
Tea type
Green Tea
Not available
Butter, Cream, Peach, Vanilla, Floral, Smooth, Sweet, Bitter, Seaweed, Vegetal, Custard, Grass, Oak, Tart, Autumn Leaf Pile, Candy, Creamy, Dry Grass, Green
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 30 sec 5 g 12 oz / 363 ml

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101 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Super sad sipdown! I quite like this tea, I wish it was a little more peachy, but the creamyness is really tasty. Reminds me I’m due for a Lupicia order, though I really hate their shipping price...” Read full tasting note
  • “It’s not as cold anymore (Okay, Canadians, I know 10 C doesn’t seem very cold to you considering your current weather situation, but it’s really been unusually chilly and wet here.) so I can drink...” Read full tasting note
  • “Odd! I know this is supposed to be peach but it tastes kinda almondy to me. Like in an almond flavor kind of way. I get the texture and mouthfeel of matcha here from the added matcha powder. I...” Read full tasting note
  • “I decided I was going to cold brew this last night and it is pretty good that way, which is fortunate since I didn’t care for it very much when it was hot. It’s a beautiful sunny day here and it’s...” Read full tasting note

From Lupicia

Luscious peach and sweet vanilla flavored green tea captures the enchanting nature of a graceful Japanese beauty.

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101 Tasting Notes

18 tasting notes

This is one of my top three teas. This tea has a soft peach aroma, sweetened by vanilla. The intensity of the flavors is just about perfect with the green tea – not too subtle or overwhelming. The peach smells and tastes like natural peach. The tea itself is beautiful with tiny squares of lavender-colored sugar, red and blue flower petals, and tiny flower buds that looked like heather against the shiny, dark green leaves of the tea. Perfect for cool spring days.


Nice review this sounds really good and I enjoy peach teas.


Lupicia has really good peach teas – Momoko and Momo Oolong Supergrade are my favorites.

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226 tasting notes

I didn’t think this tea was old enough to have lost that much of it’s flavor, but I suppose it wouldn’t (and shouldn’t) surprise me to learn that Lupicia’s fruit flavored teas, which are masterfully and tastily blended, have a bit shorter shelf life than their more inferior contemporaries. That kind of fruit flavor is rare and hard to come by. (By the way, I’ve only had the tea for seven months, which I would consider not that old.)

Anyway, I’ve decided to start testing the waters, so to speak, regarding my caffeine intake. I’m still nursing, but with my little one a bit older now, I wonder if her system has developed enough to be able to handle introducing small amounts of caffeine back into my diet (say, one caffeinated drink per day, and not that much). It seems to be working so far, as she’s shown no trouble with this tea (this is actually a back logged note). I will keep trying! There may be hope!

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 15 sec

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70 tasting notes

I’m starting to see a trend. Flavored green teas appeal to me much more than their black tea counterparts. Maybe it’s because the tea and flavors aren’t competing so dang hard with each other? I dunno. Anyway, this smelled like a nice soft peach candy, and my son really wanted to try it (he loves the Momo character from Avatar). He likes his tea “with three sugars please,” so I give him two and tell him it’s three.

I sipped some of his to see if it was cool enough (not quite), and then I sipped some more, and a little more. It was really tasty. Candylike but not overpowering, just kind of natural, fruity-floral and sweet tasting.

The second steep was also fruity and nice—it didn’t seem to lose much. The only problem was that I’d more or less ruined my tastebuds by drowning them in sugar, so I’ll have to wait till my palate clears up before I can say anything about it straight. Whoops!

EDIT: I should also mention that it’s a pretty blend, but it ain’t quite as fancy-looking as the picture here would have you believe. x) Look at all those flowers…holy cow!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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39 tasting notes

This smells amazing. Sweet and fruity, though if you didn’t mention it was supposed to be peach I probably wouldn’t have known. I think I’ll simply sniff the teabags the next time I need a pick-me-up.

In the cup this tea is very light and not as sweet as it smells (probably a good thing). The scent is still there, and it does remind me of the peach gummies someone else mentioned. The tea itself tastes slightly sweet, but other than that it doesn’t taste like much of anything at all, except for a slight bitterness at the end (and I swear I didn’t oversteep it!). Most of the “taste” comes from the scent of the tea. All in all a good one for spring.

Thanks go to Toi Toi for sending me a sample to try!

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150 tasting notes

This just isn’t for me. It smells wonderful – huge peach aroma. Looks like Lupicia’s standard green bancha with cute little sugar crystals and rose petals. I’m not sure if it was the rose petals or the peach flavoring, but something about this tea didn’t sit right with me. It could have been the floral note – apparently I am picky about which florals I like. Or it could have been the peach flavoring, which was sweet and felt a little artificial in my mouth. It reminded me of Japanese peach candies, but I like those better.

I tried this both hot and iced and didn’t like it either way.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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13 tasting notes

This one was a no brainer for me. I love green tea and I love peaches, this tea has wonderful flavors of both. The floral flavors of the Rose petals and Cornflow is present but not overly powerful and seems to pull the sweetness to the front. The sweetness is amazing because it’s there but not really there. A total mind f***!

I have a full tin of this and I totally purchased it based on the fragrance. I walked in to the Honolulu Lupicia store just for the hell of it and the smell punched me in the face and buy some now. Damn you Lupicia.

I highly recommend you at least try this tea it is surely one of my favorites.

170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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35 tasting notes

This wouldn’t have been one I’d have purchased myself – I prefer flavoured blacks to flavoured greens – but I got a tin of it in my Happy Bag last week and it seems to be one of Lupicia’s signature flavours so I gave it a try. Very pleasantly surprised. Served hot, the peach flavour is very authentic, not like a artificial chemical taste. Just the right amount of vanilla as well, which tempers the tartness of the fruit without being cloying. Despite my addiction to black tea with milk, I can definitely see myself repeatedly coming back to this one. May try it iced and in a bellini as well, now that I see people have recommended it!

Just one question – I noticed on the ingredient label that this contains artificial colouring. Uh…what? Is that even necessary?

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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106 tasting notes

Had some of this earlier today. It says to steep in boiling water but I don’t like the idea of putting a green in boiling water. So I steeped it at a normal temp for greens. It smells really good very sweet and floral. It tastes really good. I was a little worried about how sweet it would be with the sugar that is in it, but it wasn’t bad at all. A very nice green tea.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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18 tasting notes

Before Steeping:
Coloring- Flowers and Green Tea
Scent- Vanilla and Green Tea

After Steeping:
Color- Yellow
Scent- light Vanilla

Nude- Very Green Tea-sec, with a slight hint of vanilla
With Sugar- Very vanilla-like taste with an aftertast of Green Tea

*Very delicate, very delicious highly recommend

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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75 tasting notes

Ahhh, Lupicia. You always know how to put summer in my mouth. :) The peach and vanilla flavours in this light, fruity tea are smooth and tasty. I didn’t even have to sweeten it!

My dear Momoko, I’m sorry I almost boiled your water and steeped you for longer than recommended, but you still made me quite happy. You are a very good tea, and I intend to have you in my cupboard soon. :)

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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