Backlog from yesterday.
VariaTEA sent me this sample – and I was really excited about it because I recently discovered/learned that I really enjoy Creme Brulee and Creme Brulee flavoured things. I whisked some of this up in cold milk (using up the last of our milk), and got ready for a yummy treat.
I was a little disappointed though – it was basically just sweetened/slightly creamier milk. Nothing abundantly “Creme Brulee”. Once I’ve bought more milk, I’ll have to try it again – just to see if I can make it more flavourful by using more matcha.
I’ve been eating lots of popcorn recently; and I’m wondering if matcha would make an interesting popcorn seasoning. Has anyone tried that? I imagine Caramel matcha (or Caramel Popcorn Matcha) would work well enough…
Thanks VariaTEA!
whoa, caffeinated popcorn! heh. It sounds interesting but when using popcorn seasoning I always find a lot of waste at the bottom of the bowl, and I’d hate to waste precious matcha!
I am sorry it was disappointing. I was let down too. I think it might benefit from a higher flavoring level as it is only delicate but I doubt I would order it again.
I don’t know how this’d work with Matcha – but I also dissolve my popcorn shakers into about a tablespoon or so of butter and then sprinkle that on. No waste – that way. I’m really hard core about my popcorn though; a year or working at a movie theatre but made me totally sick of movie theatre popcorn but also ingrained the habit of having it into me – so I compromise and air pop my own ;)
I am pretty sure it was Angel from teavivre who posted she uses matcha on popcorn.
OH dissolve it in the butter first? I feel like a moron now…BRILLIANT!