been on the flavored Pu-Erh train. Pecan might be a little bit overwhelming.

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16950 tasting notes

Steeped this one up over the weekend! I found that once my mug had cooled just slightly I really started to enjoy how the flavours were developing. Pleasantly nutty with a cozy level of cinnamon and lots of deeper dense brown sugar and molasses type notes that conveyed a lot of the flavour of good pecan pie filling. Not overly rich/sweet though and that I appreciate the most because, as much as I love a good slice of pecan pie, it’s one of those desserts that can get to be too much very quickly!

Cameron B.

I’ll have to give this one a try tomorrow!

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986 tasting notes

AJRimmer Advent Day 18

I’m not a puerh girl, but this was much better than anticipated! The dry leaf was lovely and really did smell like a pecan pie. Brewed, it had a strong nutty flavor and aroma and (thankfully!) none of the earthy/fishy flavor I’ve run into with other puerhs in the past. It didn’t really have much of a “pie” flavor for me, but the pecan flavor was nice! Maybe I would have gotten more of the sweetness/crust with some sweetener?

Flavors: Nutty, Pecan

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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1324 tasting notes

Ooo weeee. That aroma! Straight up Pecan Pie to your nostrils! Creamy, nutty, and even perfect brown sugar pie crust. The wet aroma gives the sense of one mixing the wet ingredients together for the delicious pie that is to come. I’m having a hard time waiting these five minutes. The dry mix is just as nice to look at as it is to smell. The site says to do honey and a touch of cream but seeing as dairy doesn’t sit well with me I’ll just do the honey once I consume a bit without it. On it’s own the nutty notes are intense. This is by far the most intense nut tea I’ve ever had. You can also taste the pu er (for those who like it) but it curls up with the nuttiness in a way that you wouldn’t know it was there is you weren’t looking for it. Now onto the honey. Just a smidge. Hmm. At first, I wasn’t sure but I can definitely see this with a dash of cream and the flavors really popping. This is quite enjoyable!


I really like this one, too—and yes, milk just makes it better.


I like puerh, so this sounds good to me!

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3010 tasting notes

AJRimmer, is this the kind that has some vanilla rooibos in it as well? Whether it does or doesn’t, I am especially thankful for the sample you sent my way!

First thing I noticed: It most definitely smells floury like Aunt Nancy’s homemade pie. She set the family gold standard of pecan pies with local pecans the size of your thumb. When I was little (6-ish), my big brother (14 years older) and I had a deal: We’d share a slice; he’d eat all the pecans and I’d get the goop and the crust, which we all know is the best part.

Steeped straight with no add-ins, there’s plenty of pecan flavor and scent (especially with bag left in the cup) but not a lot of syrupy goop. I think I may be able to fix that next time with a little milk.


The tin that I bought from them is just the pecan pie puerh without the other tea blended in! I’ve sampled their blends at their shops before but haven’t bought them yet! And I have a similar pie arrangement with my partner where I eat the pumpkin pie filling and leave the crust for him :P


OK, then it must be the dried safflower I’m looking at rather than rooibos. The scent, even of the cold dregs in my cup today, is wonderful!

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2587 tasting notes

I never buy puerh, but when I was at Old Barrel, the scent of this tea was irresistible. I have to say the flavor is much more muted than the scent. I can definitely taste the puerh – it’s not gross or anything, just unmistakable. Then there’s some nuttiness and an element that does slightly remind me of pastries. I wish this were on a black base and that the flavorings were a little stronger, but this is probably the best puerh I’ve had.


Wow. This sounds sensational.


I’d be happy to send you some if you’d like!


Ooh! Thank you! PM forthcoming.

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