Peanut Butter Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Matcha Powder, Natural Flavours
Not available
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 12 oz / 354 ml

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From Matcha Outlet

One of the best treats anyone can prepare for any audience irrespective of their different age groups is Peanut butter Matcha. This is because, when the innately nutty taste of well loved peanut butter is combined with the less sweet and exotic tasting Matcha, the resulting Peanut butter Matcha treat is singular in its ability to deliver exquisite delight to the palate leaving a delectably unforgettable aftertaste. Peanut butter Matcha is an extraordinary treat because of the addition of the novel Matcha trace.

Peanut butter Matcha is an excellent snack for young children because, over and above its nutritional excellence, its taste is sweet, nutty and gratifying. Its special coloring will also draw many curious and interested takers. For many nut-loving adults, Peanut butter Matcha holds a special place in terms of deep palate delight and the feeling of being satiated as they continue to indulge in the depths of this nutty delight.

This versatile treat can also be made to suit the outside temperatures without compromising on overall satisfaction. On cooler days when venturing out is more uncomfortable, a Peanut butter Matcha treat brings its exceptionally warm richness into the day. On warmer days when fast energy loss is likely with the high temperatures, this delectable treat provides cool consolation and relaxation to while away the time soaking in the sun’s beneficial rays. Peanut butter Matcha always delivers its mouthwatering goodness wherever it is.

Company formerly known as Red Leaf Tea.

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31 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

Woah! I just dumped a scoop of this in my timolino full of milk, shook it and left it in the fridge for 2 days.

THIS IS GREAT. It’s so dark and creamy. I love it.


Oh Cavo, you always inspire my matcha prep practices. I will have to give this a try once me and my matcha are reunited.


Do I inspire you with how lazy I am with my matcha? :P I always feel like it’s matcha abuse, but it turns out nicely!


Haven’t you heard that lazy people will always find the most efficient way to do a task so they can get it over with quickly? You taught me to mix matcha in cold milk and most of the time that is far easier and tastes much better than prepping it in hot water like a tea.


That is if you’re not too lazy to do it in the first place, VariaTEA! ;) I need to try this. I still have the Bubblegum matcha to try (I think). I’m a little suspicious of it…


I don’t blame you, OMG! I think there’s a reason that I won such a large amount of it. It’s a little odd.

Laziness wins. :D

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6768 tasting notes

YAY! My RLT Matcha Order came today!!! Woooooot!
I usually try to space them out so I don’t taste more than one tea from the same company but I am REALLY tempted to get thru most of them today! LOL

This is the first of my 6 I ordered :)

I’m not sure why but this one frothed up perfectly! Even better than the other RLT Matcha’s I have already tried! I’m not sure if that is ‘normal’ of this one or just the whisking for today but I’m super impressed, regardless!

Dry – it smells like peanuts. Once I added the water it was a bit more subtle aroma-wise but still impressive! If you like peanuts and/or peanut butter you’ll enjoy the smell!

As for the taste it’s incredible smooth…not as intense peanut-butter-wise taste as I thought it would be but it does have a good deal of it in there. It’s about even-steven with the matcha base flavor. There is a malt-shop drink flavor and texture to this that I really LOVE. There are also hints of PEANUT BUTTER PIE type flavors I am picking up too!

This one is neat! I’m glad I bought it! I will be sharing with my Sororitea Sisters Liberteas AND Azzrian

Yup! This one is Nifty!


Peanut Butter Matcha what a combo. LOL! I bet if you introduced this to all the body builders they would buy this. They love peanut butter and Peanut butter & chocolate together. Wonder if there is a chocolate peanut butter matcha? LOL! Great review by the way.


@Tea is Wisdom … there could be a chocolate peanut butter matcha – as you can order custom blends from red leaf tea. :)


@LiberTeas I didn’t know that I will have to see if they do. Granted I don’t think I would be brave enough to try it. Well maybe! LOL! Thanks for the information I appreciate it.

Autistic Goblin

sounds super yummy! :D

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2291 tasting notes

Steepster app lost my note again. :(

- weird
- salty
- buttery
- nutty
- with almond milk and a little sugar
- need to try plain and with lots of sugar

Thanks, Cavocorax!




Huh. I should probably try this. I ended up opening the bag for a swap, and then after it was open I passed some on to you and CrowKettle. Now I’m a little less excited about trying it, but then it can’t be as weird as the BubbleGum matcha.


I think something’s wrong with my taste buds. They ALL taste super buttery to me.

I haven’t tried the bubblegum yet. I’m kind of scared to. :)

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3504 tasting notes

This is a matcha flavor I bought to mix with another flavor and never imagined I would like it on its own. I don’t hate peanut butter. I like it well enough, particularly with certain things. For instance, vegetable soup MUST have a peanut butter sandwich with it. I grew up heating pancake syrup and mixing the hot syrup in a bowl with a spoonful of peanut butter to “sop” on Sunday nights when we didn’t have dessert with our Sunday dinner leftovers. I love Reese’s peanut butter cups so much that I think my son is pretty much constructed of them due to the number I consumed while nursing him.

Even with all that, I am not the big peanut butter lover in the house. My husband and daughter eat vast amounts of the stuff. So I didn’t expect to care very much about this flavor in its own. I am finding that I like it much more than I expected.

I got the robust flavor level and in this flavor that works for me. In some of the flavors it is too much and there is a perfume vibe, but not this one. I sifted one teaspoon of matcha into a 20 ounce glass, added a tablespoon of raw sugar, and whisked in milk with my Aerolatte. The result is a creamy and smooth tasting latte with a definite flavor of peanut butter, but somehow the creaminess is the main thing happening. You don’t feel like your tongue is going to stick to the roof of your mouth!

If you love peanut butter, this really is a must try. I don’t think they sell it anymore, though. I believe it was replaced with peanut butter pie flavor, which I have not tried.


I love peanut butter but was concerned how the flavour would match up with the matcha, or if the flavour would be overly artificial. Have you tried the macadamia nut matcha?


I think I picked up this one…..unless it was the pie one…


No, but I have almond and it is my absolute favorite!


Nooooo!!! When did they stop offering this one?? :(


A long while back, I believe. It was already gone when I did my first review of it.


they have straight up peanut matcha…dunno how different that would be but you could mix it with a creamy other matcha lol


That’s a great idea! I didn’t realize there was a plain peanut matcha!

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6444 tasting notes

A snuck a cup of this tasty matcha milk in before my classes this morning. It was deliciously nutty and salty-sweet (and yes, I understand those two words contradict one another but you know what I mean :P). Thank you Cavocorax!

Sami Kelsh

I am suitably intrigued by the fact that this flavour exists. That sounds lush!


I recently received Peanut Butter Pie matcha. We will have to see how the two compare.

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806 tasting notes

mmmm… I added the last of the cheesecake matcha to this (just so I could empty the tin and put the new matcha in it)pretty tasty :D

185 °F / 85 °C

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470 tasting notes

I thought it’d be a good time to review this matcha since it’s currently on sale! It’s actually the last one from my previous order to try, for some reason I didn’t really feel compelled to try it out until a few days ago. When I ordered it I was super excited, but once it arrived I was like “meh, peanut butter.” So it took a while to get enthused about it! I got:

Size: 30 grams (small)
Base: Classic Matcha
Flavor Level: Distinctive

So, I don’t like peanuts very much. They’re my least favorite nut! But I LOVE peanut butter, and peanut butter themed things (like reeses!). In the bag this smells like, well, peanuts… not a great start. And at first sip, it’s just kind of peanutt-y. Red Leaf actually has a straight Peanut matcha, and I was really really hoping this one would be different.

Thankfully, about halfway through the mug I got a really strong peanut butter taste! Toasty, nutty, buttery, smooth and creamy. Mmm, peanut butter! This is an exceptionally thick matcha, and I think it’s best as a latte which really brings out the creamy qualities. This definitely turned out better than expected, and if you like peanut butter it’ll be right up your alley. I think it would also be really good for baking—peanut butter matcha cupcakes perhaps? You can get some here:

Autistic Goblin

I voted for it and it won so I promptly ordered some :D Now I just have to wait….


I’m actually tempted to get some more because it’s on sale—it’s a really good everyday flavor.


This sounds like the difference between Caramel and Caramel Popcorn. Caramel wasn’t bad, but Caramel Popcorn was just so much more complex I thought it blew Caramel out of the water.


Caramel Popcorn is just SO GOOD. You’re right, it is similar! As much as I like the straight caramel, the extra complexity of the caramel popcorn (which I was going to abbreviate until I realized how awful it would look lol!) just makes it SO delicious! I haven’t tried the straight peanut but after this one I think it’d be much the same.


It would be interesting to try the Peanut butter Matcha with Strawberry, or maybe just with a shot of strawberry syrup. Huh have to keep that in mind when I finally get around to ordering Matcha from Red leaf.


I actually don’t have Strawberry matcha! It’s one of those flavors that I just kind of forgot about haha. I am going to try peanut butter tiramisu though!


I was going to get strawberry matcha, but then as Azzrian sent me a sample and it was just too candy sweet for me. And I do love strawberries, and I love berry flavored things, but it was just mehhh. I’d only recommend it to someone who really really like candy flavored stuff.

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16975 tasting notes

So yesterday started off with my receiving some tea in the mail from the lovely Cavocorax, who was very generous with the sample sizes she sent and who also through in some very interesting looking extras.

Because our water was off, I decided to take advantage of the new matchas in my cupboard and mix some of this up with cold milk. 1/2 tsp. of matcha to 12 oz. of cold milk. Overall, it was pretty interesting and I definitely got some of the peanut butter flavour, but it was also pretty light handed on the flavouring. Perhaps I just had too much milk to my ratio of matcha. Next time I’ll use a little more matcha and see if I can make this one taste a little stronger.

Thanks Cavo!

12 OZ / 354 ML

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15596 tasting notes

Courtney wants to try this, so I figured i should open the package up to try it before sending some off to her. Keeping in mind that this package was opened today, I was slightly disappointed in the whole opening process today. Unlike most Red Leaf Packages, when I open them, i’m usually hit in the face with that particular flavour. I’m not sure if it’s because this is distinctive level or some other reason entirely but i got none of my usual WOW when i opened this.

I made this up as a latte today and while it was decent enough, i never once got the feeling i was drinking peanut butter flavoured anything. I didn’t dislike the drink, but i’m not sure if anything about this screams PB.

So courtney, fair warning, that this is coming your way regardless, but if you also have issues, maybe see if you can steal some of cavo’s to see if it was maybe my batch or flavouring level :)


Haha sounds good. Thanks for the heads up. Any matcha sharing is greatly appreciated!


Since i won’t have time to get to the post office today, I’ll see if there’s another flavour in my unopened packages that you haven’t tried that i can open and send some to you heh

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814 tasting notes

Thanks to Cavocorax for this sample! So good! I had this tea for breakfast with agave and soymilk and then got my haircut at lunch and bought comic books ( just cuz i can and now I’m using the steepster app to post for the first time yay friday!

ok. nope.
i kept getting an error and my note wouldn’t post.
i’ll have to look into that.


There’s a Steepster app?! What??


I looked in the App Store and couldn’t find one….


@whatshesaid I believe they are “testing” a beta app for iPhone. It was in the discussion thread a while back if I remember correctly. I don’t steepster on the phone cause it’s too small so I didn’t take part which is why I can’t give you more info. I am sure shmiracles will… :)


Ohhhh ok. It would be nice to use on my iPad for sure!


it’s in beta atm


My notes won’t post either, so I’ve given up until another update comes out. :/


i got a new iphone, and messaged steepster help today cuz i couldn’t get the app installed. but i’m hoping it will work on this phone better Fingers Crossed once i do get it installed

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