White Vanilla Grapefruit

Tea type
White Tea
Not available
Creamy, Hay, Smooth, Vanilla, Citrus, Cream, Orange, Grapefruit, Fruity, Alcohol
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Felicia
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 30 sec 3 g 14 oz / 413 ml

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57 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Intriguing tea. The white base here is of the stronger more robust variety, bordering on woody. I cold brewed mine. I can imagine that this one is sensitive to oversteeping with hot water. The base...” Read full tasting note
  • “LOVE the gentle mixture of aromas in this! I’m still going against the grain here and enjoying this tea! Even tho I seem to be in the minority…I’m standing my ground! :) The vanilla cuts the...” Read full tasting note
  • “SIPDOWN! (242) Thanks mercuryhime for sharing this one with me. I tried the last of this as a cold brew and it was pretty tasty. Still no grapefruit taste to speak of but it’s quite a nice vanilla...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was a freebie that came with my latest Harney & Sons order. When I opened the package, I "eek"ed out loud because the sachet was not properly sealed. Tea almost spilled everywhere. The...” Read full tasting note

From Harney & Sons

Our cleansing white tea blend of White Vanilla Grapefruit is enriched by vanilla, and brightened by the clear citrus notes of grapefruit. Its vanilla aroma adds a pleasantly indulgent touch.

White tea, grapefruit flavor, vanilla flavor.

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

57 Tasting Notes

525 tasting notes

Intriguing tea. The white base here is of the stronger more robust variety, bordering on woody. I cold brewed mine. I can imagine that this one is sensitive to oversteeping with hot water. The base is also a bit like dark chocate which pairs nicely with the vanilla. It’s a very smooth and sweet vanilla. Very pleasant! Unfortunately, the grapefruit part of this tea is quite lacking. The flavor shows up only in the after taste and lingers in a bad way. Like cheap air freshener. But it’s faint so it’s not so bad.

Over all this is a pleasant tea to go with sweets. I probably won’t get more but I’ll enjoy it while I have it. Might try putting some citrus zest in at some point to highlight the grapefruit. I do think a vanilla citrus combo can be quite nice.


I had a cup of this at a coffee place (bagged but I think it only comes bagged) and I liked it a lot – HOWEVER it was one of the first better quality teas I had tired.
This was before getting into loose leaf and finding steepster but not long before!
I wonder if I would still like it now that I have tried so many other teas. Still have yet to find a GREAT Grapefruit tea though.


Mine is loose but I bought it from Harney directly. Perhaps that makes a difference?
It’s really interesting to go back and taste old favorites pre-Steepster. I gotta say, the old tie guan yin I used to love so much is only tasting mediocre these days. Sad.


Yeah it is sad in a way to advance past the ability to enjoy some old loved ones.
Oh I wonder if it does make a difference. I may grabs some when I make my order with them.


Try Lupicia’s Grapefruit Green. As I’m found of saying, it’s a citric punch-in-the-mouth! ;)

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6768 tasting notes

LOVE the gentle mixture of aromas in this! I’m still going against the grain here and enjoying this tea! Even tho I seem to be in the minority…I’m standing my ground! :) The vanilla cuts the grapefruit and the grapefruit cuts the vanilla and there is a bit of floral to it. This is very pleasant.


Different strokes for different folks…hmm…Different tastes for different tongues? ;)


teahee!!! Indeed!


YAY!! Someone else thinks vanilla and grapefruit go together!! People look at me so strangely when I put vanilla extract on grapefruit…I’m so glad I’m not alone!! Another one for the shopping list!


Ooh, this sounds awesome…


I just got a sample of this with my Harney order I received today, anxious to try it!

Jessica Austin Burdett

Absolutely love this tea, it is heaven in a cup!! If anyone is ever in Camden Lock, London, UK, visit Yumchaa they sell delicious tea like this!!

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15588 tasting notes

SIPDOWN! (242) Thanks mercuryhime for sharing this one with me. I tried the last of this as a cold brew and it was pretty tasty. Still no grapefruit taste to speak of but it’s quite a nice vanilla citrus tea. :) Probably not a re-buy but i for sure wouldn’t turn this down!

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735 tasting notes

This was a freebie that came with my latest Harney & Sons order. When I opened the package, I "eek"ed out loud because the sachet was not properly sealed. Tea almost spilled everywhere. The whole bottom of the bag had not been closed. Strange! So I dumped it all into my infuser and continued.

It didn’t smell very much like grapefruit dry or while steeping. I mostly smelled the delicious vanilla they use in the Vanilla Comoro. (But not as overwhelmingly strong.) There’s a vague hint of citrus, but I feel like if I didn’t know it was there, I wouldn’t have known what it was. But the flavor is quite different! The vanilla is more dominant than the fruit, but the grapefruit is quite present, especially on the exhale. It’s very nice, in a unique way. I can’t say much for the white tea, as it has been smothered by other flavors. But this is really interesting, and enjoyable.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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2037 tasting notes

Found this in the work stash. I am having to guess a little at steeping time and water temp (the hazards of not being at home).

The sachet has the most amazing, strong vanilla scent. No grapefruit, but a really lovely vanilla. A mix of beany and creamy. Mmmm.

After steeping I get a citrus note to the aroma as well. The liquor is a clear amber.

Really pleasant flavor. The grapefruit comes out more and more as the tea gets cooler, adding a freshness to the flavor that keeps the vanilla from being overpoweringly sweet.

Though I can’t justify any more tea buying, I am putting this on my list in case I ever manage to drink my way out of lock down.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

" in case I ever manage to drink my way out of lock down." That’s funny. It’s exactly how I feel right now. Out of control stash, not allowed to buy any. Great phrase (I might steal it…) :))


«I can’t justify any more tea buying…» Hey, itchy fingers under control????


Dexter, dunno what you’re talking about…


TF, yes I’ve got the itchy fingers well in hand (no pun intended).

Dexter, lol, be my guest. ;-)

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2291 tasting notes


This tea smells a bit like vanilla citrus cake just in the bag. It makes me crave muffins with brown sugar and citrus zest sprinkled onto the top to make it all crunchy and delicious.

Of course, my smelling is rather suspect right now due to a cold, but this is what I wanted, so this is what I’m having.

Steeping it for 2 minutes at a lower temperature (kettle wasn’t quite boiling, then I let it sit for a few minutes before pouring), it smells so delicious. Not really grapefruit, but lots of vanilla.

If they had samples of the loose tea, or any smaller option than a tin of sachets or 1lb of loose, I would probably get it again to try. As it is, it’s a nice vanilla tea with some citrus notes.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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150 tasting notes

I’m taking SimplyJenW’s lead here in wishing Mr. Harney a very Happy Birthday!!!!

This tea is another one from my impulse buy gone awry, but at least this tea IS in sachets. I’ve had White Vanilla Grapefruit before and I’ve liked it. Tonight, for some odd reason, it tastes bitter and bad. Why? Wwwhhhyyyy???? I think I need some sleep, so no rating for now.


This one sounds interesting. I may throw a sample in my cart.


I’ll send you some! Please don’t buy any untill you know that you love it :)


Edit: Until not untill… gish!


LOL! I understood! I will pm my address. Thanks!


Yay! I’m totally literate lately with my comments :/

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200 tasting notes

I had a teabag of this tea, which was older than I liked to admit, but it was actually pretty tasty. Definitely overwhelming amount of vanilla, and not too much grapefruit. My boyfriend tried this and he LOVED it. Of course he likes the expensive tea. I looked online, and they only sell it loose by the pound?! Geez.. that’s pricey.

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108 tasting notes

One of my favorite before bed teas. Nice smooth, mellow flavors to get you ready to snuggle up in bed.

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523 tasting notes

The dry leaf smells so pleasing like a vanilla cupcake. It’s a soft, natural vanilla aroma that carries into the brewed cup. The first couple of sips didn’t deliver anything but white tea. I wondered what happened to the vanilla and I wondered where the grapefruit was in the first place. But after the third sip, it all came together. The grapefruit was just late to the party I guess.

I really like this tea. Pleasant, balanced flavor; a good comforting cup for a quiet day. :)

165 °F / 73 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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