Momo Oolong Super Grade

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Natural Flavours, Oolong Tea Leaves, Rose Petals
Butter, Floral, Peach, Rose, Vegetal, Fruit Tree Flowers, Fruity, Smooth, Stonefruit, Sweet, Tangy, Alcohol, Metallic, Spring Water, Creamy, Garden Peas, Orchid, Flowers, Plum, Lychee, Osmanthus, Astringent, Nectar, Coconut, Meringue, Dried Fruit, Autumn Leaf Pile, Grass, Mineral, Apricot, Milk, Thick, Perfume
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 4 g 13 oz / 398 ml

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149 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This is such a delicious oolong. I had the first peach of the season this morning that I got from Whole Foods last night. Delightful. I love all the summer fruit. Yesterday before I left the office...” Read full tasting note
  • “The only hot tea I have brewed up currently, another sample from Azzrian! Thrilled that it’s another pouchong blend, as I loved Mandarin Silk from the Persimmon Tree. Aroma is definitely...” Read full tasting note
  • “This comes to me from Jennkay—thank you! It smells peachy as it brews, but decidedly like a white peach and not a yellow one. The taste is even better than the smell: oh my goodness! It’s a very...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks Azzrian! I just may be the last Steepster to try this (ok…maybe not…but there have been TONS of others!) This is wonderful! It really hits the spot today! It’s gently floral and...” Read full tasting note

From Lupicia

MOMO OOLONG SUPER GRADE is a delicious oolong tea scented with white peach. Savor the succulent flavor and aroma of Japanese white peach in this high-quality Taiwanese pouchong blend accented with pink rose petals. Our all-time top seller!

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149 Tasting Notes

2816 tasting notes

This is such a delicious oolong. I had the first peach of the season this morning that I got from Whole Foods last night. Delightful. I love all the summer fruit.

Yesterday before I left the office I cold brewed a teabag of this and am drinking it with my lunch as an iced tea. It’s pretty good this way. Only a few more days of our current heatwave before it’s back to rain and overcast weather, I’m enjoying the sun!

Iced 8 min or more

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6119 tasting notes

The only hot tea I have brewed up currently, another sample from Azzrian! Thrilled that it’s another pouchong blend, as I loved Mandarin Silk from the Persimmon Tree.

Aroma is definitely deliciously green oolong with a hint of fruitiness. Oh man… yeah, I think we have another winner. Sweet, real peach initially, which fades into a general fruitiness as the oolong flavour slides in. Delicious. The base is fabulous here, and the flavouring is amazing. I can see myself drinking this on those days where an oolong craving strikes, but I want something a little sweeter. This cup is disappearing VERY quickly. It could stand to be a touch stronger, but I might be thinking that because I just had a couple strong iced teas. Also, absolutely zero astringency/bitterness.

Thank you so much Azzrian! Although I get some misses from you, I’ve also had some absolutely HUGE hits, especially recently! It’s wonderful (yet oh so terrible wallet-wise).

ETA: Less flavour but still delicious second infusion. Drank a bit more after sampling some other teas, and wow is the oolong flavour powerful… and delicious!! Love it.

ETA again: Third infusion too light to bother, most days.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Azzrian 13 years ago

LOL thank you girl! I know we miss sometimes – our taste is not exactly the same but we both have got some AMAZINGLY awesome teas from each other and mutually hurt each others wallets LOL what are friends for?! :P
I always love to trade with you!

Kittenna 13 years ago

Haha, trading with you is always wonderful too! Going to re-steep my leaves now….. yum yum yum yum yum!

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564 tasting notes

This comes to me from Jennkay—thank you! It smells peachy as it brews, but decidedly like a white peach and not a yellow one. The taste is even better than the smell: oh my goodness! It’s a very clear, refreshing fruit taste. If I haven’t bought any of this by my birthday I’ll have to, because it reminds me of summer.

ETA: As it cools it gets sweeter, almost like candy. Delicious both ways.

180 °F / 82 °C
Anna 11 years ago

Yes! LOVE this!

Jennkay 11 years ago

Yay! Glad you love it, too :)

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6768 tasting notes

Thanks Azzrian!

I just may be the last Steepster to try this (ok…maybe not…but there have been TONS of others!)

This is wonderful! It really hits the spot today! It’s gently floral and juicy-sweet peach at just the right intensity. And the Oolong – hands-down – ONE WORDAWESOME!

Azzrian 13 years ago

Yup this is the STUFF! :)
LOVE it!
Very welcome – happy to spread the love!

Tamm 13 years ago

You just reminded me how much I love this one!

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592 tasting notes

Cold brewed this one yet again. I’m having a nice refreshing snack of peach iced tea, handmade tortilla chips, and homemade guacamole. Seems like an odd combination, but I’m really liking it. So much so that I think I’m probably eating too much as a “snack” and will have to eat less for dinner. Anyway, I think this is my favorite iced tea (I can’t even remember what it tastes like hot anymore), so I’m going through it pretty quickly.

Kat_Maria 11 years ago

Wow! My hub and I are going to have homemade guacamole (isn’t it the best???) with tortilla chips (store-bought, though) in a few minutes. Except the tea we’re having is Harney&Sons’ Tokyo.

And the Momo was really good, thanks for sending me a sample of it :)

Jennkay 11 years ago

Sounds delicious! I especially like making my own guac because I’m not a huge fan of cilantro that seems to be abundant in premade guacamole.

And you’re welcome! I’m glad that you had the chance to try this tea out :)

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265 tasting notes

All of you people posting about peach teas reminded me that I haven’t had any of this since I got back from my trip. I’ve now fixed that state of affairs.

This is still really good, still one of my favourite flavoured teas. There’s something about the combination of peach and oolong that works really well together, more so than many other fruit flavoured teas I’ve tried, and something about this peach oolong in particular that especially works for me. This really does taste like peach rather than peach flavouring, and the balance of the flavour and the tea is just right.

I got a bit overenthusiastic and used a little too much leaf this time, and used boiling water instead of water at just slightly below boiling point, so I ended up with a slightly stronger flavour and just a little more astringency than I prefer. Will make sure to go back to my usual method with this tea next time.

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec
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Angrboda 15 years ago

LOL! So it’s a peach pandemic now? I’ve noticed that too actually. Peaches peaches peaches. Not too fond of peaches myself, so I’ll wait for the next trend. :)

Jillian 15 years ago

LOL, well I think my Stash peach oolong is the only peach-flavoured thing I own so in my case you won’t have to wait too long for me to move to something else. XD

Luthien 15 years ago

Oh, feel free to keep posting about peach teas. I like them! wonders what the next big thing will be g

Suzi 15 years ago

I hope the next big wave is blueberries; I just love blueberry tea! Peach is good too tho’ :-p

Hyrulehippie 15 years ago

I already logged the peach sample I had…I’ll have to sit this one out. Then again, I do take credit for starting an Almond Avalanche, so I can wait out the Peach Pandemic.

Feel free to ignore my ridiculousness. >__<

Luthien 15 years ago

@suzi I’ve never had a blueberry tea. I will have to hunt one down!

@hyrulehippie You definitely get points for the Almond Avalanche. ;-)

Suzi 15 years ago

Luthien – Adagio has had my favorite blueberry tea so far, very natural like fresh berries, but Lupicia had a really nice blueberries & cream blend that tasted like a blueberry muffin. Yum!

Luthien 15 years ago

@suzi Thanks for the suggestions! I can’t order from Adagio sniffle because they won’t ship to Australia, but I will see what the Australian Lupicia store has on offer.

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807 tasting notes

Just juicy as juicy can get! The aroma is stronger than the flavor but you know what … I find that of most all teas.
Its a fresh ripe juicy peach off the tree before it is processed into a million sugary corn syrup added items for the store shelves!
The rose is just a very gentle backdrop.
Just amazing. Love it!
I am going to try this chilled and maybe also with sugar both in the hot and cold brew later because yeah well I do happen to also like those sugary items on the store shelves.

Veronica 13 years ago

As soon as I read your description this tea went straight on my shopping list. Sounds fabulous!

Azzrian 13 years ago

It is SO SO SO SO good! Everything I have tried from Lupicia has been amazing!

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2201 tasting notes

I had a sachet of this last night at my departmental tea time. I got this along with a few other bags of sachets in my Happy Bag this year. Initially I wasn’t enthused about most of them (although this one I did want to try), but I figured out the perfect use for them! I’ve donated them to tea time because most of the girls there have some fear of loose leaf and never drink the loose leaf I bring. But they seemed more interested in the sachets. One of them had a cup of Chocolate Strawberry Puer and loved it!

Anyway, this tea. I have to say that I was underwhelmed by this. Although the peach flavor was fresh and juicy, it was very light. That normally wouldn’t be a problem for me except that the oolong didn’t seem to have much flavor either. I mean, what was there was very nice, but I wanted more. Maybe I should try two sachets next time (though I’ve never had that problem with Lupicia sachets before). Actually it might be the unfiltered water that we use at tea time. That’s probably it, so I won’t rate it just now. I guess I’ll have to try another sachet of this with filtered water.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
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__Morgana__ 11 years ago

Is there a word for “fear of loose leaf”? Steepphobia?

Tuscanteal 11 years ago

LOL Steepaphobia…

Tuscanteal 11 years ago

But wait, wouldn’t that be the fear of steeping all tea? looseleafteaaphobia?

__Morgana__ 11 years ago

Yeah, I thought teaphobia was too all inclusive. ;-)

Lynxiebrat 11 years ago

Maybe increase the steeping time? How do other teas (Like ones that you know well.) fare with the unfiltered water?

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431 tasting notes

Super juicy fresh peach flavor. Just delightful, light, and refreshing. It doesn’t taste artificial or sticky sweet or syrupy if you know what I mean. I really liked this. I am glad I went outside my comfort zone and got this. I will buy it again and maybe even it chill it.

200 °F / 93 °C 1 min, 30 sec

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525 tasting notes
Thank you Azzrian for this yummy tea! I brought this to share with my sister while cake baking for mother’s day. It’s very peachy! Real sweet peach! It’s reminiscent of gummies. I think a lot of Lupicia teas taste like gummies. Soooo good!

The oolong also makes a lovely fresh appearance making the peach not too candy-like. Oh, Lupicia. Why can’t you be on the east coast? whhyyyy???

gmathis 13 years ago

Momo — wasn’t that the pet, uh, whatever on, The Last Airbender? Every time I see this title, I want to go hunt down old episodes :)

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

Never saw the show. Momo is Japanese for peach, I think…

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