drank Momoko by Lupicia
150 tasting notes

This just isn’t for me. It smells wonderful – huge peach aroma. Looks like Lupicia’s standard green bancha with cute little sugar crystals and rose petals. I’m not sure if it was the rose petals or the peach flavoring, but something about this tea didn’t sit right with me. It could have been the floral note – apparently I am picky about which florals I like. Or it could have been the peach flavoring, which was sweet and felt a little artificial in my mouth. It reminded me of Japanese peach candies, but I like those better.

I tried this both hot and iced and didn’t like it either way.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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I’ve just recently discovered the world of loose tea and am really enjoying myself. I’m still in SAMPLE EVERYTHING mode, and likely always will be.

I love green teas, chai, and citrus flavors. I don’t mind hibiscus. I will drink a bitter green tea, but won’t drink bitter black tea. I’m working on figuring out which black teas work for me.

I tend to drink my tea without milk or sugar.

I’m using Steepster’s Cupboard function to actually reflect my current tea stock, otherwise I’d never be able to remember what I already have.

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